Chapter 20
“You really need to stop getting in the way of bullets,” Jaze said in a light tone.
“They need to stop shooting at people I care about,” I replied grimly. I met Mouse's gaze from across the room. He watched me, his eyes wide and unreadable.
“Just because they're silver doesn't mean they can't kill you,” Meg said, her tone distracted as she examined the bullet wound in my chest. “An inch to the right and your heart might not have fared so well.”
“He didn’t want me dead,” I said quietly.
“I don't think you gave him a chance to aim,” Jaze replied. His tone was strange and I looked up to see a serious expression on his face. He met my gaze. “You really do need to start taking care of yourself. You have things to live for, you know.”
“So does Mouse,” I said.
Jaze opened his mouth to say something, then shut it again. He watched Meg for a moment, then sighed. “I suppose you’re going to the labs?”
“I don’t have a choice. If he has my sister, I’ve got to get her out of there.” My throat tightened at the thought of seeing her again; it was hard to think rationally.
“And if not?” Jet questioned, his dark blue eyes intent.
“Then I’ll kill them all.” My voice was expressionless, but my heart pounded at the thought.
Jet shook his head. “You’re not a killer.” I started to protest, but he put a hand on my shoulder and met my eyes. “You might be brave and crazy, but you’re not a killer. You can’t do this alone.”
I wanted to argue, but knew he was right. I took a painful breath and blew it out. “Okay, then what do I do?”
“You find your sister and let us do the rest,” Jaze said. He gritted his teeth as Nikki wrapped a bandage around his arm to slow the bleeding from the knife wound so it could heal.
I bit back a gasp when the needle-nosed pliers-like tool Meg held opened and latched onto the bullet in my chest. She pulled it out with a satisfied smile, then bathed the wound in antiseptic. “How do you find me?” I forced out.
“We could just follow you. That wacko can’t expect you to go alone,” Brock said from the kitchen.
I shook my head. “He’ll only take one person, and they’re serious about being followed. I can’t risk losing Colleen again.”
“We could use a tracker,” Mouse said.
He held my eyes for a moment, then looked at the floor. “It’s how they found you before. Maybe we could use their technology against them.”
The thought brought a smile to my lips. “Perfect.” I looked at Jaze. “Do you think Charles can help us out?” Meg held bandages on the bullet wound in my chest while Taye taped them down.
“Can’t hurt to give him a call,” Jaze said. “I think the Hunters might have something we can work with. If we know where you are, you can give a signal and we’ll bring our army down on top of them.”
Jet nodded appreciatively. “The element of surprise might give us the advantage.”
He left with Jaze, Nikki, and Brock while Meg finished the bandaging job. “Try not to move for a bit,” she suggested. “Give it a chance to at least start healing.”
“I don’t have time,” I argued.
She rolled her eyes. “Let the others do the leg work. You need to rest, especially if you’re actually going through with your fool-headed plan.” She handed back my bloody shirt and passed me the cup of water Taye brought. “Werewolves are so bad at taking care of themselves.”
“Tell me about it,” Taye replied, nodding her head toward the others in the kitchen.
They both turned to leave, but I grabbed Taye’s hand. A knife of pain stabbed through my chest and I held the bandages and fought to breathe. Taye turned back, her eyes bright with concern. She eased me back on the couch, her hands gentle. “How’s Grace?” I managed to get out.
“She’s sleeping,” she said with a small smile. “She’s not hurt, just scared.” Her eyes met mine. “She’s mostly worried about you.”
“Tell her not to worry. I’ll be fine.” I took a drink of the water she gave me, then grimaced at the pain of swallowing.
“Right,” Taye said, her tone doubtful.
I met her gaze. “I don’t really have a choice.”
Her lips softened into a sympathetic smile. “I know you don’t.” She stood and turned to go, then paused. “Just take care of yourself, for Grace’s sake.”
I nodded and she left the room.