The first step to correctly answering NCLEX-PN® exam questions is to find out what each question is really asking.
Step 1. Read each question carefully from the first word to the last word. Do not skim over the words or read them too quickly.
Step 2. Look for hints in the wording of the question stem. The adjectives most, first, best, primary, and initial indicate that you must establish priorities. The phrase further teaching is necessary indicates that the answer will contain incorrect information. The phrase client understands the teaching indicates that the answer will be correct information.
Step 3. Reword the question stem in your own words so that it can be answered with a yes or a no, or with a specific bit of information. Begin your questions with what, when, or why. We will refer to this reworded version as THE REWORDED QUESTION in the examples that follow.
Step 4. If you can’t complete step 3, read the answer choices for clues.
Let’s practice rewording a question.
We omitted the answer choices to make you focus on the question stem this time. The answer choices will be provided and discussed later in this chapter.
Step 1. Read the question stem carefully.
Step 2. Pay attention to the adjectives. Most appropriately tells you that you need to select the best answer.
Step 3. Reword the question stem in your own words. In this case, it is, “What is the best charting for this situation?”
Step 4. Because you were able to reword the question, the fourth step is unnecessary. You didn’t need to read the answer choices for clues.
We have all missed questions on a test because we didn’t read accurately. The following question illustrates this point.
Again, just the question stem is given to encourage you to focus on rewording the question. We will discuss the answer choices for this question later in this chapter.
Step 1. Read the question stem carefully.
Step 2. Look for hints. Pay particular attention to the statement “further teaching is necessary.” You are looking for negative information.
Step 3. Reword the question stem in your own words. In this case, it is, “What is incorrect information about TB?”
Step 4. Because you were able to reword the question, the fourth step is unnecessary. You didn’t need to read the answer choices for clues to determine what the question is asking.
Try rewording this test question.
Again, just the question stem is given to encourage you to focus on rewording the question. We will discuss the answer choices for this question later in this chapter.
Step 1. Read the question stem carefully.
Step 2. Look for hints. Pay attention to the words client understands. You are looking for true information.
Step 3. Reword the question stem. This question is asking, “What is true about terbutaline (Brethine)?”
Step 4. Because you were able to reword this question, the fourth step is unnecessary. You didn’t need to obtain clues about what the question is asking from the answer choices.