
abduction, 84

abstract nouns, 19

adjectives, 20, 25, 27, 28, 30

adventure, 82, 128

adverbs, 20, 25

Akhmatova, Anne, 9, 10

Allende, Isabel, 142

ambiguity, 15, 16

Ambit magazine, 139

anapaestic metre, 134

angle of vision, 23

Apollo, 99, 111, 1645, 166

Aristotle, 7781, 86

Athene, 164

Atwood, Margaret, 3, 13

Austen, Jane, 17, 18

Bacchae, The, 97

Bashō, 334

de Beauvoir, Simone, 1

Bennett, Alan, 60

Besford, Sonja, 115

Bettelheim, Bruno, 52

Bishop, Elizabeth, 114

Blake, William, 668, 71, 160

Bly, Robert, 98

Boyle, Kay, 39, 45

breathing, 131

Brecht, Bertolt, 2, 71

buddy movies, 85

Campbell, Joseph, 819

Carver, Raymond, 1456

Cassandra, 165

Castaneda, Carlos, 5

change, 525

Chardin, Jean-Baptiste, 23

Chekov, Anton, 51, 53

cliché, 20, 165

climax, 789, 86

Colette, 5, 268

conflict, 43

Collett, Mike, 128

Conrad, Joseph, 4

conspiracy, 165

conversation, 1423

Corbett, Jane, 1578

Crawford, Katherine, 15860

Dante, 142

daydreams, 945, 1001

Demeter, 64, 86, 87

denouement, 80, 85

departure, 82, 84

description, 1425, 26

development, 78

Dhuibhne, Eilis Ni, 126

dialect, 38

dialogue, 3647

diary, 1712

Dickens, Charles, 901

Dickinson, Emily, 18, 122, 124

Dionysius, 86, 97, 98, 99, 101, 107, 111

Doolittle, H., 92

Dorfman, Ariel, 85

Dove, Angela, 137

dreams, 82, 128

duality, 167

Duras, Marguerite, 723

Durrell, Lawrence, 1

dynamics, 135

Eliot, T. S., 33, 45, 48, 50, 114, 126

English sentence, the 30, 31, 167

epistolary novel, 95

Eurydice, 97

Evans, Martina, 13344, 1535

Ewart, Gavin, 111

fears, 61

feelings, 128

film scripts, 1558

Fitzgerald, Scott, 127

Fowlers, H. W. & F. G., 24

Freud, Sigmund, 91, 94

gender and writing, 3

getting ready to write, 5

Gilgamesh, 85, 87, 88

Giorno, John, 109

Gittins, Chrissie, 112

Gittins, Diana, 102

Godfrey, Peter, 107

gossip, 109

Gothic horror, 60

Grace, Harriet, 1513

Great Expectations, 90

Grimm’s fairy tales, 52, 635

Griffiths, Trevor, 57

Hades, 97

haiku, 33, 109

healing, 76, 92, 131

Heaney, Seamus, 14950

Hemingway, Ernest, 15, 32, 69, 71

Hendricks, Gay and Kathlyn, 146

Hermes, 97

hero/heroine, 819

Hey, Celia de la, 116

Homer, 129

Hopkins, Gerard Manley, 4

Hughes, Ted, 104

humour, 5760, 65

impotence, 164

initiation, 78, 83, 86

inspiration, 165

irony, 49

James, Henry, 49, 90

James, William, 91

Jami, 147

Jane Eyre, 90, 123

jealousy, 725

journey, 809

Joyce, James, 412, 45, 856, 91

Jung, Carl Gustav, 161

junk, 92

Keats, John, 15

Klein, Melanie, 168

Larkin, Philip, 4

Lawrence, D. H., 36, 38, 445, 55, 126

Lessing, Doris, 168

Lewis, C. S., 142

Lewton, Anita, 1557

London Magazine, The, 140

Lowell, Robert, 289, 171, 175

lyric poetry, 97

Mansfield, Katherine, 53, 54, 55

Márquez, Gabriel García, 934, 125

Marsyas, 1645

Marx, Karl, 163

Maupassant, Guy de, 4950

May, Tim, 1089

Mayor, F. M., 90

McEwan, Ian, 46, 7781

Melville, Hermann, 4

memory, 92

metaphor, 11, 12, 13, 68, 71, 73, 75, 125, 127, 12834, 172

metre, 67, 113, 130

Milner, Marion, 173

Mnemosyne, 126

Montaigne, Michel de, 16, 51

Moore, Marianne, 175

Morrison, Toni, 142

Morrissey, 147

Mortimer, John, 164, 166

Muses, the, 98

myth, 7689, 94, 1434

Narcissus, 167, 17980

narrative prose, 7, 48, 56, 66, 76, 90, 141, 161

naturalism, 43

Neruda, Pablo, 1267

Nichols, Grace, 22

Nietzsche, 127

notebook, 9

nouns, 19, 20, 21

novel, 907

Oedipus, 97

Olsen, Tillie, 90, 934

opening, 778

opening the storehouse door, 6

Orpheus, 97

Ozick, Cynthia, 40, 45

performing your poems, 137

Persephone, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88

Pessoa, Fernando, 86

Piaget, Jean, 54

place, 1425

Plath, Sylvia, 174

Plato, 143

pleasure principle, 165

Poe, Edgar Allan, 623, 65

Porter, Peter, 111

Postino, Il, 126

prophecy, 164

protest, 135

Proust, Marcel, 91

psychoanalysis, 91, 94, 114

Purse, Jill, 167

Qur’an, 147

realism, 43

reality principle, 165, 170

renga, 10811

reparation, 79

research, 15160

return, 83, 88

reworking, revising, 19, 170

rhythm (see also metre), 5, 69, 130, 135

Rich, Adrienne, 5, 8, 14, 24, 25, 92, 100, 141

Ringrose, John, 1013, 1056, 108, 11213, 114, 11819, 120

Rivers, Joan, 57

Robbe-Grillet, Alain, 735, 164

Rosetti, Christina, 11, 12

rubaiyat, 1202

Rycroft, Charles, 160

Sappho, 97, 162

schizophrenia, 166

sense of self, 166, 167, 171, 172

senses, 10, 27, 68, 69

Sexton, Anne, 175

Shakespeare, William, 2, 16, 50, 11112, 142, 162

short story, 4855

silence, 139, 168

simile, 11, 12, 125

Smedley Agnes, 7

Solzhenitsyn, Alexander, 7

spirit of place, 1425

Stein, Gertrude, 175

Storr, Anthony, 1613, 165, 166

style, 5

subject and object, 30

Sun, The, 125

taboo, 84

Tarantino, Quentin, 87

Tate, Allen, 175

Tennyson, Alfred Lord, 128

Thomas, Dylan, 114

timbre, 135

Townsend, Sue, 5860

Traherne, Thomas, 11, 12

Trevor, William, 7781

tune, 135

Turnbull, Colin, 143

turning point, 79

useful addresses, 1814

verbs, 20, 21, 25, 31

verse, 32

villanelle, 11317

visualisation, 26, 28

voice, 136

Walcott, Derek, 98

Walker, Alice, 22, 90, 95

Warne, Sandra, 17

websites, 1814

West, Dame Rebecca, 163, 166

Wharton, Edith, 54

Wilde, Oscar, 146

wish list, 1023

Wittig, Monique, 95

Woolf, Virginia, 2, 46, 91

wound, 81

writing with the whole self, 10

Yeats, W. B., 4, 92, 130, 132, 167

Young, Dudley, 163, 168

Zeldin, Theodore, 141

Zen, 164