Charlie was ten. School was out for Christmas, and the family had chosen to spend the holiday in the country. The boy pressed his nose against the bay window of the vacation home and marveled at the British winter. He was happy to trade the blackened streets of London for the cotton-white freshness of snow-covered hills.

His mom invited him to go for a drive, and he quickly accepted. A halcyon moment was in the making. She snaked the car down the twisty road. The tires crunched the snow, and the boy puffed his breath on the window. He was thrilled. The mother, however, was anxious.

Heavy snow began to fall. Visibility lessened. As she took a curve, the car started to slide and didn’t stop until it was in a ditch. She tried to drive out. The tires just spun. Little Charlie pushed, and his mom pressed the gas. But no luck. They were stuck. They needed help.

A mile down the road sat a house. Off they went and knocked on the door. “Of course,” the woman told them. “Come in; warm yourselves. The phone is yours.” She offered tea and cookies and urged them to stay until help arrived.

An ordinary event? Don’t suggest that to the woman who opened the door. She has never forgotten that day. She’s retold the story a thousand times. And who could blame her? It’s not often that royalty appears on your porch.

For the two travelers stranded by the England winter were no less than Queen Elizabeth and the heir to the throne, ten-year-old Charles.1

The word on the streets of heaven and the lips of Christians is that something far grander has happened to our world. Royalty has walked down our streets. Heaven’s prince has knocked on our door.

His visit, however, was no accident. And he did much more than stay for tea. Wood shops. Wildernesses. Under the water of Jordan. On the water of Galilee. He kept popping up in the oddest places. Places where you’d never expect to spot God.

But, then again, who would have expected to see him at all?