My main thanks goes to my partner Lia Ghilardi, who helped me at every stage of this book. I would also like to thank the series editors, Richard Boon and Philip Roberts, for their original vision, professional guidance and excellent advice. Likewise, I am extremely grateful for all kinds of help to my publisher Mark Dudgeon at Methuen Drama, and to the members of his staff: especially Ross Fulton, Charlotte Loveridge, Helen Flood, Chris Parker and Neil Dowden. My guest contributors – Catherine Rees, Trish Reid and Graham Saunders – delivered their superb chapters on time, and responded to my editorial suggestions with unfailing good humour. Especially helpful in assembling the Documents section was my fellow series author Dan Rebellato, and grateful thanks should also go to Simon Kane, Mel Kenyon, Anthony Neilson, Mark Ravenhill and Philip Ridley. I am also indebted to Cath Badham, Michael Blyth, Keith Bruce, David Greig, Sarah Jane Marr and Simon Trussler. Thanks guys!

Aleks Sierz, London, July 2011