
First, all glory and praise go to God, who through His Son, Jesus Christ, makes all things possible and gives us the gift of eternal life.

Many thanks go to the fantastic team of people at John Wiley & Sons for their outstanding work on this project. Thanks to Kenyon Brown, the acquisitions editor, for offering us the opportunity to work on this book. Also, thanks to Kathryn Duggan, the project editor, for keeping things on track and making this book more presentable. Thanks, Kathi, for all your hard work and diligence. The technical editor, Jason Eckert, did a wonderful job of doubleā€checking all the work in the book, plus making suggestions to improve the content. Thanks to Barath Kumar Rajasekaran and his team for their endless patience and diligence to make our work readable. We would also like to thank Carole Jelen at Waterside Productions, Inc., for arranging this opportunity for us, and for helping us out in our writing careers.

Christine would like to thank her husband, Timothy, for his encouragement, patience, and willingness to listen, even when he has no idea what she is talking about. Rich would like to thank his wife, Barbara, for the lifeā€sustaining baked goods she readily prepared to help him keep up his energy while writing!