Chapter Ten


Maisie woke with a start. What was that sound? It was the front door closing. For whatever reason, Maisie felt the need to look out the window. Her bedroom overlooked the front, and to her dismay, she saw Katie sitting into Rene's car. There was nothing she could do. It was up to the police to solve the case, and Maisie had to stop upsetting her friends.

She checked her clock. It was 9 pm. Maisie had slept for four hours. Lily was at Maisie's bedroom door asking if she was in.

"Come in. I fell asleep, Lily. How was dinner with your relatives?"

Lily told her about spending time with her aunt and uncle. They were her father's family and were not well known to her.

"Did you see George today?" Maisie asked.

"Oh yes, George told Mrs. Hopkins, he wanted to do a security check of all our rooms. Whatever was he up to, I don't know. He frightened Mrs. Hopkins. She began to fret about what could happen and told him he could check all rooms but hers as she was going to lie down. I had to leave. He was gone by the time I came back."

"I was back earlier and he wasn't here." Maisie felt dismayed. She wanted to know if he found anything but couldn't very well march herself to the station. Lily was talking about her relatives. Maisie half listened. She couldn't stop thinking about Katie. Was she really involved in all of this? The main question was, did she know?

Tomorrow she'd have work, and unless George came by, Maisie would have to spend the day in this limbo. It was exasperating. Lily was talked out and left to return to her room. Maisie just lay in bed. She wanted to close this case. Was this why Detective Blake was a grumpy sort? Her humor was definitely affected by constantly thinking about the case.

By morning, Maisie woke. She didn't feel refreshed. It was with great effort she got herself ready and went downstairs for breakfast. Lily was finishing her breakfast.

"Good morning sleepy-head. I knocked on your door, but you must have been asleep." Maisie wasn't ready for Lily's joyful disposition and she just fake smiled at her. Lily didn't notice. Mrs. Hopkins came to the table with fresh tea.

"Is Katie still sleeping? Lily, will you knock on her door? She'll be late for work." Mrs. Hopkins was talking to herself as she walked back into the kitchen.

Lily leaned over to whisper in Maisie's ear. "I didn't hear Katie come home last night."

Maisie's interest was piqued.

"Really. I'll come up with you."

The young women went upstairs. Maisie knocked on the door.

"Katie, it's breakfast time. Mrs. Hopkins is complaining your breakfast will go cold."

Maisie looked at Lily.

"Try the door, Maisie. I really don't think she's there, but Mrs. Hopkins won't like it."

Maisie pushed down the handle, and as Lily suspected, the door opened. Katie's bed hadn't been slept in. Maisie felt a cold sweat develop. Was her friend in danger?

"We have to tell George."

"Maisie, there isn't time. Call the station from work. Miss Carnegie won't stand for it if we're late."

It made sense. Katie had left last night, and there was no knowing where she was gone.

"Let's go now. We'll tell Mrs. Hopkins that Katie must have left for work already. Hang on. I want to check if her clothes are here."

Oh no, Katie's wardrobe was empty. What was she up to?

"Mrs. Hopkins, it looks like Katie's left for work. We're heading off now." Maisie called out. They left before Mrs. Hopkins could come to them because Maisie wasn't sure that Lily would be able to lie.

They walked as fast as they could. George had details on Rene. Maisie hoped her fears were unfounded. Something felt off. She had never been so eager to get to work before.

As they arrived, Maisie went to her chair and put on her headphones, getting ready to ring the police station. But she was interrupted by Miss Carnegie who called her into her office. It was down to Lily to call George. Lizzie watched what was going on.

"Miss Mills, today will be your last day with us."

"Excuse me," Maisie spluttered. "But I haven't done something?"

Miss Carnegie stood up. "Your work is unsatisfactory. Do not make a scene. You will be paid until the end of the week."

"I don't understand," Maisie said as she shook her head.

Miss Carnegie went to the door and opened it. The discussion was over. It wasn't her ideal job but how was she to help George if she couldn't listen on the calls. She was barely out the door when Miss Carnegie shut the door behind her. Maisie was deflated. She couldn't tell Lily or Lizzie as they were busy on calls.

She sat at her station wondering what she was going to do. She plugged into the system and could hear a man talking. It was the man's voice she had heard before, Rene's and he was saying "loose ends being tied up. I'm getting out of the city today."

Maisie paused. She had to contact George. The exchange the man was calling from was actually near the station. Not wanting to miss out on the action, Maisie downed her head set. She was being fired anyway so she may as well go out with a bang. As she grabbed her cloche hat and coat, Miss Carnegie was coming out of her office. Miss Carnegie was about to call out but changed her mind.

George's police station was three blocks away. By the time she reached the station she was hobbling.

"I need to talk to George, George Bantry," she said as she tried to catch her breath.

"Yes, Miss. I'll let him know." The desk sergeant was about to leave when Maisie saw George in the background.

"I see him." She charged through while the policemen on duty tried to stop her.

"I know her. Let her through," George looked perplexed as he spoke.

"What are you doing here?"

"George, the man was on the phone. He was at this exchange number. He's leaving the city. Today. He said he was tying up loose ends. George what could it mean? Did Lily call you and tell you about Katie? George, I'm worried about her. She took the book from my room."

"Maisie, take a breath. Lily phoned me, and we've got eyes on Rene Dubois although we know that's an alias. Let me get you some water."

Maisie sat down at his table. He was calm, and she needed to be the same, especially if she had any chance of being involved in the arrest.

"Thank you, George." She took a sip from the water and looked around for Detective Blake.

"He's with the Captain, making a plan."

George smirked as Maisie scowled at him for reading her mind. "I don't care about his whereabouts."

Although she did. She saw writing on the blackboard in the Detective's office.

"George is that the list of numbers and letter from what I gave you?"

"Why yes? Detective Blake has been most intrigued by it. He said it's good to look at these puzzles from another perspective. Whatever is the matter, Maisie? You've gone the most peculiar shade."

"George, well I never. Detective Blake is right. Now that I see it written that way, why it's so obvious. That's my exchange. Someone at work is definitely involved in this."

"Really, Maisie? I don't think it could that."

George and Maisie went to the blackboard, and she was pointing out the number.

"What is she doing here, Office Bantry?" Detective Blake bellowed, causing Maisie to jump.

"This is no place for civilians. George, I thought you knew better. Please leave Miss Mills."

"But Sir, you don't understand, Miss Mills thinks the number is her exchange."

"I don't think, George, I know."

Detective Blake grabbed Maisie's arm and marched her out of the station. He released her. Maisie pulled on her coat sleeve.

"You are the most obstinate man…" she began to say before he interrupted her.

"Leave the police work to us, Miss Mills. You return to work now and forget what you've seen. Officer Murphy, escort Miss Mills back to her work."

Maisie was furious. The audacity of the man to treat her like this. Like she was some dumb Dora. She had given them all their leads. Now when she had discovered the main suspect, well almost, he was dismissing her. Detective Blake had gone back inside the station with Maisie went in hot pursuit of him. Officer Murphy grabbed her waist to pull her outside.

"Please Miss, come quietly, or the Detective will have me demoted for not keeping you under control."

"For your sake, I will behave, Officer Murphy."

She straightened herself out.

"He is the most pig-headed, ungrateful man I have ever met. Don't you agree, Officer Murphy? Because I'm a woman, he assumes I'm incapable of thought."

Officer Murphy said nothing as Maisie continued to talk about the Detective. Someone at work was involved. It was right under her nose all the time. Officer Murphy might be able to tell her what was happening. Especially as she didn't get to talk to George in any detail.

"Officer Murphy, any plans to ask Lizzie out again?"

The officer shuffled with embarrassment.

"Well, um, I don't know that it's any of your business, Miss."

His face was beetroot, and she chortled.

"George came by our house yesterday. Did he find what he was looking for?"

"Detective Blake warned us about you, Miss. I am not to answer any questions."

She fumed. Why did Detective Blake dislike her? She knew why. She was clever and could think for herself. He was the type that wanted a woman to giggle at his every word and need rescuing. Well, Maisie Mills didn't need rescuing. Well, of course, other than when George found her. Oh applesauce, she exclaimed. They had rescued her after a fashion. Officer Murphy walked her to the telephone exchange.

"I'd better walk you in, Miss. Just to be sure."

It was lunchtime. Maisie brazenly walked through to where she knew Lizzie and Lily would be eating lunch. Their shocked looks made Maisie realize how they worried about her.

"You need to leave the police to their own matters, Maisie. I know you were talking about criminals and dead bodies with George. It isn't proper conversation for a young lady. There are some occupations that suit a man's disposition," Lily scolded her. She was telling Lily about her morning. Lizzie was too busy making eyes at officer Murphy to listen.

"Miss Carnegie is going to have a conniption. She knows you were gone," Lily spoke quietly. As if on cue, Miss Carnegie walked into the lunchroom.

"There are no gentlemen allowed in here, even if he is a police officer," Miss Carnegie said as she looked at Maisie. Officer Murphy was no match for the haughty Miss Carnegie. He excused himself, muttering that he had to escort Miss Mills to work.

"Helping the police again, were you, Miss Mills? How very civic minded of you. Return to your station. You've had enough of a break for your last day."

Lily and Lizzie gasped. Maisie had forgotten to tell them that part of her day. She stood up and followed Miss Carnegie out of the room.

Sitting at her desk, Maisie went through the motions of connecting calls. She glanced around wondering who among the workers was involved in shenanigans. When she could, she looked at the women who worked alongside her. She saw Daisy Jones looking shifty as though not wanting anyone to hear her speak. Maisie plugged into that line, but Daisy was only arranging a date with her beau.

Maisie plugged into another call. This time it was the man from before. Katie's beau.

"It's done," he said.

Frozen to her seat, Maisie didn't expect to recognize the voice that answered him as she heard the woman say.

"It's all sorted now. You don't need to go anywhere."

It was Miss Carnegie.

Maisie sat upright and looked around. Officer Murphy had already left. Maisie telephoned the police station to give George the culprit's name.

"Officer Bantry, hurry please."

The line went quiet. Maisie looked up to see Miss Carnegie leaving her office. She had to follow her. It looked liked she was going to the basement. Maisie crept behind her and took care going down the stairs. At one point, she slipped on a step. Miss Carnegie paused but then resumed. Maisie continued to follow her.

The store room was open and staying close to the wall, Maisie went to take a closer look. What was Miss Carnegie hiding in there? It was so quiet. Maisie wondered if she had been mistaken. Was there an exit she didn't know about? She took a deep breath and peered around the door. The room was empty!

"Where is she?" Maisie muttered as she stepped into the room. There was no other door, and then Maisie heard the door slam shut behind her and turned to see Miss Carnegie turning the key. Miss Carnegie had lured her here and had been standing behind the door.

"Miss Carnegie, I thought you might need help," Maisie said, trying to think on her feet.

"No, you didn't, Maisie Mills. The nosy thorn in my side. Eavesdropping on people's private conversations," Miss Carnegie tutted.

"The police are on their way."

"I think not. Your problem, Maisie, is that you don't think things through. That is why you in a locked room with me."

"You won't get away with this Miss Carnegie. People will know you did this." Maisie went to move towards Miss Carnegie.

"Not so fast," Miss Carnegie pulled a Derringer from her pocket. Maisie retreated. In her brief knowledge of firearms, Maisie knew the Derringer could only fire once. She'd have to make sure Miss Carnegie missed. The woman walked towards her with a determined gait.

"I can see your mind ticking over. I can only fire once but you see, Miss Mills, I'm not some silly woman. I actually know how to use this. And I'll be well gone by the time they find your remains."

It couldn't end like this. Maisie had to find a way to stop Miss Carnegie as she took aim and got ready to fire. Maisie grabbed a box and threw it at her assailant. The shot missed Maisie, but Miss Carnegie flew into a rage.

"I can kill you with my bare hands," Miss Carnegie shouted. She threw Maisie to the ground and sat her on, squeezing her throat. Maisie tried to fight back, but she was losing consciousness. She couldn't break Miss Carnegie's hold of her. Maisie tried to call out, desperate act as it was. She flailed on the ground, and the room began to fall into darkness. Maisie closed her eyes but could hear some commotion. She heard Detective Blake's voice, and the pressure was released from her throat.

"Miss Mills. Stay with us," the voice said.