Effective Methods of Preparation

To pass the NCLEX-PN® exam, you not only need to know nursing content, you also need to be able to apply the critical thinking skills we’ve just reviewed. Next, you need to be an expert on the content of the exam. What topics are usually included on the NCLEX-PN® exam? How is the content organized? And finally, you need to create a study plan, and make sure that you are able to cope with the testing experience.

So let’s start by talking about some of the issues that you may be asking yourself.

Question: “I’m terrible at standardized tests. Is this really going to help me?”
Answer: Yes, these strategies will help you choose more correct responses when you take the NCLEX-PN® exam. Read this book—more than once if necessary—to learn the strategies. Then practice, practice, practice. Use the strategies to answer many, many test questions, and you will find yourself answering more and more questions correctly. Tear out the Chart of Critical Thinking Paths in Appendix A and consult it while you are answering practice test questions. This will help you become more comfortable with putting the strategies into practice. As you answer more and more questions, put the diagram aside and rely on your memory to identify and implement a critical thinking strategy.
Question: “Am I going to have enough time when I take the NCLEX-PN® exam to figure out which strategy to use?”
Answer: Timing is a concern on the NCLEX-PN® exam. You need to maximize your efforts on each test question. Practice answering test questions using the various strategies we’ve outlined. As you get more proficient, you will discover that it takes you less time to identify the strategy or path that will lead you to the correct answer.
Question: “I don’t have to use these strategies on every question, do I? I think I’ll use them only when I can’t figure out the correct answer on my own.”
Answer: Wrong! You should use critical thinking to answer every question on the NCLEX-PN® exam to make sure that you pass. Follow the steps that we have outlined for every practice question that you answer as you prepare for the exam. If you practice these steps, you will not need to randomly guess the correct answer on the NCLEX-PN® exam.
Question: “So all I have to do is memorize the strategies, right?”
Answer: Just memorizing the various strategies will not ensure your success on the NCLEX-PN® exam. Remember, the exam does not test your ability to memorize either critical thinking strategies or the nursing content. The NCLEX-PN® exam tests your ability to think critically and use the nursing knowledge that you have. It’s relatively easy to just memorize nursing content. The hard part is figuring out how to use this knowledge to make nursing decisions. It’s relatively easy to memorize the critical thinking strategies. The hard part is to figure out which strategy to use on each and every question. That takes practice.
Question: “What if I use the strategies but still can’t figure out the correct answer?”
Answer: It’s not unusual that students will read a question, read the answers, and think “Huh? Something is missing.” If you feel like something is missing, reread the question to determine if you have correctly identified what the question is asking. If you have identified the question correctly, then read the answer choices to make sure that you haven’t missed the nursing concept contained in the answer choices.
Question: “Will these strategies work on every practice question that I answer?”
Answer: The critical thinking strategies discussed in this book will enable you to answer all kinds of multiple-choice test questions. The critical thinking strategies apply to test questions written at the application/analysis level and do not work with knowledge-based test questions. If you feel that the strategies don’t work with the practice questions you are answering, determine the level of difficulty of the questions you are working with. Are the practice questions knowledge-based, or are they at the application/analysis level of difficulty? Remember, the majority of questions that are of a passing level of difficulty on the NCLEX-PN® exam are at the application/analysis level of difficulty.

It’s time for you to start your successful preparation for the NCLEX-PN® exam. Begin by identifying your strengths and weaknesses, as follows:

Next, decide if you need to take a review course. If you decide that this is the best way for you to prepare, ask yourself these questions:

And finally, create a realistic study schedule that works for you. Then make a vow to stick to that plan and reward yourself when you do. Spend at least 3 weeks before your exam date preparing. Don’t cram! Your content focus should be in understanding the principles of nursing care, not memorizing facts.

Stay away from people who are “prophets of doom.” You know the type. With the proper preparation you can and will pass the NCLEX-PN® exam. Keep a positive attitude.

You may need to consider some techniques for battling stress and managing the test day experience. Do any of these statements apply to you?

If these sound familiar, you may want to mentally prepare yourself by understanding ways to manage test stress. Forcing yourself to identify and face fears may make you edgy at first but will significantly alleviate test stress in the long run by adding another dimension to your preparation.