Not Yet
Posey told Nikki and Ava about Poinky in school on Monday.
“Bring her tomorrow,” Nikki said. “She sounds so cute.”
“If you bring Poinky, I’ll bring my stuffed kitty,” said Ava.
“I’ll bring a stuffed animal, too,” Nikki said. “We can play a game.”
“But what if Miss Lee takes them away?” said Posey.
“We’ll only play at recess,” Ava promised.
But Posey was worried.
She was still worried the next morning.
Poinky was so small and soft. What if Posey couldn’t resist looking at her during class?
She put Poinky back into the bed she had made from a little box. She covered her with the blanket she had made with cotton balls.

“You stay here,” Posey said. “I’ll be home after school.”
I want to go to school, too, Poinky’s face said.
“Not yet,” said Posey.
Ava and Nikki each brought in a toy. They played a game during recess.
Posey had to sit and watch. She wished she could play, too.
“Bring Poinky tomorrow,” Nikki and Ava begged.
“Maybe,” Posey said.
When Posey got home, she and Poinky had a serious talk.
“If I take you to school tomorrow, you have to hide,” Posey said. “You can only come out at recess.”
Poinky nodded.
“You have to be very quiet,” said Posey. “No peeking or squeaking.”
Poinky looked like she understood.

The next morning, Posey let Poinky ride in the cup holder on the drive to school.
“Are you sure this is a good idea?” her mom said.
“I’ll take good care of her,” said Posey. “I know the rule.”