Chapter Six
Prone Positioning and Neuromuscular Blockade
Two adjunctive strategies for treating severe ARDS that have been used for years are prone positioning and therapeutic neuromuscular blockade. These are often used in conjunction with each other, and the clinical rationale is improved ventilator-perfusion matching and alveolar recruitment. Until recently, neither treatment had shown an improvement in survival from severe respiratory failure (although there was proof of improved oxygenation).
In 2013, Guérin and colleagues published a multicenter randomized trial (PROSEVA) examining the effect of prone positioning for 16 hours, followed by 8 hours supine, in patients with ARDS. 26 They reported an overall reduction in mortality of 16.8%. In 2010, Papazian and colleagues published a multicenter, randomized, double-blind study (ACURASYS) that demonstrated a reduction in the hazard ratio for death from ARDS when a cisatracurium infusion was used for 48 hours early in the treatment of moderate-to-severe ARDS. 27 The publication of these two papers led to the inclusion of these therapies in professional guidelines and has prompted interest in these, and other, strategies for the treatment of ARDS .
Despite the enthusiasm that has greeted these findings, it's important to keep in mind that there are limitations with these and other studies, and that their findings should not result in wholesale application of prone positioning and neuromuscular blockade in every patient with ARDS. In this chapter, the pros and cons of each treatment will be discussed. If this seems like hedging, well, that's because it is. Both prone positioning and neuromuscular blockade have a place in the treatment of ARDS, and both have significant risks. Neither is a magic bullet, and neither is a substitute for lung-protective ventilation and good supportive critical care. By the time you're reading this, there may be new developments either supporting or refuting (or both!) these therapies. For now, the focus should be on identifying the patients who may benefit while minimizing the risks.
In Favor Of Prone Positioning
In ARDS, dorsal lung units tend to become more consolidated. Transpulmonary pressures are increased in dorsal alveoli and lower in ventral alveoli. At the same time, the gravitational effect on pulmonary blood flow leads to these units being relatively more perfused than the aerated ventral lung units. This has the effect of increasing the shunt fraction and worsening oxygenation. The rationale for prone positioning is that flipping the patient onto his abdomen will improve ventilation-perfusion matching and thereby improve gas exchange. At the same time, a more even distribution of aeration and transpulmonary pressure occurs.
There are other benefits as well. Prone positioning improves drainage of pulmonary secretions from the airways. Allowing the abdominal contents to be dependent (by padding the patient's chest and pelvis) reduces the pressure on the diaphragm and improves chest wall compliance. The weight of the heart, which is normally directed over the left lower lobe, is shifted centrally .
Previous studies of prone positioning were able to show improvement in pulmonary blood flow and oxygenation, but did not improve mortality. 28 , 29 This may have been due to using prone positioning in patients with less-severe ARDS, poorly-defined protocols, and a shorter duration of the time spent prone. The 2013 Guérin study, on the other hand, was well-defined and included patients with a PaO 2 /FiO 2 ratio ≤ 150. These patients were sufficiently ill enough to where a treatment benefit might become evident. This study also mandated that the time spent prone (16 hours at a time) was long enough for any physiologic benefit to occur. Earlier studies had prone times of 6-8 hours.
The risks of prone positioning include dislodgement of life support equipment like endotracheal tubes and vascular catheters; pressure injury to the eyes, face, and extremities; and the need for heavy sedation and often neuromuscular blockade. Many of these complications can be reduced or avoided by using a clearly-defined protocol for turning and adequate staff training. While sedation and neuromuscular blockade have risks, limiting prone positioning to those patients who have moderate-to-severe ARDS (and stopping it once the patients begin to recover) should keep the number of days spent heavily sedated down.
Arguments Against Prone Positioning
The centers that participated in the PROSEVA trial have ample experience with prone positioning for ARDS. The importance of staff education and protocols for proning cannot be overstated. The risks to both the patient and to the staff are highest during the turning process. Intensive care units that wish to make this a part of how they care for ARDS should develop checklists and practice doing it so that it can happen seamlessly when actually done for critically ill patients .
The PROSEVA trial did show a mortality benefit, but it's important to note that it was the first trial of prone positioning in ARDS to do so after numerous other clinical trials had failed. This may have been due to improvement in the process and a refinement of the indications and duration of treatment. It could also easily reflect the fact that clinical statistics are not exact and that occasionally a trial can demonstrate a benefit when none actually exists. The PROSEVA trial was very similar to another clinical study of prone positioning published in 2009. 30 That study looked at a similar number of patients (466, vs. 342 in PROSEVA) and included patients with a PaO 2 /FiO 2 ratio ≤ 200. It also used a similar duration of proning (20 hours at a time, vs. 16 hours in PROSEVA). There was the expected improvement in oxygenation, but no statistically significant difference in mortality. The fact that two very similar clinical trials reached very different conclusions suggests that a much larger tiebreaker trial is needed.
The final issue that clinicians should consider with PROSEVA is the overall reduction in mortality. There was a nearly 17% absolute risk reduction, which is huge . No other treatment in critical care medicine has been able to consistently reduce the risk of death that much. This may be a case of "if it looks too good to be true, it probably is."
In Favor of Therapeutic Neuromuscular Blockade
Much of the ventilator-induced lung injury seen in ARDS is due to high transpulmonary pressure in vulnerable alveoli and overdistension of relatively healthy lung units during mechanical ventilation. Therapeutic neuromuscular blockade, along with heavy sedation, aims to improve respiratory system compliance and patient-ventilator dyssynchrony. Inflammatory biomarkers in both the blood and in bronchoalveolar fluid are also reduced when neuromuscular blockade is used. 31 These effects putatively lower the risk of ventilator-induced lung injury and improve survival from ARDS .
The ACURASYS trial used a bolus of cisatracurium, followed by a continuous infusion, for 48 hours early in the treatment of moderate-to-severe ARDS (PaO 2 /FiO 2 ≤ 150). This led to an improvement in the hazard ratio of death at 90 days, along with a reduction in the incidence of pneumothorax (4% vs. 11.7%). The benefit was most pronounced in patients with a PaO 2 /FiO 2 ratio ≤ 120, suggesting that neuromuscular blockade is most effective in the sickest patients. Other, smaller clinical trials have also suggested that a cisatracurium infusion may be beneficial. 31 , 32 Importantly, these trials did not show a higher risk of prolonged myopathy or ICU-acquired weakness when compared with the control groups.
Arguments Against Neuromuscular Blockade
The ACURASYS trial claimed a reduction in the 90-day hazard ratio of death, but the overall reduction in mortality was not statistically significant. In other words, patients who received cisatracurium lived longer than the control arm, but a similar number were dead by the 90-day mark. A reduction in the hazard ratio may be a meaningful outcome in a trial looking at a new treatment for, say, lung cancer—the five-year mortality may not be different, but the new drug may prolong life for another year or two. Most people would consider that successful. Most people would probably not consider an additional week or two of life in the ICU, intubated and attached to machines, to be a successful result.
There are also concerns regarding the external validity of the study. The rate of pneumothorax in the control group was nearly 12%, which seems higher than what's seen in clinical practice. This leads to questions regarding the ventilator strategy used, and it turns out that the prescribed tidal volume in this trial was 6-8 mL/kg PBW. This is a higher tidal volume than what's recommended for moderate-to-severe ARDS. Another trial using a lower tidal volume strategy would seem to be needed .
Nearly 22% of the control group in the ACURASYS trial received open-label cisatracurium. This makes interpretation of the results difficult, as the study wasn't completely blinded. Patients with more pronounced dyssynchrony with the ventilator would be the ones expected to receive open-label neuromuscular blockade, and these would also be the ones in the control group. In an effort to preserve blinding, all patients in the study had to be sedated to the point of complete unresponsiveness prior to receiving either the cisatracurium infusion or placebo. Heavy sedation is also known to be associated with higher risks. These issues should not be discounted.
Lastly, much of the improvement in critical care medicine over the last 15-20 years has been with the realization that "less is more." Heavy sedation and routine neuromuscular blockade have given way to daily awakening trials and analgesia-first sedation strategies. Mobilization of critically ill patients is becoming more accepted, as is recognition and prevention of delirium. Implementation of the ACURASYS method could be a step backwards.
Putting It Together
The point of the preceding arguments was not to convince you that all patients with ARDS should be proned and paralyzed, and it wasn't intended to say that proning and neuromuscular blockade are worthless. The truth is that both may have a role in moderate-to-severe ARDS (PaO 2 /FiO 2 ≤ 150), and they should be considered on a case-by-case basis. The patients most likely to benefit from prone positioning are those with significant dorsal consolidation as seen on CT imaging. Patients with more diffuse infiltrates may not see as much of a response to changes in respiratory mechanics and pulmonary blood flow. Additionally, the nursing care of other issues (long bone fractures, recent chest or abdominal surgery, brain injury, etc.) may be adversely affected with proning. Proper training and drilling of ICU staff, along with the use of a proning checklist, should minimize the risk of turning to both patients and caregivers.
The patients most likely to benefit from therapeutic neuromuscular blockade include those with extremely poor respiratory compliance; those with significant dyssynchrony with the ventilator despite the best efforts of the clinician; and those with coexisting issues like abdominal compartment syndrome or intracranial hypertension where an improvement in thoracic compliance could lead to an overall improvement in hemodynamics and end-organ perfusion. Neuromuscular blockade should be questioned in patients receiving high-dose corticosteroids due to the higher risk of ICU-acquired weakness syndrome.
For this reason as well, cisatracurium (a benzylisoquinolone that is metabolized in the plasma by Hofmann degradation) is preferred over aminosteroidal neuromuscular blockers like vecuronium or pancuronium—these agents have a higher risk of ICU-acquired weakness when concomitantly administered with steroids. They (the aminosteroidal drugs) also depend on hepatic and renal metabolism and their effects may be prolonged with hepatic or renal dysfunction, which are quite common in the ICU. Peripheral nerve stimulation should be used to monitor the depth of neuromuscular blockade, and a daily sedation/paralytic holiday should be considered.
Prone Positioning Checklist
Indications For Prone Positioning
Hypoxemic respiratory failure with the following features:
PaO 2 /FiO 2 ratio ≤ 150
Diffuse bilateral lung infiltrates
Dorsal consolidation on CT (if available)
Minimum Necessary Personnel
2 respiratory therapists (or other qualified personnel) to control the airway and ventilator
4 turners (may be nurse, physician, patient care tech, respiratory therapist, or student)
1 supervisor, who should not be involved in the proning process itself
Turning Process
Apply lubricant to eyes and tape eyelids closed
Remove any jewelry from the patient's head or neck
Remove any bite blocks
Bolus necessary analgesia/sedation/neuromuscular blocker
Confirm SpO 2 and ETCO 2 monitors are in place and functional
Two turners on either side of the patient (four total)
Two respiratory therapists at the head of the patient
o One to manage the head, airway, and face pillow
o One to manage ventilator tubing and provide backup
Supervisor at the foot of the be d
PAD (if going from SUPINE to PRONE)
Foam face pillow, making sure the endotracheal tube is not kinked (it may be necessary to cut out some of the foam padding)
Two pillows each on the chest, lower pelvis, and shins
Place a sheet over the patient (head to toe) and wrap snugly, bundling the pillows to the patient
Central lines (after necessary boluses)
Arterial lines
Hemodialysis lines
Cardiac monitor leads
The endotracheal tube from the ventilator
o Attach a self-inflating bag connected to oxygen
o Adjust the PEEP valve on the bag to the appropriate level, based on the patient's oxygenation
o Put the ventilator on standby
Supervisor should read each step aloud, with verbal confirmation by the team members
o Supervisor confirms that the airway and ventilator tubing are under control by the respiratory therapists
o Supervisor confirms that all lines and leads have been disconnected (SpO 2 and ETCO 2 monitors may be left in place, unless they interfere with the turning process)
o On the supervisor's count, the team will turn the patient onto his left/right (specify which) side, keeping the pillows tight against the body using the sheet
o Supervisor confirms that nothing needs to be repositione d
o On the supervisor's count, the team will turn the patient to the PRONE or SUPINE position, ensuring that the pillows and face pad are kept in the proper position
o Respiratory therapists confirm to the supervisor that the endotracheal tube is at the proper depth and that the tube is not obstructed, with an appropriate ETCO2 waveform
o If PRONE , Turners confirm to the supervisor that the patient is appropriately padded and that arms and legs are positioned comfortably
o If SUPINE , Turners remove padding
o Reattach cardiac monitor leads, arterial line, and restart infusions
Prone position should be maintained for 16 hours, followed by 8 hours in the supine position. Eye and mouth care is essential. Tube feeding in the prone position is permissible if the tube is post-pyloric; otherwise, hold tube feeding while prone and increase the rate of feeding while supine.