
Writing Dragon Mount to a strict 6 month deadline was like a roller coaster ride. Thanks to the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pens and the MNBKA Authors for listening to me whine and for cheering me on to the finish line. Big, sloppy dragon kisses, ladies.

My family never ceases to amaze me with their support. Yes, you can be jealous—My husband cooks and cleans to make sure I stay on schedule. Thanks for giving me the support to keep typing. And typing. And typing.

Thanks to Anna and Jenny for beta reading in high speed chunks. Sorry for the rush, ladies. This was a tight one, and you guys totally stepped up to the plate.

Sharon, thanks for swooping in on the edge of a dragon’s tail after the soft release, and confirming what I knew was true. Everyone who likes the new cut-to-the-chase beginning… that’s thanks to Sharon. Dragon snuggles!

Victoria Cooper rocked the cover art. You totally brought Anna to life. And thank you for not taking offense that the first dragon looked like he was about to bite Anna’s face off. [Giggle-giggle, snort]

And finally, the last eyes on this Draconic tome: Tandy Boese of Tandy Proofreads… because the Good Lord gave me a gift to tell a tale, but did not grant me with the ability to spell, nor the skill to place a comma in the right spot. Ever.

You know what… while I’m doing all this mushy stuff… THANK YOU for reading. Without you, none of this would be worthwhile. Dragon hugs!
