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active force: Laozi, 53; receptive force and, 43–4
activity: creativity, 85, 101; pattern, 114–15; pattern’s capacity to act, 108–9
actual entities: concrescence, 84; concrescence, dipolar nature of God and, 98–9; concrescence, three phases, 86; as drops of experience, 86; eternal objects, 87; eternal objects in concrescence, 88–9; nexus, 84–5; particle physics and, 84; self-creative autonomy, 87–8, 91–2; self-creative autonomy, concrescence and, 92; subjective aims, 86, 91–2; subjective form, 86; subjects, 85–6; as subject-superjects, 92–3; superjective phase, 87
actuality: of creation, 130–1; of kingdom of God, 125
agency: of God, 9; of Spirit, creaturely agency and, 118
anarchy, Daoism, 59–60
Appended Remarks (Classic of Change), 44–5; Change, 45; the Way and the vessel, 45–6. See also Classic of Change
Asad, Talal, definition of religion, 24–5
Asian theologies: as contextual theology, 20; decolonizing theology of spirit as comparative theology of spirit-qi, 33–41; indigenization, 15–16; local theologies, 15–16
Asian women, colonialism and, 20
asymmetric ignorance, 26
awakening and cutting (Moon), 254–5
Beijing capture, 2
being so of itself, the Way, 49–50
binary of receptive and active forces, 43–4; Laozi, 53, 55
biopolitical production, 247–8
Catholic Christianity, in Korea, 3. See also Christianity
Change/Way/Spirit of Great Ultimate, 199–210
chaophilia, 245
chaophilic paradigm, Daoism, 58–61
chaophobia, Western theism and, 59
chaos, the Way and, 47–8
chaoskampf, 58
chaosmos, 34, 173; Great Ultimate and, 39–40; virtual Ideas in, 192–8
chaotic indeterminancy of all figures, 177
chaotic multiplicity, 172
Cheng Hao, life-giving intention, 149–50
Cheng Yi: Nongmun on, 159–60; Zhu Xi and, 70–1
Chidester, David, definition of religions, 28
China, Christian missionary activity, 2–3
Choe Je-u. See Su-un
Christ: kingdom of God and, 124–5; martyrdom, 125–6; Prince of Peace, 12–13; resurrection made theological, 127; significance of, 126; trinitarian logic of life and death, 128
Christian identity, comparative theology and, 26–7
Christian missionaries, Beijing capture, 2–3
Christian narrative, thinking and, 123
Christian theology: comparative theology and, 22–3; East Asian religions and, 14; Eastern Learning (Donghak) comparison, 5; Hindu thought parallels, 28; Holy Spirit, Ultimate Energy/Lord Heaven and, 7–8; imperial Christianity, 12–13; intratextuality and, 23–4, 26; Trinity, 9–10; universal category of religion and, 25. See also Catholic Christianity
christology, Hegel, 124–5
circles of convergence, eternal objects, 176–7
Classic of Change: Appended Remarks, 44–5; pattern and, 66. See also Appended Remarks (Classic of Change
Clooney, Francis: comparative theology and, 22–4; Hindu God, Christian God, 28–9; postliberal theology, 23–4
code, intercultural hermeneutics, 35
colonialism: Asian women, 20; cultural identity and, 19; subalterns, 19
colonization: hierarchy and, 18–19; inculturating theologies, 16
comparative theology, 14; Christian identity and, 26–7; Christian tradition in, 22–3; Clooney, Francis, 22–4; contextualization, liberation, 32–3; differences within traditions, 28; Fredericks, James, 22–4; home tradition and, 23–4; increase in, 22; interreligious relations and, 24, 27–8; metaphor and, 27; Nicholson, Hugh, 26; outsiders within, 29; power differences, neutralizing, 29–32; recognition, 31; religions classics and, 31; religious others, engaging, 28
concrescence, 37; creative activity as lure, 92–3; actual entities, 84; actual entities, dipolar nature of God and, 98–9; actual entities, eternal objects and, 88–9; actual entities, three phases, 86; actual entities as subject-superjects, 92–3; eternal objects, endowment, 91–2; eternal objects, potentiality and, 90–1; reality as, 83–8
concrete totalities, religions as, 25–6
Confucianism: Daoism and, 59, 64–5; Dong Zhongshu, 64–5; ritualized behavior and, 59; Son of Heaven, 62; Su-un and, 7; Zhou dynasty and, 62. See also Kongzi; Mengzi (Mencius)
Confucius. See Kongzi
consequent nature of God, 95–7
contextual theologies, 14, 18–19; Asian theology as, 20; Christian, postcoloniality and, 21–2; postcoloniality, 20–1; religious syncretism and, 21–2
contextual-political theology, 32–3
contextualization: inculturation liberation, 21; liberation, comparative theology and, 32–3
convergence, eternal objects and, 176–8
creatio ex nihilo, 58; Neville, Robert C., 206–7; Neville, Robert C., Keller and, 207–8
creatio ex profundis: Keller, Catherine, 202–3; Keller, Catherine, Neville and, 207–8
creation: actuality of, 130–1; God the Father’s relationship to, 12; process of, entities, 84; spirit and, 8
creativity: activity, 85; concrescence, 37; Great Ultimate and, 179–80; heart-mind and, 167–73; matter and, 85; neutral stuff and, 85; pattern as, 66; psychophysical energy and, 101; pure activity and, 101; Whitehead, Alfred North, 34, 37–8
creator God, Whitehead, 85
cultural identity, colonialism and, 19
culture, modern notions, 25
dabar/logos, 8
dalit theology, 18
Daodejing. See Laozi
Daoism: anarchy, 59–60; Becoming, 45; being so of itself, 49–50; chaophilic paradigm, 58–61; Confucianism and, 59, 64–5; Heshang Gong, 56–7; moral metaphysics of Zhu Xi, 74–5; psycho-physical energy, 36–7; psychophysical energy (gi/qi), anarchic and chaophilic development of, 46–54; psychophysical energy (gi/qi) as nature and spirit, 42–6; Su-un and, 7; triad of heaven, 57–8; Zhuangzi, 55. See also the Way
death of God, 126–7
Deleuze, Gilles: apophaticism, 191–2; chaosmos, 34, 39, 173; Difference and Repetition, 181; difference in itself, 182–4; differenciation, 186–9; differenciator, 190–1, 193; dx, 182–5; Ideas, 181; Ideas, as varieties, 186; Ideas, Copernican revolution of Platonism, 182; Ideas, genesis of objects, 183–4; Ideas, logical Idea and, 181; Ideas, transcendental structure, 184–5; Ideas, two faces of, 188–9; metaphysics of difference, 181; metaphysics of difference, anger and love metaphors, 188; panentheism of transcendent body, 194–6; perplication, 185–7; singularities, 184; triadic formulation of Great Ultimate and, 199–210; trinity of complication, explication, and implication, 189–90; virtual, 186; virtual, actualization, 186–8; virtual Ideas in, 192–8; white language, 188
democracy: of fellow creatures, 245; as government of the demos, 250; of numinous spirits, 232–43, 253–4
demos, 250
desire, Laozi, 51–3
devotions, Ultimate Energy, 4–5
Difference and Repetition (Deleuze), 181
difference in itself, 182–4
differences: as creative power, 39–40; psychophysical energy, 73–82; with traditions, 28
differenciation, 186–8; differenciator, 190–1, 193; intensive/intensity, 189
dipolar God, 88, 93–9; Great Ultimate and, 102
divine Idea: nature and, 133–4; trinitarian logic, 131–2. See also logical Idea
domination of nature, 133–7
Dong Zhongshu: Five Processes, 64; Primordial Psychophysical Energy and, 64–5
Donghak (Eastern Learning), 4; Haewol sinsa beopseol, 6–7; trinitarian panentheistic scheme, 233–6; trinity, 232–43
dualism: of pattern and psychophysical energy, Zhu Xi, 65, 74–5; Whitehead and Zhu Xi, 99–105
dynamic equivalent of a sign, 35–6
dynamism of pattern, 106–15
East Asian religions: Christian theology and, 14. See also Asian theologies
Eastern Learning (Donghak), 4; Western Learning (Christian theology) comparison, 5
economic production, 247
empathetic plurisingularity of the Great Ultimate, 159–67
empathetic unity of Great Ultimate and primordial nature of God, 174–81
Empire, 246, 252–3; logic of the One, 250–1; Míguez, Néstor, 248–9; Rieger, Joerg, 248–9; spirit of, 249; Sung, Jung Mo, 248–9; untouched remainder, 250–1
energy. See psychophysical energy (gi/qi)
equality, Su-un, 5–6
essentialism, 19–20; postcolonial biblical hermeneutics, 20
establishment of creative becoming, 218–19
eternal objects, 87; as analogue, 101; concrescence of actual entities, 88–9; concrescence of actual entities, endowment, 91–2; concrescence of actual entities, potentiality and, 90–1; convergence and, 178; potentiality, 92; valuation by God, 89–91; Whitehead, 174–5
evil, selfishness and, 77
experience, actual entities as, 86
Fanon, Frantz, Hegel’s master-slave dialectic, 30
Father (God as), 10; relationship to creation, 12
Five Processes, 64
four cardinal virtues, 64, 221
Four Sprouts, 111–12; Heavenly orders from, 119; Mengzi, 64; Seven Feelings comparison, 111–12
Fredericks, James: comparative theology and, 22–4; postliberal theology, 23–4
freedom: creative, heart-mind and, 167–73; Hegel, 135–6
Geertz, Clifford, definition of religion, 24–5
Geist (Hegel), 34
gi/qi. See qi/gi
God: completion of his own nature, 96; consequent nature of, 95–7; creator God, 85; death, Hegel, 126–7; dipolar, 88, 93–9; dipolar, Great Ultimate and, 102; eternal object valuation, 89–91; images of, 83; infinite personality, 129; as intentional agent, 9; as logical Idea, 128–9; objectification of the world in, 93; as poet of the world, 88–99; primordial nature of, 90; primordial nature of, dipolar and, 94–5; relationship to creation, 12; revealing of Godself, 132; self-consciousness, 132; subjectivity, 132–3; superjective nature, 97; as Trinity, 130; as unity, 131–2; unity, Trinity and, 129
Godself, revealing by God, 132
grafting, the model of, 16–17
Great Equalizer, Heaven, 50
Great Ultimate: chaosmos and, 39–40; concrete universality, 194–5; creativity and, 179–80; dipolar God and, 102; dynamism of Pattern, 106–15; empathetic plurisingularity, 159–67; empathetic unity and primoridal nature of God, 174–81; with form, 179–80; Harmony, 69; as humanity, 71–3; kairotic markers of time, 44; logical Idea comparison, 137–41; multiplicity, 161–4; Neo-Confucianism and, 40; Non-Ultimate, 66–7; pattern and, 66–7; primordial multiplicity of the world, 162; productive activity, 108–9; psychophysical energy (gi/qi) and, 39, 42–4; receptive forces/active forces, 43–4; spiral conception, 75–6, 78; spiral conception, Non-Ultimate and, 114; as substance, 70–1; substance versus function, 179–80; substance-function distinction, 107–8; sum of all patterns, 78–9; Toegye, 38–9; total sum of all patterns, 110–11; as transhuman moral agent, 113–14; triadic formulation, 199–210; Trinity and, 117; universal presence, 69; Zhou Dunyi, 66–7; Zhu Xi, 37. See also pattern
Great Void, 148
Haewol: Haewol sinsa beopseol, 6–7; humanity is Heaven, 224; last teaching, 2, 7; offerings, 1, 7; si-cheonju, 225; as Su-un’s successor, 5–6; three reverences, 225–6
Hardt, Michael, 246–8
harmonious becoming psychophysical energy, 218
Harmony, Great Ultimate, 69
heart-mind, 64, 112; as empathetic space of creative freedom, 167–73; the Learning of the Heart Mind, 223–4; pattern and, 112–13
Heaven: Great Equalizer, 50; humanity is Heaven, 224
Heavenly Pattern, 37–8, 40. See also pattern
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich: christology, 124–5; Christ’s significance, 126; death of God, 126–7; freedom, developmental narrative, 135–6; Geist, 34; infinite personality, God as, 129; infinite subjectivity, Spirit as, 129; Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion, 122–33, 135; Lectures on the Philosophy of World History, 135; logical Idea, 38–9, 120, 122; logical Idea, becoming Spirit and, 135; logical Idea, Deleuze’s Ideas and, 181; logical Idea, God as, 128–9; logical Idea, nature and, 134–5; master-slave dialectic example, 30; rational knowledge, 122–3; Reason, 123–4; thinking, 122–3; Toegye and, 120–1, 137–41; trinitarian logic of Christ’s life and death, 128; Understanding, 123–4
hermeneutics: intercultural, 34–5; liberation, 20; postcolonial biblical, 20; vernacular (nativist), 20
Heshang Gong, 56–7
hierarchical structure of Trinity, 11–12
hierarchy, colonization and, 18–19
Hindu God, Christian God (Clooney), 28–9
Hindu thought, Christian theology parallels, 28
hochmah/sophia, 8
hohak, 146–7; Nongmun and, 166
Holy Spirit, as secondary name of God, 13
Hong Xiuquan, 2–3
horak debate, 142; Yulgok, 142–7
humanity: Great Ultimate as, 71–3; kingdom of God, 124–5; Kongzi, 63; Mengzi, 63–4; sprouts of in humans, 64
Hwadam, psychophysical energy, 143–4
Ideas, 181; dx, 182–5; logical Idea, 181; objects, genesis, 183–4; perplication, 185–6; Platonic Ideas, 181; trinity of complication, explication, implication, 189–90; two faces, 188–9; virtual, 186; virtual, actualization, 186–8; virtual, in the chaosmos, 192–8
Ideas of Reason (Kant), 181
ignorance, 26
Im Seong-ju. See Nongmun
images of God, Whitehead, Alfred North, 83
immanent Trinity, 11
immaterial production, 247
imperial Christianity, 12–13
imperialism: cultural identity and, 19; neutralizing power differences, 29; non-Western classics and, 29; participatory parity, 29–30; subalterns, 19
inculturating theologies, 15–16; grafting the model of, 16
indeterminate multiplicity, 172
indigenization of Asian theologies, 15–17; contextualization and, 18
infinite personality, God as, 129
infinite subjectivity, Spirit as, 129
intercultural hermeneutics, 34–5
interculturation, 17
interreligious dialogue, race relations and, 27–8
interreligious relations: comparative theology and, 24, 27–8; intratextuality and, 26
intratextuality: Christian tradition and, 23–4; interreligious relations and, 26; Nicholson, Hugh, 26; postliberal theology, 23; power differences between Christian theology and others, 26
Japan, colonization of Korea, 3
Jesus Christ. See Christ
jigi. See Ultimate Energy
kairotic markers of time, Great Ultimate, 44
Kant, Immanuel, Ideas of Reason, 181
Keller, Catherine: creatio ex profundis, 202–3; tehom, 34; tehomic theology, 202–5; tehomic trinity, 40
Kim Ji-ha, 228–9; Ugeumchi phenomenon, 229–32
Kim Kyoung-jae, 16
kingdom of God: actuality, 125; Hegel, 124–5; love and, 124–5
knowledge: Hegel, 122–3; spirit and, 8
Kongzi, 62; humanity, 63; rituals, 63; selfhood, 63; superior man and, 63
Korea, colonization by Japan, 3
Korean Neo-Confucianism: horak debate, 142; horak debate, Yulgok, 142–7
Kwok Pui-Lan, 30
laos, 250–2
Laozi: desire, 51–3; Heshang Gong, 56–7; the One, 61–2; receptive/active forces, 53; rulers as sages, 52–4; sagehood, attaining, 55; the Way, 46–7
Learning of the Heart-Mind, the, 223–4
Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion (Hegel), 122–33, 135
Lectures on the Philosophy of World History (Hegel), 135
liberation hermenteutics, 20
life/death, psychophysical energy (gi/qi), 55–6
life-force, spirit as, 8
life-giving intention, 149–50, 155–6; empathy and, 164–5
liminal notion of spirit, 13–14
local theologies, 15–16
logic of the One, 10
logical Idea, 38–9, 120, 122; God as, 128–9; Great Ultimate comparison, 137–41; nature and, 134–5; Spirit and, 135. See also divine Idea
Lord Heaven, 44; becoming without artificial action, 223; Haewol’s last teaching, 7; Holy Spirit and, 7–8; humanity is Heaven, 224; nondualistic relationship with human beings, 217; Su-un’s education, 212; Su-un’s teaching, 4–6; trust in, 222–3; yin/yang and, 4
love, kingdom of God and, 124–5
luxuriant presence of all figures, 159–67
martyrdom of Christ, 125–6
master-slave dialectic (Hegel), 30
matter, creativity and, 85
Mengzi (Mencius): four cardinal virtues, 64; Four Sprouts, 64; heart-minds, 64; humanity, 63–4; psychophysical energy and, 63–5; selfhood, 63
message, intercultural hermeneutics, 35
metaphor, comparative theology and, 27
metaphysics of difference, 181; anger metaphor, 188; love metaphor, 188
Míguez, Néstor, 248–9; laos, 250–2
minjung, 41
Minjung theology, 17–18
Miscellaneous Writings from the Deer Hut (Nongmun), 151, 153–4
Moon Dong-hwan, 254–5
moon metaphor, pattern and, 69–70
moral agency: Great Ultimate as transhuman moral agent, 113–14; of pattern, 107
moral metaphysics of Zhu Xi, 71–3; Daoism and, 74–5; Neo-Confucianism and, 73–4; ontological hierarchy, 73–4; spiral of Great Ultimate, 75–6, 78
multiplicity of Great Ultimate, 161–4; chaotic, 172; indeterminate, 172
multitude as democratic political subject,
mutual issuance, 112
nakhak, 146; Nongmun and, 166–7
natura naturata, 44
nature: divine Idea and, 133–4; domination of, 133–7; logical Idea and, 134–5; psychophysical energy as, 42–6
Negri, Antonio, 246–8
Neo-Confucianism: Great Ultimate and, 40; Heavenly Pattern, 80–1; hohak, 146–7; Korean (See Korean Neo-Confucianism); moral metaphysics of Zhu Xi, 73–4; nakhak, 146; Nongmun, 39; psychophysical energy, 37; Spirit, 118–19; Su-un, 211–12; Toegye, 38; trinity of Change, Way, and Spirit, 40
network struggles, 247–8
Neville, Robert C.: incipience, 205–6; ontological causation, 208–9; primary cosmology, 207
nexus, 84–5
Nicene Creed, Trinity, 10
Nicholson, Hugh, 26
nihil, the Way comparison, 47–8
Nongmun, 142; bifurcation of original nature and physical natures, 160; on Cheng Yi’s sayings, 159–60; concrete universality of psychophysical energy, 150–1; determinate indeterminateness of psychophysical energy, 150–1; Great Ultimate, empathetic plurisingularity, 159–67; Great Ultimate, multiplicity, 161–4; hohak, 166; internally dipolar construction, 156–7; life-giving intention, 149–50, 155–6; luxuriant presence of all figures, 159–67; Miscellaneous Writings from the Deer Hut, 151, 153–4; nakhak, 166–7; original substance of psychophysical energy, 148–50; parallelism of pattern and psychophysical energy, 147–58; psychophysical energy, ultimate reality and, 152–5; triadic formulation of Great Ultimate and, 199–210; ultimate reality, 151–5; Zhu Xi and, 151
Non-Ultimate: Great Ultimate and, 66–7; spiral conception of Great Ultimate, 114
non-Western religious representations: imperialism and, 29; Western neglect, 28–9
numinous emptiness of Ultimate Energy, 214
numinous spirits, democracy of, 232–43, 253–4
objectification of the world in God, 93
objects, genesis of, 183–4
offerings, Haewol, 1, 7
One, the (Laozi), 61–2
One Psychophysical Energy: Hwadam, 143–4; Zhang Zai, 148
ontological principle (Whitehead), 83–4
original condition: of pattern, 142–4; of psychophysical energy (gi/qi), 142–4
original nature: bifurcation of physical nature, 160; Pattern, 69; physical nature, moon metaphor and, 70
original substance of psychophysical energy, Great Void, 148–50
panentheism: plurisingular spirit and, 115–21; of transcendent body, 170–2; of transcendent body, Deleuze, 194–6; of transcendent body, Great Ultimate empathetic unity, 177; trinitarian scheme, 233–6
participatory parity, 29–30
particle physics, entities and, 84
pattern, 80–1, 99–101; activity, 114–15; as analogue, 101; Buddhist moon metaphor, 69–70; capacity to act, 108–9; Cheng Yi, 70–1; Classic of Change, 66; as dynamic ontological creativity, 66; dynamism, 106–15; as equally actual with psycho-physical energy, 147–58; function, heart-mind and, 112–13; Great Ultimate as sum of all, 78–9, 110–11; moral agency of, 107; multiplication, 110–11; original condition, 142–4; original nature, 69; pattern in its original condition, 143; psychophysical energy and, Zhu Xi, 65–73, 76–7, 107–8; as source of unity, 109–10; spiritual function, 113–14; as substance, 69–71; substance-function distinction and, 68–9; uniting nature, 73–82; Yulgok, 142–7
perplication, 185–7
philosophy of organism (Whitehead), 83–8
physical nature, original nature, moon metaphor and, 70
Platonic Ideas, 181; Deleuze, Gilles, 182
pluralism, Whitehead and Zhu Xi, 99–105
plurality religious, 22
plurisingular spirit: the Idea, 120; trinitarian panenthesim and, 115–21
pneuma, 8; qi/gi and, 42
pneumatocentric theologies, 13–14
pneumatocentric trinitarian theology, 199
politics, of recognition, 31
postcolonial biblical hermeneutics, 20
postcolonial theologies, 18–19
postcoloniality: Christian contextualizing theologies, 21–2; theological contextualization, 20–1
post-Fordist forms of production, 247
postliberal theology, 23; Clooney, Francis, 23–4; Fredericks, James, 23–4; Geertz’s definition of religion, 24–5; intratextuality, 23–5
potentiality of eternal objects, 92; concrescence of actual entities, 90–1; productive indeterminancy, 177
power differences, neutralizing, 29, 32
prayer: Ultimate Energy, 4–5. See also devotions
prehension, Whitehead, 175–6
primary cosmology, Neville, 207
primordial multiplicity of the world, 162
primordial nature of God, 90; dipolar God and, 94–5; empathetic unity of the Great Ultimate and, 174–81
Primordial Psychophysical Energy, 214; Dong Zhongshu and, 64–5
Prince of Peace, imperial Christian theology and, 12–13
Process and Reality (Whitehead), 83
production: immaterial, 247; post-Fordist, 247
productive activity, Great Ultimate, 108–9
productive indeterminancy of pure potentials, 177
psychic phenomena, spirit as, 8
psychophysical energy (gi/qi), 4; anarchic and chaophilic development in Daoist thought, 46–54; concrete universality, 150–1; contribution to harmonizing process of universe, 120; creativity and, 101; Daoism, 36–7; definition, 42; determinate indeterminateness, 150–1; differentiation, 73–82; as equally actual with pattern, 147–58; Great Ultimate and, 39, 42–4; Hwadam, 143–4; life and death, 55–6; Mengzi, 63–5; natura naturans, 44; natura naturata, 44; as nature and spirit, 42–6; Neo-Confucianism, 37; offerings and, 7; original condition, 142–4; original substance, 148; pattern and, Zhu Xi, 65–73, 76–7, 107–8; as preventing dualism, 45; receptive forces/active forces, 43–4; self-generation, 69; solid entities, 42; Spirit and, 34; spiritual, 44; substance-function distinction and, 68–9; textual tradition, history, 34; thing-events and, 100–1; triad of heaven, earth, and humanity, 57–8; Ultimate Energy (jigi), 4; Yulgok, 142–7; Zhang Zai, 148; Zhu Xi and, 37, 79–80
qi/gi: definition, 42; pneuma and, 42; ruach and, 42; yang, 4; yin, 4. See also psychophysical energy (gi/qi)
Quintessential Psychophysical Energy of the Supreme Harmony, 56–7
race relations, interreligious dialogue and, 27–8
reality, as process of concrescence, 83–8
Reason, Hegel, 123–4
receptive force: active force and, 43–4; Laozi, 53
recognition, politics of, 31
religion: Asad, Talal, 24–5; boundaries, artificial, 26; Chidester, David, 28; as concrete totalities, 25–6; Geertz, Clifford, 24–5; hierarchy creation, 25; as self-generating entity, 25; theology of religions, 22; universal category, 25; as Western colonial construct, 14
religious identity, formation, social interaction and, 25
religious others, engaging, 28
religious plurality, 22
return of all things, the Way, 49
Rieger, Joerg, 248–9; laos, 250–2
ritualized behavior: Confucianism, 59; Kongzi, 63
ruach, 8; qi/gi and, 42
rulers, as sages (Laozi), 52–4
sages, 220; rulers as (Laozi), 52–4
sanctioned ignorance, 26
Schreiter, Robert, intercultural hermeneutics, 34–5
self-consciousness of God, 132
self-cultivation, 106
self-differentiation, God and, 129
self-generation, psychophysical energy, 69
selfhood: Kongzi, 63; Mengzi (Mencius), 63
selfishness, Zhu Xi, 77
self-reintegration, God and, 129
Seo Gyeong-deok. See Hwadam
Seven Feelings, 80–1; Four Sprouts comparison, 111–12; human orders from, 119
si-cheonju: Haewol, 225; Su-un, 223–4
sign: dynamic equivalent, 35–6; intercultural hermeneutics, 35
singularities, 184
social interaction, religious identity formation, 25
social production, 247
solid form, psychophysical energy (gi/qi) and, 42
Son of Heaven (Confucianism), 62
speech-agency, 21
spiral conception of Great Ultimate, 75–6, 78; Deleuze and, 195–7; Non-Ultimate and, 114
spirit: agency of, creaturely agency and, 118; connection-in-itself, 239–40; infinite subjectivity, 129; as life-force, 8; liminal notion of, 13–14; logical Idea and, 135; Neo-Confucianism, 118–19; panentheism of transcendent body, 236–9; plurisingular, 115–21; psychic phenomena, 8; psychophysical energy and, 34; psychophysical energy as, 42–6; reencodings, 36; Trinity and, 9–10; as unoriginate origin, 117–18; Western Learning, 8–14
spiritual function of pattern, 113–14
subalterns, 19; hearing the speech of, 21
subject-agency, 9; agent abstraction, 180–1
subjective aims of actual entity, 86, 91–2
subjective form of actual entity, 86
subjectivity of God, 132–3
subjects, actual entities as, 85–6
substance: Great Ultimate as, 70–1; Pattern as, 69–71
substance-function distinction, 68–9; Great Ultimate, 107–8
sum of all patterns, Great Ultimate as, 110–11
Sung, Jung Mo, 248–9; laos, 250–2
superior man, Kongzi, 62–3
superior persons, 220
superjective nature of God, 97
superjective phase of actual entity, 87
Su-un: apophaticism, 218–19; becoming without artificial action, 223; Confuciansim and, 7; Daoism and, 7; devotional incantation, 213; devotional incantation, Su-un’s commentary, 213–14, 216; Donghak, 4; Eastern Learning compared to Western Learning, 5; equality efforts, 5–6; establishment of creative becoming, 218–19; four cardinal virtues, 221; great descent of Ultimate Energy, 213; Haewol, 224; harmonious becoming of psychophysical energy, 218; “Heavenly,” 217; implications of teachings, 223–4; incantation for the descent of the numinous spirit, 216; interpretation of Heaven, 212–13; the Learning of the Heart-Mind, 223–4; Lord Heaven, 4; nondualistic relationship with human beings, 217; Neo-Confucian education, 211–12; numinous emptiness of Ultimate Energy, 214; one psychophysical energy of chaotic beginning, Ultimate Energy as, 215; sages, 220; si-cheonju, 223–4; superior persons, 220; trust in, 222–3; Ultimate Energy (jigi), 4; Western Learning criticism, 226–32
syncretism, 14; theological contextualization and, 21–2
tehom (the deep), 34; tehomic theology, 202–5; tehomic trinity, 40
textual traditions, psychophysical energy (gi/qi), 34
theological indigenization, 17
theologies: contextual, 14, 18–19; contextual-political, 32–3; dalit, 18; inculturating, 15–16; local, 15–16; Minjung, 17–18; pneumatocentric, 13–14; postcolonial, 18–19; postliberal, 23
theology of religions, 22
thing-events, psychophysical energy and, 100–1
thinking: Christian narrative and, 123; Hegel, 122–3
three reverences, 225–6
Toegye: Great Ultimate, 38–9; Hegel and, 120–1, 137–41; mutual issuance, 112; Zhu Xi and, 106
transcendent body, panentheism of, 170–2; empathetic unity of Great Ultimate, 177
transcendental structure of ideas, 184–5
triad of heaven (Daoism), 57–8
trinitarian panenthesim, plurisingular spirit and, 115–21
trinitarian paradigm: interreligous similarities, 28; Neo-Confucian trinity of Change, Way, and Spirit, 40; tehomic trinity, 40
trinity: Deleuzean, 189–90; Donghak, 232–43; of Great Ultimate, 199–200; panentheism, 233–6; pneumatocentric, 199
Trinity: division with Godself, 129–30; equality of divine persons, 11; Father, 10; Father, Great Ultimate as substance, 117; God as, 130; God’s unity and, 129; hierarchical structure, 11–12; immanent Trinity, 11; Son, 10; Spirit, 10; Spirit, Great Ultimate as function, 117; spiritual nature of God, 9–10
truth claims, reconciling, 23
turning back, the Way, 48–9
Ugeumchi phenomenon, 226–32
Ultimate Energy (jigi), 4; devotional incantation, 4–5; great descent, 213; in history, 226–32; Holy Spirit and, 7–8; numinous emptiness, 214; as one psychophysical energy of chaotic beginning, 215
ultimate reality, Nongmun, 151–5
Understanding, Hegel, 123–4
unity: of God, Trinity and, 129; God as, 131–2; pattern as source of unity, 109–10
unoriginate origin, Spirit as, 117–18
vernacular (nativist) hermenteutics, 20
water analogy, ideas and, 184
Way, the: Appended Remarks (Classic of Change), 45–6; Becoming, 45; being so of itself, 49–50; chaos and, 47–8; Confucianism, 62; Daoist versus Confucianist, 62; duality of pattern and psychophysical energy, Zhu Xi, 65, 74–5; heart-mind, 112; heart-mind, as empathetic space of creative freedom, 167–73; Heaven as Great Equalizer, 50; Heshang Gong, 56–7; human’s deviations from, 50; Laozi, 46–7; nihil comparison, 47–8; Primordial Psychophysical Energy, 56–7; psychophysical energy (gi/qi), 36–7; psychophysical energy (gi/qi) as nature and spirit, 42–6; Quintessential Psychophysical Energy of the Supreme Harmony, 56–7; return of all things, 49; triad of heaven, earth, and humanity, 57–8; turning back, 48–9. See also Daoism
Western classics, referencing problems, 26
Western Learning: Holy Spirit and, 8–14; Su-un’s criticism, 226–32
Western theism: chaophobia, 59; Whitehead critique, 81–2
Western world, non-Western religious representations, 28–9
white language, 188
Whitehead, Alfred North: consciousness, negation and, 175; creativity, 34, 37–8; creator God, 85; democracy of fellow creatures, 245; actual entities, 84–8; eternal objects, 174–5; images of God, 83; ontological principle, 83–4; panexperientialist paradigm, 177; philosophy of organism, 83–8; prehension, 175–6; primordial nature of God, 90; Process and Reality, 83; Western theism critique, 81–2; and Zhu Xi, 99–105
Yi Hwang. See Toegye
Yi I. See Yulgok
yin/yang, 4
Yulgok, 142; criticism of Hwadam, 144; horak debate, 142–7; triadic formulation of Great Ultimate, 199–200
Zhang Zai, monism of psychophysical energy, 148
Zhou Dunyi, Great Ultimate, 66–7
Zhou dynasty, 62
Zhu Xi: Buddhist moon metaphor, pattern and, 69–70; Cheng Yi and, 70–1; duality of pattern and psychophysical energy, 65; Great Ultimate, 37; Great Ultimate, pattern and, 66–7; Great Ultimate, as substance, 70–1; Great Ultimate as sum of all patterns, 78–9; Great Ultimate, universal presence, 69; moral metaphysics, 71–3; moral metaphysics, Daoism and, 74–5; moral metaphysics, Neo-Confucianism and, 73–4; moral metaphysics, ontological hierarchy, 73–4; moral metaphysics, spiral of Great Ultimate, 75–6, 78; Nongmun and, 151; panentheism and, 115–21; psychophysical energy, 37; psychophysical energy, pattern and, 65–73, 76–7; psychophysical energy, unifying power, 79–80; self-cultivation, 106; selfishness, 77; Seven Feelings, 80–1; substance-function distinction, 68–9; Toegye and, 106; the Way as ontological ultimate, 74–5; Whitehead, Alfred North, and, 99–105
Zhuangzi, 55; life/death, psychophysical energy (gi/qi) and, 55–6