If you frequent expensive hotels with all the dough you’ve saved by following my advice in this book, notice what’s going on with the walls. Hotels can’t put a piece of original artwork on every wall. It’s too expensive, and rowdy patrons may try to stash it in their carry-on luggage upon checkout. Instead of taking this risk, smarty-pants hotel interior designers just frame beautiful pieces of fabric or wallpaper.

To buy large-scale art is very often cost-prohibitive. I’m talking thousands of dollars. And the truth of the matter is, beautiful art is accessible to us almost every day. Fabric and wallpaper is artwork for the masses and it’s affordable. Real-life artists create the patterns! Now, go find a beautiful piece of fabric that you love, and take charge of your décor!

The custom frame is just the molding usually found along the floors and ceilings of homes. Seven feet of basic molding like we’ve used here costs six or seven dollars at home improvement stores.

large-format art method


MATERIALS: fabric or wallpaper, measuring tape, scissors, level, pencil, molding, staple gun, hammer, nails, miter saw

images Begin by choosing the area on your wall you want to cover, then measure and cut the fabric accordingly. Using a level and pencil, mark off where the fabric should be affixed. Using a staple gun or hammer and nails, affix the fabric to the wall. It is easiest to affix the top edge of the fabric first, then align the sides and bottom accordingly.


images Measure and cut the molding into four pieces with a miter saw, so the edges are diagonal and will fit together in a frame around the fabric. Using a level, place the molding onto the wall so it covers the raw edge of the fabric. Nail the molding to the wall. Wow! Wow! Wow!
