Set on the coast of Geneva, this is the third of Cooper’s European novels and was first published in 1833. The ‘headsman’ of the title is the executioner Balthazar. His vocation (an hereditary one and thus unavoidable) makes Balthazar a figure of prejudice and Cooper uses this to invert his previous critique of European social hierarchies – whereas, in his previous tales, he had criticised the unquestioned respect and authority that came with hereditary honours, here he criticises the equally irrational hatred that automatically attaches itself to the unfortunate inheritor of a more unpopular social position. The novel also incorporates the scenery and folk traditions of Switzerland, including the picturesque pageantry of the ‘Abbaye des Vignerons’ (‘Festival of the Vinegrowers’) and the dramatic setting of the Saint Bernard Pass, which forms the background to the memorable climax.