18 APRIL 2003

6:00 P.M.


As night fell, once again Michael was astounded by the shaman’s generosity. The women brought food to their leader; he shared it with the expedition team members. This time all his fellow travelers save Delmar repaid the shaman’s hospitality by returning a portion of the food to his palm leaf, but Michael knew they could not stay in this village many more days. All they needed had been freely offered, and while food and water seemed to be sufficient, he had seen no signs of a surplus. The presence of the research team was draining the village of precious resources, and they had brought nothing to make up the deficit.

They needed to work quickly, Michael realized. Deborah Simons waited in a hostile village, Shaman’s Wife was failing rapidly, and Alex’s condition worsened with each passing hour. If an answer existed in this place, they needed to find it in a matter of days, not weeks or months.

As he had hoped, the gregarious shaman was willing to talk after dinner. With Delmar interpreting, Michael joined Alexandra and Emma in a conversation with the old man.

“I’d like to know about the boy,” Alexandra told Delmar, her eyes shifting to the shaman’s lined face. After the Brazilian interpreted her question, the shaman gave her a smile, then lifted his hand to the open sky in the center of the shabono.

As Delmar translated, the old man spoke in a tone filled with awe and respect. “The boy is resting, waiting for the Great Spirit of the keyba. He will wait through the night, until the first light of morning. When we see him again, he will be healed from the shuddering disease.”

Michael shot Emma a look. “Almost like an initiation ritual, isn’t it?”

The anthropologist jerked her head in a brief nod of agreement. “Many tribes require trials of endurance before a boy can be considered a man. This may be the keyba version of purification.” She paused to take a bite of her banana, then swallowed and smiled around their small circle. “In medieval times, squires who had passed the tests of knighthood had to participate in a ritual that included a cleansing bath and a full night of prayer in the chapel. The next morning they took a vow of loyalty to their lord, kissed his cheek, and received a ceremonial blow on the shoulder in return.” She shrugged. “Interesting that this jungle version also includes a spiritual aspect.”

Alexandra lifted a finger. “But the purpose of the keyba ritual is healing.”

“The boy didn’t look sick.” Michael admitted what he’d been thinking earlier. “He might well be carrying a form of prion disease, but I saw no signs of it.”

“And you can’t tell me they require that kind of athletic endeavor from everyone.” Emma jabbed her finger to the ground to emphasize her point. “What if someone bears a handicapped child who cannot climb? Are they doomed to suffer this alleged disease? What about the girls? Are they supposed to climb the tree, too?”

Michael turned to the shaman. “Does everyone approach the keyba? Even the girls and little ones?”

After Delmar had translated the question, the shaman shook his head. “Everyone walks the keyba,” he said through Delmar, “except those who choose not to. And the little ones, the weak ones—the Great Spirit of the keyba sends a mighty hawk to carry their souls to his land.”

Alexandra blew out her cheeks. “Everything begins and ends with spirits in this p-p-part of the world,” she grumbled. “I would give anything to find a native who can think in terms of practical science. I don’t expect them to understand astrophysics, but it’d be such a giant step forward if these people could realize that life requires biological answers, not spiritual hocus-pocus—”

“What makes you think the issue being addressed is not spiritual?” Despite a nagging voice that warned him to keep quiet, Michael tossed the question at her. “Perhaps we of the civilized world are at fault for wandering away from basic spiritual truths.”

Emma lifted her hand. “Let’s postpone the infighting, shall we? We have more important matters to discuss.”

“I’m willing to stay on topic,” Alexandra answered, her words clipped. Her eyes, trained on Michael, gleamed with defiance. “If the reverend doctor here stops trying to slow our progress with useless suppositions, we might actually learn something tonight.”

Sputtering on his indignation, Michael clenched his fist. “You think faith is useless? How can you ignore the myriad medical studies which have proven that prayer leads to quicker recovery from surgery, more rapid growth in premature infants, and has even been shown to help infertile women conceive babies?”

Alexandra flicked a dismissive wave in his direction. “Those studies aren’t worth the paper they’re printed on. It’s not faith that works wonders; it’s the blindly optimistic attitude possessed by people who identify themselves as spiritual.”

Michael set his jaw, furious at his increasing vulnerability to her. Why did he care what she thought? She was nothing to him but a colleague and a friend—when she felt like being friendly. He shouldn’t allow her to rile his temper, but he couldn’t help it. He cared. He cared a great deal.

Drawing a deep breath, he forced himself to calm down. “Tell me, Alexandra—do you think that boy in the kapok tree is exhibiting blind optimism?”

She snorted. “Of course! If he doesn’t break his neck before morning, he’ll come down, the shaman will pronounce him healed, and life here in Stone Age village will go merrily along. Truthfully, I’ve begun to wonder if these people are sick at all. Perhaps they were once afflicted with prion diseases, but something in the area eradicated the infective agent. Maybe they were like the Fiore in New Guinea, and once they stopped drinking the bones of their dead, the disease disappeared. But these people keep climbing the tree, risking their lives, and believing that it’s the tree that heals them.”

“Do they drink the bones of their dead?” Emma asked the question of Delmar, who murmured a phrase to the shaman. After a moment, the old man replied.

“No,” Delmar answered, his voice flat. “They do not.”

Alex shot Michael a look of triumph. “Your Ya-ree came from the Angry People, right? He was infected in that tribe. This tribe did nothing to infect him or cure him.”

“So you think the tree has no healing powers at all?”

“No more than usual. Olsson said other tribes use the seeds and leaves for other cures, so I have no problem with that. But as far as curing prion damage—that’s a stretch, Doc. No, I d-d-don’t believe it.”

Michael rubbed his jaw as an outlandish idea leaped into his mind. The notion was sheer madness, perhaps even desperate lunacy, but at this point he and his silent patient had nothing to lose.

He turned to the shaman. “Delmar,” he said, holding the shaman’s gaze, “ask him about Shaman’s Wife. He told us the keyba could not help her—was that because the Great Spirit of the keyba is unable to help, or because she’s unable to walk the tree?”

After giving Michael an incredulous glance, the interpreter asked the question. Michael felt a moment’s pleasure when the shaman didn’t answer immediately, but turned toward the woman on the travois. After a long interval, he spoke, his face occupied with a distracted, inward look.

“He says,” Delmar translated, “that the Great Spirit of the keyba can cure anyone. But this woman cannot climb.”

Michael glanced at Milos Olsson, who was lounging by the fire and half-listening to the conversation. “What if we could get Shaman’s Wife into the canopy? Would the Spirit of keyba heal her then?”

Across the circle, Alexandra groaned. “Now I’ve heard everything.”

The shaman, however, listened to the translation of the question, then lifted his brows. “Could they get the woman into the tree?” he asked through Delmar.

“I think we can.” Michael jerked his chin toward Olsson, who had moved closer to the conversation. “If we cut several lengths of vine and devised some sort of harness, could we manage it?”

Olsson glanced from Michael to Alexandra, then tugged at his beard and grinned. “We could use the double rope technique with prusik loops. It would be quite a workout, but yes, we could climb that tree.”

“Could we transport my patient?”

Bancroft’s deep voice rumbled into the conversation. “I could carry her. If it’ll get us back to Deborah Simons quicker, I’d be happy to give it a try.”

Taking charge with quiet assurance, Michael looked at the shaman. “If my friends and I take this sick woman into the canopy of the kapok tomorrow, will the Great Spirit of the keyba cure her?”

Once he had heard the translation, the shaman answered with an uplifted hand and a few chanted phrases.

Michael leaned toward the interpreter. “What’d he say, mate?”

“He said,” Delmar looked around the group, “that if you can reach the sun and if the woman is willing, the Great Spirit of the keyba will make her well.”