Chapter 3
Computer Adaptive Test Strategies
The NCLEX-PN® exam is composed primarily of multiple-choice, four-option, text-based questions written at the application/analysis level of difficulty. These questions may include charts, tables, or graphic images.
Your NCLEX-PN® exam may also contain questions in a format other than traditional four-option, text-based, multiple-choice questions. These other types of questions, called alternate questions, are part of the test pool of questions for the NCLEX-PN® exam. These alternate format question types include:
- Multiple-response questions that require you to select all answer choices that apply from among five or six answer options
- “Hot spot” questions that require you to identify a “hot spot” or specific area on a graphic image by clicking on the correct area with the mouse
- Fill-in-the-blank questions that require you to type in a number that you calculate into a blank space provided after the question
- Drag-and-drop/ordered response questions that ask you to place answers in a specific order
There are also three types of alternate format questions that are variations on the traditional four-option, multiple-choice question. These include:
- Chart/exhibit questions that require you to click an Exhibit button to display charts and/or exhibits that provide information needed to answer the question. Once you have done so, you then select the correct choice from four multiple-choice answer options.
- Audio questions that present you with an audio clip that you listen to on headphones. After listening to the clip, you then select the correct choice from among four multiple-choice answer options.
- Graphics questions that present you with graphics instead of text as the four multiple-choice answer options.
Questions either are counted toward your NCLEX-PN® exam results or they are experimental questions for future exams that are not counted.
This book contains strategies that help you correctly answer both alternate format questions and traditional four-option, text-based, multiple-choice questions.