Translated by Bernadotte Perrin
This famous collection of ‘lives’ contains twenty-three pairs of biographies, each consisting of a Greek and a Roman biography on a leading historical figure, usually followed by a comparison, drawing conclusions to the grand achievements, moral virtues or failings of the persons discussed. One of the most popular texts of antiquity, sharing a privileged ‘best-selling’ reputation as early as the Roman times, Plutarch’s Parallel Lives is a work of considerable importance, not only as a source of information about the subjects of the biographies, but also about the life and times of the Classical world.
Parallel Lives was published by Plutarch late in life after his return to Chaeronea and they appear to be the result of many years of compilation and study. Plutarch explains in the first paragraph of the Life of Alexander that he is not concerned with writing histories, but in exploring the influence of characters on the lives and destinies of famous men. The author strives to prove that the more remote past of Greece boasts men of action and achievement that can vie with the more recent heroes of Rome’s past.
The chief surviving manuscripts date from the 10th and 11th centuries, with the true first edition appearing in Florence in 1517. The first pair of lives, the Epaminondas–Scipio Africanus, no longer exists, and many of the remaining lives are truncated, with obvious lacunae or sections that have been altered by later writers. Of principal importance is the Life of Alexander , one of the five surviving secondary or tertiary sources about Alexander the Great, which includes anecdotes and descriptions of incidents that appear in no other source. Likewise, the biography of Numa Pompilius, an early Roman king, also contains unique information found nowhere else in ancient texts.
Plutarch has been criticised for his lack of judicious discrimination in the use of authorities and the consequent errors and inaccuracies in his text, but he salvages many quotations from lost works, whilst incidentally providing a large amount of valuable contextual information, filling up numerous gaps in historical knowledge found elsewhere. Since antiquity, Plutarch has been celebrated for the concise and lively style of his writing, conveying a sense of warmth in his portrayals and the moral earnestness and enthusiasm with which he analyses some the most important events and personages of the ancient world.