Can’t seem to part with your favorite lamp but the shade is all yellowed and busted like a meth-head’s teeth? Make this.

lampshade method


MATERIALS: burlap, old lampshade, spray adhesive, scissors, hot glue gun and glue sticks, wood craft stick, twine

images Spread burlap on a flat surface. Coat the lampshade with spray adhesive and roll across burlap to cover. Let the ends of the burlap overlap the shade by 1 to 2 inches.


images Trim excess burlap from top and bottom of lampshade, leaving a border 1 to 2 inches.


images Using a hot glue gun and wooden craft stick, glue the excess burlap border to the inside of the lamp. Press edge with craft stick as you glue. Trim excess.


images To finish the edges, glue twine over the rough, inside edges of the burlap using the hot glue gun. Display.




People say to buy art if it speaks to you. I agree, as long as your art doesn’t whisper “Redrum” into your ear at night. For crying out loud, buy the stuff that makes you smile and don’t worry too much about what other people will think. You kind of can’t win. I will not like some of your art. You will not like some of my art. Who cares? I don’t live in your house and your restraining order prevents you from entering mine.