About the Author

Michelle Levigne has been a book addict since kindergarten, starting with Dr. Seuss and graduating to the Happy Hollisters juvenile sleuth series, then an abridged two-volume set of Rudyard Kipling found in her parents' bookshelf (fell in love with Mowgli and Kim) before detouring through a flirtation with Star Trek in fifth grade (who is better, Trek's Dr. McCoy or X-Men's Dr. McCoy?) before being captured by the Black Stallion like all the other girls in her class. In junior high, she fell captive to Greco-Roman mythology and found The Odyssey after watching an old Kirk Douglas movie on rainy Sunday afternoon. (And some people still believe her when she says she read it in the original Greek.) Then in senior high, the addiction took over her life and she became a pusher--she started writing.

The Zygradon books, which are original to Uncial Press, have a firm foundation in the Mary Stewart Merlin books (The Crystal Cave, The Hollow Hills, The Last Enchantment), which she discovered in college. During a brief flirtation with fanzine publishing, influenced by a friend who wrote Fantasy Island stories (yes, that long ago!), she wrote a Fantasy Island episode where the daughter of King Arthur, awakened from an enchantment, became Mr. Roarke's ward and came to the island to find Excalibur. When will the descendant of that story show up in the Zygradon books? Be patient. There's a lot of history to explore and enjoy.

Welcome to the Zygradon series, and many thanks to Uncial for inviting me to join them at the beginning of this adventure.

We're going to have a lot of fun.

To learn about other universes and genres Michelle writes in, visit her Web site: www.Mlevigne.com.

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