

CHAPTER 1 • The SeaLongings for ShoreA Land-sick ShipDestination of the VoyagersThe MarquesasAdventure of a Missionary’s Wife among the SavagesCharacteristic Anecdote of the Queen of Nukuheva

CHAPTER 2 • Passage from the Cruising Ground to the MarquesasSleepy times aboard ShipSouth Sea SceneryLand ho!The French Squadron discovered at Anchor in the Bay of NukuhevaStrange PilotEscort of CanoesA Flotilla of Cocoa-nutsSwimming VisitorsThe Dolly boarded by themState of affairs that ensue

CHAPTER 3 • Some Account of the late operations of the French at the MarquesasPrudent Conduct of the AdmiralSensation produced by the Arrival of the StrangersThe first Horse seen by the IslandersReflectionsMiserable Subterfuge of the FrenchDigression concerning TahitiSeizure of the Island by the AdmiralSpirited Conduct of an English Lady

CHAPTER 4 • State of Affairs aboard the ShipContents of her LarderLength of South Seamen’s VoyagesAccount of a Flying WhalemanDetermination to Leave the VesselThe Bay of NukuhevaThe TypeesInvasion of their Valley by PorterReflectionsGlen of TiorInterview between the old King and the French Admiral

CHAPTER 5 • Thoughts previous to attempting an EscapeToby, a Fellow Sailor, agrees to share the AdventureLast Night aboard the Ship

CHAPTER 6 • A Specimen of Nautical OratoryCriticisms of the SailorsThe Starboard Watch are given a HolidayThe Escape to the Mountains

CHAPTER 7 • The other side of the MountainDisappointmentInventory of Articles brought from the ShipDivision of the Stock of BreadAppearance of the Interior of the IslandA DiscoveryA Ravine and WaterfallsA sleepless NightFurther DiscoveriesMy IllnessA Marquesan Landscape

CHAPTER 8 • The Important Question, Typee or Happar?A Wild-Goose ChaseMy SufferingsDisheartening SituationA Night in a RavineMorning MealHappy Idea of TobyJourney towards the Valley

CHAPTER 9 • Perilous Passage of the RavineDescent into the Valley

CHAPTER 10 • The Head of the ValleyCautious AdvanceA Path • Fruit • Discovery of Two of the NativesTheir singular ConductApproach towards the inhabited parts of the ValeSensation produced by our AppearanceReception at the House of one of the Natives

CHAPTER 11 • Midnight ReflectionsMorning VisitorsA Warrior in CostumeSavage ÆsculapiusPractice of the Healing ArtBody Servant • A Dwelling-house of the Valley describedPortraits of its Inmates

CHAPTER 12 • Officiousness of Kory-KoryHis DevotionA Bath in the StreamWant of Refinement of the Typee Damsels • Stroll with Mehevi • A Typee Highway • Taboo Groves • The Hoolah-Hoolah Ground • The Ti • Time-worn Savages • Hospitality of Mehevi • Midnight Misgivings • Adventure in the Dark • Distinguished Honors paid to the Visitors • Strange Procession and Return to the House of Marheyo

CHAPTER 13 • Attempt to procure Relief from NukuhevaPerilous Adventure of Toby in the Happar MountainEloquence of Kory-Kory

CHAPTER 14 • A great Event happens in the ValleyThe Island TelegraphSomething befalls TobyFayaway displays a tender HeartMelancholy ReflectionsMysterious Conduct of the IslandersDevotion of Kory-KoryA rural CouchA LuxuryKory-Kory strikes a Light à la Typee

CHAPTER 15 • Kindness of Marheyo and the rest of the IslandersA full Description of the Bread-fruit TreeDifferent Modes of preparing the Fruit

CHAPTER 16 • Melancholy conditionOccurrence at the TiAnecdote of MarheyoShaving the Head of a Warrior

CHAPTER 17 • Improvement in Health and SpiritsFelicity of the TypeesTheir enjoyments compared with those of more enlightened CommunitiesComparative Wickedness of civilized and unenlightened PeopleA Skirmish in the Mountain with the Warriors of Happar

CHAPTER 18 • Swimming in company with the Girls of the ValleyA CanoeEffects of the TabooA pleasure Excursion on the PondBeautiful freak of FayawayMantua-makingA Stranger arrives in the ValleyHis mysterious conductNative OratoryThe InterviewIts ResultsDeparture of the Stranger

CHAPTER 19 • Reflections after Marnoo’s DepartureBattle of the Pop-gunsStrange conceit of MarheyoProcess of making Tappa

CHAPTER 20 • History of a day as usually spent in the Typee ValleyDances of the Marquesan Girls

CHAPTER 21 • The Spring of Arva WaiRemarkable Monumental RemainsSome ideas with regard to the History of the Pi-Pis found in the Valley

CHAPTER 22 • Preparations for a Grand Festival in the ValleyStrange doings in the Taboo GrovesMonument of CalabashesGala costume of the Typee damselsDeparture for the Festival

CHAPTER 23 • The Feast of Calabashes

CHAPTER 24 • Ideas suggested by the Feast of CalabashesInaccuracy of certain published Accounts of the IslandsA ReasonNeglected State of Heathenism in the ValleyEffigy of a dead WarriorA singular SuperstitionThe Priest Kolory and the God Moa ArtuaAmazing Religious ObservanceA dilapidated ShrineKory-Kory and the IdolAn Inference

CHAPTER 25 • General Information gathered at the FestivalPersonal Beauty of the TypeesTheir Superiority over the Inhabitants of the other IslandsDiversity of ComplexionA Vegetable Cosmetic and OintmentTestimony of Voyagers to the uncommon Beauty of the MarquesansFew Evidences of Intercourse with Civilized BeingsDilapidated MusketPrimitive Simplicity of GovernmentRegal Dignity of Mehevi

CHAPTER 26 • King MeheviAllusion to his Hawiian MajestyConduct of Marheyo and Mehevi in certain delicate mattersPeculiar system of MarriageNumber of PopulationUniformity * EmbalmingPlaces of SepultureFuneral obsequies at NukuhevaNumber of Inhabitants in TypeeLocation of the DwellingsHappiness enjoyed in the ValleyA WarningSome ideas with regard to the Civilization of the IslandsReference to the Present state of the HawiiansStory of a Missionary’s WifeFashionable Equipages at OahuReflections

CHAPTER 27 • The Social Condition and General Character of the Typees

CHAPTER 28 • Fishing PartiesMode of distributing the FishMidnight BanquetTimekeeping TapersUnceremonious style of eating the Fish

CHAPTER 29 • Natural History of the ValleyGolden LizardsTameness of the BirdsMosquitosFliesDogsA solitary CatThe ClimateThe Cocoa-nut TreeSingular modes of climbing itAn agile young ChiefFearlessness of the ChildrenToo-Too and the Cocoa-nut TreeThe Birds of the Valley

CHAPTER 30 • A Professor of the Fine ArtsHis PersecutionsSomething about Tattooing and TabooingTwo Anecdotes in illustration of the latterA few thoughts on the Typee Dialect

CHAPTER 31 • Strange custom of the IslandersTheir Chanting, and the peculiarity of their VoiceRapture of the King at first hearing a Song • A new Dignity conferred on the AuthorMusical Instruments in the ValleyAdmiration of the Savages at beholding a Pugilistic PerformanceSwimming InfantBeautiful Tresses of the GirlsOintment for the Hair

CHAPTER 32 • Apprehensions of EvilFrightful DiscoverySome remarks on CannibalismSecond Battle with the HapparsSavage SpectacleMysterious FeastSubsequent Disclosures

CHAPTER 33 • The Stranger again arrives in the ValleySingular Interview with himAttempt to EscapeFailureMelancholy SituationSympathy of Marheyo

CHAPTER 34 • The Escape

Appendix • Provisional cession to Lord George Paulet of the Sandwich Islands

Sequel • The Story of Toby