Multiple-Choice Test Questions

Multiple-choice questions with four answer options may take the form of a traditional text-based question, or may be in the form of an alternate question that includes an exhibit/chart, is based on an audio clip, or contains graphics in place of some of the text. No matter the form, to effectively apply the strategies discussed in this book, you need to understand the components of an NCLEX-PN® multiple-choice question. They are as follows:

The three distracters will probably sound logical to you. They may even be based on information provided in the stem, but they don’t really answer the question. Other incorrect answers may be actions that are common nursing practice but not ideal nursing practice.

The correct answer is the only choice that is recognized as correct by the NCLEX-PN® exam, so you need to learn to select it. Remember that most answer choices are written on the application level: you will not be able to select answers based on recognition or recall. You must understand the whys of nursing care in order to select the correct response.

Read the following exam-style question. In addition to selecting an answer, identify the components of this question.

The Components

Let’s try another question.

The Components