

Having done What Not to Wear for a decade, I am 100 percent convinced that you cannot change someone who does not want to be changed. So, if your husband has no desire whatsoever to look good, he’s probably a lost cause. And if his appearance repulses you to your core, divorce him.

But sometimes an opening occurs! If your guy ever makes comments like, “Oh, that guy has great style,” or “I wonder where that handsome Clinton Kelly fellow gets his clothes,” there’s your window of opportunity to help him!

First of all, don’t overwhelm a man with too much information. Start with one little thing, and when he gets used to it, move on to the next. For example, if he only wears sneakers, see if you can convince him to try a nice pair of suede loafers. Then treat him like a dog. You know how you train a dog? You praise it like crazy when it does something right. And you give it a treat. When he wears the suede loafers out to dinner with you, tell him several times over the course of the night how good he looks! Then, when you get home, give him a treat.

The next time you’re getting ready to go out for a bite, he won’t even realize why he’s slipping into his new soft shoes, kind of like a dog that has learned to automatically fetch your newspaper.
