* Excerpt from an interview by the author and Meredith Collins with Genesis Breyer P-Orridge (who self-identifies using the plural, in remembrance of Lady Jaye, late spouse and partner in their Pandrogyne project):

GBPO: We’ve never called ourself a musician in an interview. Ever. Nor have we ever called ourself an artist or a writer in an interview. We never ever use those words. …

MC: Would you call yourself a storyteller?

GBPO: Yes, we would.

* The swing rhythm in “Tainted Love” is of course also a vital feature, and it may be this very uncharacteristic, even un-idiomatic use of synthesizer technology in service of a retro song that differentiated the song from the typical “Futurist” fare and allowed it to break as a hit.

* Allegedly, the record company wanted SPK to tour with Metallica, not understanding that “metal” meant entirely different things to these acts and their fans.