We all have one: a set of china that’s been passed down through the generations. And though it’s a pattern we never would have chosen and doesn’t match anything in our home, it’s kind of precious and sentimental. Maybe all you have left is a few old teacups. Or maybe that’s all your grandmother thought you were responsible enough to handle. But you and I both know that deep down, you didn’t want those teacups anyway—you wanted money. Well, show that old biddy how much you didn’t need her inheritance by making these candles! (I should stop writing this book while drinking gin.)

teacup candles method


MATERIALS: paraffin wax, 2-cup glass measuring cup, 2-quart saucepan, wicks, old teacups, chopsticks

images Place wax in a glass measuring cup and set in saucepan filled with water on stove. Melt the wax over medium-low heat.


images Once the wax is melted, place a wick inside each teacup. Using caution, because the wax is hot, pour the wax into the cup.


images If the wick shifts, reposition and stabilize with the chopstick.


images Allow to cool. Display.



Wax can be poured to 1/4 to 1/2 inches below the rim of the cup.


If the wax sinks in the center when cooled, poke a few holes around wick with a knife or pin and add an additional small amount of melted wax to center.