15This is the view of Peter Lewis, “‘Free Church’ Worship in Britain,” in Worship: Adoration and Action, ed. D. A. Carson (Grand Rapids: Baker, 1993), who points out that the extemporary prayer, the lack of emphasis on artistic variety and quality, and the sermon-as-worship-climax were all passed down from the Puritans to the Free Churches. Lewis is more positive about the Puritan tradition than is Guillermo W. Mendez, who sees hidden in the tradition many European cultural assumptions, for example: “Awe, admiration and quiet pondering are the only possible human responses to God’s majesty. That means that all non-silent human responses are less spiritual…and cognitive handling of Scripture is more pleasing to God than praise… [T]he impression is left that knowledge has devoured experience.” See “Worship in the Independent/Free Church/Congregational Tradition: A View from the Two-Thirds World,” in Worship: Adoration and Action, 172.