
Not too long ago, very few people had ever read anything I had written and very few people knew that I wanted to publish a story someday.

But now my writing world has grown and grown, and my dream has become a reality. And there are so many people to thank for that.

And so, all my gratitude to:

• My extraordinary agent, Sara Crowe, who found a home for Wunder and Faye.

• My dream of an editor, Janine O’Malley, whose vision and love for this story were everything I could have hoped for and more.

• Melissa Warten for her insightful eye and unfailing patience and enthusiasm.

• Hayley Jozwiak and Chandra Wohleber for their keen questions and attention to detail.

• Beth Clark for designing and Matt Rockefeller for illustrating the cover that perfectly captures this story’s dark and bright.

• The entire team at FSG and Macmillan Children’s, including Jen Besser, Katie Quinn, Alex Hernandez, Katie Halata, and many more who welcomed me with such warmth and contributed so much wisdom and talent.

• Holly McGhee and all the Pips who make me so proud to be a part of Pippin Properties.

• My many artistic, linguistic, cultural, and religious advisors, including Adrienne Kim Clark, Jin Oh, Paul and Nicole Henry, Raquel Trinidad, Liz Oleski, Brigid Misselhorn, Meagan Bell, and Irene Aunger Smith.

• Kathleen Anderson, a mentor and friend through many stages of life.

• Tonja Ewing-Gomez and all the members of A Novel Bunch for their support and encouragement.

• The Novel Nineteens, who were the writing friends I never knew I needed and now could not imagine doing this debut year without.

• The countless writers who have inspired and challenged and shaped me.

• The many teachers, librarians, and fellow authors who I have been privileged to encounter in this new and wondrous world of children’s literature.

• Every single reader who picks up this story.

• My parents for their unconditional love and unwavering belief in me. And, just as importantly, for watching my kids.

• Of course, Russ for embracing the writing-during-freetime to writing-on-a-deadline shift. I carry your heart with me, and I know you carry mine.

• And finally, to Coral Mae and Everett Reef. You two are the brightest miracles in my world.