abstract theory, 74

acceleration, laws of, 38–39

accounting, 23, 81

accuracy, 96–97

Adams, Abigail, 73

administrators, 176

Age of Reason, 68–94

agriculture, 99–100, 101

Albert, prince of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, 126, 133

algebra, 58, 63, 69–70

All the Year Round, 149

American Revolution, 68

American Statistical Society, 127

anagrams, 64

Analytic Engine, 178

annuities, 47–48

aorta, 41

apportionment, 76–80

Aristotle, 35, 38

arithmetic, 18, 46

arteries, 41

astrology, 35

astronomy, 35, 40, 44

Aubrey, John, 51–52, 56

Augustus, Roman emperor, 29 “average man,” 139–40

Babbage, Charles, 127, 167, 178

Babylonia, 19

Babylonian captivity, 31

barometer, 44

Bartlett, Elisha, 111

Battle of the Pyramids, 21

Belgium, 137–38

Belmont Stakes, 33

benevolence, 70

Bentham, Jeremy, 70, 101

Bethlehem, 29

Bible, 28–31, 32

Bills of Mortality, 50–55

blood circulation, 40–45, 71

blood-letting, 109–10, 111

blood pressure, 72–73

blue vitriol, 97

body weight, 42–43

Boltzmann, Ludwig, 145

Bonaparte, Lucien, 96

bookkeeping, 18, 23

Boston, Mass., 86

Bowditch, Henry I., 110

Brahe, Tycho, 97

Breslau, see Wroclaw Brewer, John, 50

Britain, see Great Britain British Association for the Advancement of Science, 149

Broussais, F. J. V., 109, 110

Buffon, Comte de, 75

Bulwer, Henry Lytton, 117, 118

Bungus, Petrus, 61–63, 61

bureaucracy, 18

calculating machine, 167

Cambridge University, 23

Canada, 89

Canada pamphlet, 88–89

cardinal points, 19

Carlyle, Thomas, 147–48, 149, 153

Cassini, Jean-Dominique, 65

celestial dimensions, 37

celestial mechanics, 112, 127

censorship, 121–22


in Bible, 28–31, 32

in Colonial America, 32–33

in France, 96

in Great Britain, 31–32, 95

Hollerith tabulating machines used in, 179, 180

of Scotland, 68, 101–5, 104–5

in United States, 68, 76, 95, 96, 179, 180

chance, 145

Charles II, king of England, 56, 57

Chemical Revolution, 97–98

chemistry, 97

Cheops, Great Pyramid of, 20–27

Chronicles, 29–30, 31

chronometers, 97

churches, 19

circles, 81

climacteric weeks, 66

climacteric years, 66

clinical statistics, 108

Clough, Arthur, 165

Coleman, William, 107, 111

Collinson, Peter, 83

Colonial America, 32–33

Compte général de l’administration de la justice criminelle, 115, 128, 129

computers, 119–20, 180

Comte, Auguste, 143, 144–45

Condorcet, Antoine de Caritat, Marquis de, 112, 113

Congress, U.S., 76–80

conservation of mass, 98

Constitution, U.S., 68, 76, 79, 95

copper sulfate, 97

cowpox, 90

crime, 115–16, 138, 155, 171

Guerry’s studies of, 116–20

Quetelet’s studies of, 128–35, 131, 134–35

Crimean War, 158, 161–66, 168, 169, 170, 175

Cruveilhier, Jean, 111

cubes, 37

currency, 84

Daniel, Book of, 60

Darwin, Charles, 87

David, King, 28, 29–33, 96

death rates, 164, 168, 170, 174–75, 175

“Death’s Ciphering Book” (Morley), 150–52

Declaration of Independence, U.S., 70

demography, 45–47, 49, 86–88 see also population

de Moivre, Abraham, 33

Denmark, 95

Descartes, René, 65

determinism, 129, 155

diagrams, statistical, 173–75

Dialogues Concerning Two New Sciences (Galileo), 35, 36, 38

Diamond, Marion, 167

Dickens, Charles, 148–50, 152–57

Difference Engine, 167, 178

disease, 163, 169

Disraeli, Benjamin, 149

Doctrine of Chances, The (de Moivre), 33

Donkin, Bryan, 167

double-entry bookkeeping, 18

Dürer, Albrecht, 81, 82, 83

Durkheim, Emile, 120

earth, 65

age of, 28

population of, 46–47

Edinburgh Medical Journal, 133

education, 117

Edwards, Jonathan, 90–91

Egypt (ancient), 19, 20–27

elections, U.S., of 2000, 18

Embaba, Egypt, 21

empiricism, 107

England, see Great Britain

English Life Tables (Farr), 166, 178

Enlightenment, 71

Ernest, prince of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, 126, 133

Esquisse d’un tableau des progrès de l’esprit humain (Condorcet), 112

Essai sur la statistique morale de la France (Guerry), 117

Essay on the Philosophy of Medical Science (Bartlett), 111

evolution, 87

expansionism, 88, 89

experiment, 36, 98

exponential growth, 86

Farr, William, 165, 166–68, 172, 174, 178

Ferguson, Adam, 69

Flamsteed, John, 97

food, 42, 87, 99 “four,” 59

Fourier, Joseph, 115, 126


farm production in, 99

height of army conscripts in, 136, 136

insurrections in, 76

judicial voting in, 112

new republic wars in, 68

numbers in, 97–101

Parisian default on bonds in, 34

population of, 96, 100, 114

size and shape of, 22

statistical bureau of, 100–101

statistical tables of, 114–16

statistics on crime in, 115–20, 130, 131

Franklin, Benjamin, 98

advocacy of inoculation by, 90–93

Condorcet and, 112

magic squares of, 63, 81–83

Malthus and, 86–89

numbers and, 80–86, 90–94

Franklin, Francis, 90, 91

free fall, 38–39

free will, 129, 171

French Academy of Sciences, 112, 117, 119

French and Indian War, 89

French Revolution, 68, 98, 106, 112

Frenicle, M., 83

Freud, Sigmund, 106

Friday the Thirteenth, 59

Galen, 40–41, 42

Galileo, 35, 36, 38–40, 44, 65

Galton, Francis, 176

gambling, 33

Garfield, James A., 128

gases, 98

Gee, Joshua, 85

Germany, 103

germ theory of disease, 163

Ghent, University of, 125

Gizeh, Great Pyramid of, 20–27

Glasgow, University of, 69

God, 171, 173

gold, 84


dependence on taxation of, 18

and numerical data, 57

Quetelet on, 172

reliance on numbers by, 19, 50

social systems and, 50

grain, 100

Graunt, John, 51–57

gravity, 38–40, 127

Great Britain:

army mortality in India of, 170

Bills of Mortality in, 50–55

census in, 31–32, 95

decision to acquire Canada, 89

dependence on numbers of, 50

hospital record keeping of, 169

Iron Act in, 88

judicial voting in, 112

military hospitals of, 162, 164, 165

population of, 57

see also Crimean War Great Pyramid of Gizeh, 20–27

Guadeloupe, 89

Guerry, André Michel, 116, 132–33

Hacking, Ian, 117, 119, 132, 133

Hales, Stephen, 71–73, 72

Halley, Edmund, 47–48

Hamilton, Alexander, 80

Hankins, Frank H., 132

happiness, 70–71, 103

Hard Times (Dickens), 153–57, 174

harmonic law, 37–38

Harmony of the World, The (Kepler), 37

Harvard College, 34

Harvey, William, 40–42, 44

heart, 41, 42

Heberden, William, 92

Heilbron, John, 96

Herbert, Sidney, 160, 162, 164, 165, 173

Herodotus, 25

Herschel, John, 146

Hindu-Arabic numerals, 18

Hirschman, Albert, 14

Holland, 46–47, 95

Hollerith, Herman, 180

Hollerith tabulating machines, 179, 180

Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Sr., 110

Hooke’s law, 36–37

horses, 100

hospitals, 162, 164, 165, 169

Household Words, 149, 150, 152

House of Representatives, U.S., 77–79

Hume, David, 69

Hutcheson, Francis, 69–71

Huygens, Christiaan, 35, 64, 65

hypothetical reagent, 123

IBM (International Business Machines), 119, 180

immunity, 90

income tax, 17–18

India, 170, 176

Indian Sanitary Commission, 170

industrialism, 18

infants, 66

Ingenhousz, Jan, 91

inoculation, 90–93

Inquiry into the Original of our Ideas of Beauty and Virtue, An (Hutcheson), 69

insanity, 95, 106

instruments, 44

“Interest of Great Britain Considered, With Regard to her Colonies, And the Acquisitions of Canada and Guadaloupe, The” (Franklin), 88–89

Ireland, 57

Iron Act (Great Britain), 88

Jackson, James, Sr., 110

Japan, 59

Jefferson, Thomas, 70, 73–80, 112

Jenner, Edward, 90

Joab, 29–30

John, Saint, 60

Johns Hopkins University, 141

Joseph, 29

Journal of the London Statistical Society, 167

Jowett, Benjamin, 176

Joyce, James, 121–22

judicial voting, 112

Jupiter (planet), 38, 64, 65

Kepler, Johannes, 36, 37, 44

Kepler’s harmonic law, 37–38

Keynes, Geoffrey, 56

Khufu, Great Pyramid of, 20–27

King David, see David, King Knight, Charles, 152

knowledge, 144

Knowledge Is Power (Knight), 153

labor theory of value, 84

La Condamine, Charles-Marie de, 34

Lagrange, Joseph-Louis, 99

land, 88, 89, 99

Laplace, Pierre-Simon, Marquis de, 112, 113, 126, 127

latitude, 44

Lavoisier, Antoine-Laurent, 97–101, 112

Leibniz, Gottfried, 48

LeMay, Leo, 85

Leo X, Pope, 63, 83

life insurance, 47

life sciences, 40–45

life tables, 47–48, 166–67, 168

lilacs, 142

Linnaeus, Carolus, 80

literacy, 18, 117

Logan, James, 83

London, 47, 51, 52, 53, 55, 148

London Statistical Society, 127, 167, 169

Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 158

longitude, 44

lotteries, 33–34

Lottin, Joseph, 132

Louis, Pierre Charles Alexandre, 108–11, 166

Louis XIV, king of France, 65, 96

Luther, Martin, 61–62, 63

Madison, James, 75

magic squares, 63, 81–83

Malthus, Thomas, 86–89

manometers, 72, 72

manslaughter, 132, 134–35

maple trees, 72

mapmaking, 44

marriage, 138, 171

Mars (planet), 65

Mary, 29

mass, conservation of, 98

Massachusetts, 76

Massachusetts Bay Colony, 32

matter, 98

Maxwell, James Clerk, 145, 149

Mécanique céleste (Laplace), 112

medical statistics, 108

medicine, 95

Melencolia I (Dürer), 81, 82, 83

mental disorders, 106, 107

Mercury (planet), 65

meteorology, 74

Methuselah, 28

metric system, 99

Metropolitan Museum of Art, 24, 25

micrometer, 44

microscope, 45

military, 96, 136, 136

Mill, John Stuart, 143–44

Modest Enquiry into the Nature and Necessity of a Paper-Currency, A (Franklin), 84

Monge, Gaspard, 21

Moon, 40, 44, 65, 66, 127

moral arithmetic, 69–71 “moral statistics,” 117

Morley, Henry, 150–52

mortality, see death rates Mortality, Bills of, 50–55

Moses, 28, 29

mosques, 19

motion, Galileo’s laws of, 35, 38–40

Mystery of Numbers, The (Bungus), 61, 61

mystic philosophy, 59–67

Napoleon Bonaparte, 21, 22

Natural and Political Observations Mentioned in a Following Index, and Made Upon the Bills of Mortality, 51

natural selection, 87

Neumann, Caspar, 48, 49, 66–67

New Astronomy (Kepler), 36

New Experiments (Boyle), 36

New Jersey, 33

New Oxford Annotated Bible, 31

New Science (Tartaglia), 36

New Testament, 29

Newton, Isaac, 35, 38, 40, 60, 64, 112, 127

New York, 33

Nightingale, Florence, 158–78

Nightingale’s “coxcombs,” 175–76, 175

Nile River, 22

nonarii, 66

Norway, 95

Nott, Josiah Clark, 111


in Age of Reason, 68–94

application to life sciences of, 71

in Bible, 28–31, 60

converting names into, 60–63

Dickens and, 148–50, 152–57

in France, 97–101

Franklin and, 80–86, 90–94

in history, 19–27

Jefferson and, 73–80

in life sciences, 40–45

and measures, 95–97

new uses for, 95–113

new worlds based on, 36–58

Nightingale and, 158–78

as omnipresent, 17

see also statistics Numbers, Book of, 28

numerical law, 36

numerical method, 107–11, 166

numerology, 59–67

nursing, 159, 160, 162, 163

Obayashi Corporation, 25–26, 27

observation, 36

“Observations Concerning the Increase of Mankind” (Franklin), 87–88

Old Testament, 28, 29

ordinateur, 119–20

Osler, William, 110

oxen, 100

Oxford University, 19

Padua, University of, 40

Paris, 34, 47, 114

Paris Observatory, 65

Parkman, George, 108

Parliamentary History of England (Cobbett), 32

Parry, Richard H. G., 23–27, 27

Passions and the Interests, The (Hirschman), 14

Pearson, Karl, 176

pendulum clock, 44, 97

Pennsylvania Gazette, 85, 90

perfect number, 65

Perrot, Jacques, 119

Perrot, Jean-Claude, 99

perturbations, 127

perturbation theory, 40

Petty, William, 52, 55–58, 73, 80, 84

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, 48

phlogiston, 98

physical motion, 38

physiology, 40

Physique sociale (Quetelet), 132, 133, 138, 171–72

Pinel, Philippe, 106–8

plague, 51

planets, 37, 44

plants, 71–72, 72

playwrights, Quetelet’s studies of, 142

pneumonia, 110

poker, 33

polio, 93

political arithmetic, 57–58, 80, 84, 88

Political Arithmetick (Petty), 58

political economy, 153

political geography, 103

politics, 75–76

Pope, Alexander, 73

Popper, Karl, 37


during American Revolution, 141

of Belgium, 137–38

of Breslau, 86, 49

of earth, 46–47

of England and Ireland, 57

of France, 96, 100, 114

law of increase of, 86–89

of London, 53

numerical study of, 86

see also census

pornography, 122

Porter, Theodore, 126, 145

precision, 95, 96–97, 99

pressure gauges, 72, 72

Principia (Newton), 35, 40, 60


advances in theory of, 111–13

Comte on, 144

development of theory of, 33

Fourier’s contribution to, 115

and Pinel, 106

Quetelet on, 127, 144

in twentieth century, 178

public good, 70

pulse rate, 41, 42

punch cards, 179, 180

punishment, 130

Putnam, G. C., 110

pyramids, 20–27

quantitative experiments, 98

quantitative social science, 126

quantity, 45

quarrying, 23–24, 25

Quetelet, Adolphe, 116, 120, 124–46, 131, 134–35, 136, 137–38, 155, 170–72, 174, 176

Ray, Catherine, 94

rebellion, 75–76

Recherches statistiques sur la ville de Paris et le departement de la Seine, 114

recipes, 45

Reid, Thomas, 69

Research on the Propensity for Crime at Different Ages (Quetelet), 129–30, 131, 134–35

Revelation, Book of, 60, 71

revolution, 75

Rich, Nathaniel, 32

Robert-Fleury, Tony, 106

Roman numerals, 18

Royal Society of London, 45, 48, 52, 57

Royal Statistical Society, 127, 169

Salk vaccine, 93

Samuel, Book of, 29–30

Sanctorius (Santorio Santorio), 42–44, 43

sanitation, 163, 164, 165–72 “Santa Filomela” (Longfellow), 158

sap, 71–72, 72

Satan, 29, 31

Saturn (planet), 64, 65

Scheutz, Edvard, 167

Schimmel, Annemarie, 60

science, 36, 37, 44, 64–65, 74, 149

Scientific Revolution, 19, 40, 60

Scotland, 68, 101–5, 104–5

Scutari, Turkey, 162

septernarii, 66

Seven Years’ War, 89

Shattuck, George C., 110, 111

Shays’ Rebellion, 75–76

shipping news, 85

silver, 84

Sinclair, John, 68, 101–5, 104–5 “six hundred sixty-six,” 60–63, 83

sledge transport, 24, 26

Small, Hugh, 166

smallpox, 90–93

Smith, Adam, 69

Smyth, Charles Piazzi, 20

social behavior, 136, 138–39

social conditions, 101

social physics, 133, 136, 139–40, 143, 145

social reform, 158

social science, 48, 126, 144

social systems, 50

sociology, 126, 143–44

Solomon, 31

“Some Account of the Success of Inoculation for the Smallpox in England and America” (Franklin), 92

spermatozoa, 46

springs, 36–37

squares, 37

see also magic squares stars, 44

statecraft, 95, 99, 103, 114

Statistical Congress of 1860, 170

statistical determinism, 129, 155

statistical diagrams, 173–75


bureau for in France, 100–101

clinical, 108

to combat superstition, 66–67

creation of, 50

on crime, 115–20, 131

critics of, 147–57

Dickens on, 148–50, 152–57

Farr’s contribution to, 167

first example of analysis, 51

Graunt’s analysis, 51, 53–55

international movement, 124

medical, 108

Nightingale’s use of, 158, 168–77

of Quetelet, 124–46

reliability of, 140–43

Sinclair on, 103, 104–5

tables, 47–48, 114–16, 138–39, 147, 166–67, 168

Statistique morale de l’Angleterre comparée avec la statistique morale de la France (Guerry), 119

Stifel, Michael (Stifelius), 63, 83

Stille, Alfred, 111

Stone, Mervyn, 167

stone transport, 23–27

stretching force, 36–37

suicide, 118, 120, 138, 171

superstition, 66–67

surveying, 19

Sutherland, John, 165

Sweden, 95, 96

System of Logic, Ratiocinative and Inductive, A (Mill), 143

tables, statistical, 47–48, 114–16, 138–39, 147, 166–67, 168

Tale of Two Cities, A (Dickens), 148


in Bible, 28, 29

in Colonial America, 32

on income, 17–18

on land in France, 99

in support of war in France, 68

Taylor, Frederick, 74

telescope, 40, 44–45

Temple of Solomon, 60

Théorie analytique des probabilities (Laplace), 112

“thirty-three,” 59–60

Thomas, Keith, 50

time, 97

time/motion studies, 74

Trade and Navigation of Great Britain Considered (Gee), 85

Traité médico-philosophique sur l’aliénation mentale (Pinel), 107

Trayned Band, 52

Treatise on Man (Quetelet), 136, 136, 137–38, 138, 139

tuberculosis, 109, 110

Turkey, 161, 164

Twain, Mark, 149

typhoid fever, 109, 110

Ulysses (Joyce), 121–22

United Kingdom, see Great Britain

University of Ghent, 125

University of Glasgow, 69

University of Padua, 40

urbanization, 18

usufruct, definition of, 75

vaccination, 90

value, labor theory of, 84

van Helmont, Johannes, 42

Van Leeuwenhoek, Antoni, 45–47

veins, 41

Venus (planet), 65

Verney, Harry, 161

vines, 71–72, 72

Voltaire (François-Marie Arouet), 34–35

Walker, Helen, 95

Washington, George, 79

Webster, Alexander, 101

Webster, John White, 108

weeks, climacteric, 66

weight, 42–43

Westergaard, Harald, 66, 124

Westfall, R. S., 60

Wills, Garry, 69, 73

Winthrop, John, 32

Wisdom of Solomon, 28

wooden cradle, 24–25, 25, 26, 26

Woolsey, John M., 121–24

Wroclaw (Breslau; Poland), 48, 49, 86

years, climacteric, 66

yellow fever, 110