Using sets and linked lists
Understanding the drawbacks of sets and linked lists
An array can be handy for storing data that consists of the same type of information, such as integers. However, arrays can often be too restrictive. You must define the size of an array ahead of time and you can only store one data type. In addition, searching, rearranging, or deleting data from an array can be cumbersome.
To solve the problems of arrays, programming languages have come up with a variety of solutions. The obvious solution involves modifying the way arrays work, such as letting you create resizable (dynamic) arrays that can store a special Variant data type. Unlike an Integer data type (which can only hold whole numbers) or a String data type (which can only hold text), a Variant data type can hold both numbers and text. (Not all programming languages offer resizable arrays or Variant data types.)
Rather than modify the way arrays work, many programming languages allow you to create other types of data structures. Two popular alternatives to arrays are
This chapter shows you how to use sets and lists when arrays are too restrictive and cumbersome.
If someone showed you the days of the week (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday), you’d know that those days are related as a group that defines a week, but how do you tell a computer that? Here’s one way:
1. Create an array to hold seven separate variables like this:
Dim Day(6) as String
2. Assign each variable with a different name like this:
Day(0) = “Monday”
Day(1) = “Tuesday”
Day(2) = “Wednesday”
Day(3) = “Thursday”
Day(4) = “Friday”
Day(5) = “Saturday”
Day(6) = “Sunday”
This would store all the days of the week inside a single array variable, although it requires multiple lines to store data in each array element.
However, there’s a simpler way to lump related data together — use a data structure called a set. Like an array, a set groups data in a single variable name, but a set has several advantages:
You don’t have to define a fixed size ahead of time.
You don’t have to identify each chunk of data with an index number.
Sets can store a mixed variety of data types, such as Integers and Strings . (An array can only hold a single data type.)
Defining a set lists all the data you want to store, as shown in this Python programming language example:
from sets import Set
days = Set([‘Monday’, ‘Tuesday’, ‘Wednesday’, ‘Thursday’, ‘Friday’, ‘Saturday’, ‘Sunday’])
In this Python language example, the variable days contains the entire set or group of the days defined by the Set command. To print the contents of this set, you can use a print command followed by the name of the set like this:
print days
This command would print:
Set([‘Monday’, ‘Tuesday’, ‘Wednesday’, ‘Thursday’, ‘Friday’, ‘Saturday’, ‘Sunday’])
To add or delete data from a set, use the add and delete commands. In Python, the add command is add, and the delete command is remove.
To add more data to a set in Python, you have to identify the set name followed by the add command and the data you want to add. So if you had a set called clubmembers, you could use these commands:
from sets import Set
clubmembers = Set([‘Bill Evans’, ‘John Doe’, ‘Mary Jacobs’])
You could add a new name to that set by using the following command:
clubmembers.add(‘Donna Volks’)
To remove a name from a set, you have to identify the set name, use the remove command, and specify which data you want to remove, like this:
clubmembers.remove(‘Bill Evans’)
Figure 2-1 shows how add and remove commands change the contents of a set:
When you delete data from a set, the set is just one item smaller.
When you delete data from an array, you’re left with an empty space in the array.
If you store a bunch of names in an array, how could you verify whether a specific name is in that array? You’d have to examine each element in the array and compare it with the name you’re looking for until you either found a match or reached the end of the array. This typically requires a loop to examine every array element, one by one.
Sets avoid this problem by making it easy to check whether a chunk of data is stored in a set. If you had a list of country club members stored in a set, it might look like this in Python:
from sets import Set
clubmembers = Set([‘Bill Evans’, ‘John Doe’, ‘Mary Jacobs’])
To check whether a name is in a set (a member of that set), use a simple in command like this:
‘John Doe’ in clubmembers
If this command finds the name John Doe in the set defined by the clubmembers set, this would return a True value. If this command can’t find the name John Doe in the clubmembers set, this command would return a False value.
‘Hugh Lake’ not in clubmembers
This command asks the computer whether the name Hugh Lake is not in the clubmembers set. In this case, the name Hugh Lake is not in the clubmembers set, so the preceding command would return a True value.
If you used the following command to check whether the name John Doe is not in the clubmembers set, the following command would return a False value because the name John Doe is in the clubmembers set:
‘John Doe’ not in clubmembers
A set by itself can be handy for grouping related data together, but if you have two or more sets of data, you can manipulate the data in both sets. For example, suppose you have a set of country club members and a second set of people applying for membership.
You can combine both sets together to create a third set (a union) find the common data in both sets (an intersection) or take away the common data in both sets (the difference).
Union simply takes data from two sets and smashes them together to create a third set that includes all data from the first two sets, as shown in Figure 2-2.
To use the union command in Python, you need to identify the two set names with the union command. Suppose you had one set called clubmembers and another set called applicants, as follows:
from sets import Set
clubmembers = Set([‘Bill Evans’, ‘John Doe’, ‘Mary Jacobs’])
applicants = Set ([‘Bo Biggs’, ‘Tasha Korat’])
Now if you wanted to combine the data in both sets and store it in a third set called newmembers, you could use the union command as follows:
newmembers = clubmembers.union(applicants)
This creates a third set called newmembers and stores the data from both sets into the newmembers set. The data in the other sets isn’t modified in any way.
You can put the clubmembers set name first like this:
newmembers = clubmembers.union(applicants)
You could switch the two set names around like this:
newmembers = applicants.union(clubmembers)
The end result is identical in creating a third set and dumping data from both sets into this third set. If you combine two sets that happen to contain one or more identical chunks of data, the union (combination of the two sets) is smart enough not to store duplicate data twice.
Whereas the union commands combines two sets into one, the intersect command creates a third set that only includes data stored in both sets, as shown in Figure 2-3.
To use the intersection command in Python, you need to identify the two set names with the intersection command. Suppose you had one set called clubmembers and another set called politicians, as follows:
from sets import Set
clubmembers = Set([‘Bill Evans’, ‘John Doe’, ‘Mary Jacobs’])
politicians = Set ([‘Bo Biggs’, ‘John Doe’])
Now if you wanted to find only that data stored in both sets, you could use the intersection command to store this data in a third set, as follows:
newset = clubmembers.intersection(politicians)
This creates a third set — newset — which contains the name John Doe. The other names are omitted because they aren’t in both original sets.
If you have two sets, you might want to identify all the data stored in one set that isn’t stored in a second set. To do this, you’d use the difference command, as shown in Figure 2-4.
To use the difference command in Python, you need to identify the two set names with the difference command. Suppose you had one set called clubmembers and another set called politicians, as follows:
from sets import Set
clubmembers = Set([‘Bill Evans’, ‘John Doe’, ‘Mary Jacobs’])
politicians = Set ([‘Bo Biggs’, ‘John Doe’])
Now if you wanted to combine only the different data stored in both sets, you could use the difference command to store this data in a third set, as follows:
newset = clubmembers.difference(politicians)
This creates a third set — newset — which contains the names Bill Evans and Mary Jacobs.
newset = clubmembers.difference(politicians)
You’re telling the computer to take all the data from the first set (clubmembers), find all the data common in both the clubmembers and politicians sets, and remove that common data from the first set. Now take what’s left and dump this data into the newest set (see Figure 2-4).
If you switched the commands around like this, you’d get an entirely different result:
newset = politicians.difference(clubmembers)
This tells the computer to take the data stored in the politicians set, find all the data common in both the politicians and clubmembers sets, and remove this common data from the politicians set. Now store what’s left in the newest set, as shown in Figure 2-5.
Sets are handy for lumping related data in a group. However, sets aren’t organized. So if you want to group related data together and keep this data sorted, you can use another data structure — a linked list.
Whereas an array creates a fixed location for storing data (think of an egg carton), a linked list more closely resembles beads tied together by a string. It’s impossible to rearrange an array (just as you can’t rip an egg carton apart and put it back together again in a different way). However, you can rearrange a linked list easily just as you can rearrange beads on a string.
The basic element of a linked list is a node, which is just a structure (see Book 3, Chapter 1) that contains two parts:
A pointer
A variable for storing data
Figure 2-6 shows how the parts of a linked list work.
Some programming languages (such as BASIC) can’t use pointers. If a language can’t use pointers, that language won’t let you create linked lists.
A linked list consists of one or more identical nodes that can hold the same number and types of data, such as a string and an integer. Each time you create a node, you have to define the following:
The data to store in the node
The node to point at
A node can store either
A single data type (such as a string )
Another data structure (such as a structure or an array)
Each time you create a node, the node is empty. To make the node useful, you must store data in that node and define which node to point at:
The first node you create simply points at nothing.
Any additional nodes you create point to the previous existing nodes, so you create a daisy-chain effect of nodes linked to one another by pointers, as shown in Figure 2-7.
After you create a linked list and store data in it, you can easily modify that linked list by rearranging the pointers, as shown in Figure 2-8.
To delete data from a linked list, you can delete an entire node. Then you must change the pointers to keep your linked list together, as shown in Figure 2-9. Unlike arrays, linked lists give you the flexibility to rearrange data without physically moving and copying it to a new location.
Linked lists also let you add data anywhere just by rearranging the pointers (see Figure 2-9). By using linked lists, you can add, delete, and rearrange data quickly and easily.
An ordinary linked list contains pointers that point in one direction only. That means if you start at the beginning of a linked list, you can always browse the data in the rest of the linked list. However, if you start in the middle of a linked list, you can never browse the previous nodes.
To fix this problem, you can also create a double linked list, which essentially creates nodes that contain two pointers:
One pointer points to the previous node in the list.
The other pointer points to the next node in the list.
By using double linked lists, you can easily browse a linked list in both directions, as shown in Figure 2-10.
Another type of linked list you can create is a circular linked list, as shown in Figure 2-11. Circular linked lists more closely resemble a doughnut with no beginning or ending node. For more flexibility, you can even create a double-linked, circular linked list, which lets you traverse the list both backward and forward.
Sets make it easy to group and manipulate related data, but unlike arrays, there isn’t always an easy way to access and retrieve individual items in a set. Sets are best used for treating data as a group rather than as separate chunks of data.
Linked lists are much more flexible than arrays for adding, deleting, and rearranging data. However, the two biggest drawbacks of linked lists are the complexity needed to create them and the potentially dangerous use of pointers.
The most common problem with linked lists occurs when pointers fail to point to either NIL or a valid node of a linked list. If you delete a node from a linked list but forget to rearrange the pointers, you essentially cut your linked list in two, as shown in Figure 2-12.
Even worse, you could create a dangling pointer — the pointer no longer points to a valid node. Dangling pointers can wind up pointing to any part of the computer’s memory, usually with catastrophic consequences that crash the entire computer.
Accessing data in an array is easy. You can access data by its index number or by starting at the beginning of the array and browsing through each element until you reach the end of the array.
If you want to access data stored in a linked list, you have to start at the beginning. If you start in the middle, you can never go backward to the front of the linked list (unless you’re using a double linked list). Arrays let you jump straight to specific data by using an index number. Linked lists don’t offer that same feature.
Creating and managing a linked list with all its pointers is easy in theory, but writing the code to create and manage a linked list can get complicated in a hurry. The more confusing and complicated the code, the more likely errors will creep in and cause your linked list to not work at all or to work in unexpected ways.
To show you how confusing pointers and nodes can be to create, study the following Pascal programming language examples. Pascal is actually designed to be an easy to read language, but even creating linked lists in Pascal can get clumsy. (Don’t worry too much about the details of the Pascal code. Just skim through the examples and follow along the best you can. If you get confused, you can see how implementing linked lists in any programming language can get messy.)
To create a linked list, you must first create a node, which is a structure. (In Pascal, structures are called records.) To define a structure in Pascal, you could do this:
NodePtr = ^Node;
Data : String;
Next : NodePtr;
This Pascal code creates a NodePtr variable, which represents a pointer to the Node structure (record). The caret symbol (^) defines a pointer, whereas the Node name defines what structure the pointer can point at.
The Node structure declares two variables: Data and Next. The Data variable holds a string (although you can change this to Integer or any other data type). The Next variable represents a pointer to the Node record. Every node absolutely must have a pointer because pointers are how the nodes can point, or link, together to form a linked list.
If this were a double linked list, you’d have two variables (such as Previous and Next) declared as node pointers like this:
NodePtr = ^Node;
Data : String;
Previous, Next : NodePtr;
After you define a node as a structure, you can’t use that node until you declare a variable to represent that node, like this:
MyNode : NodePtr;
After you declare a variable to represent a pointer to a node (structure), you must create a new node, stuff data into it, and then set its pointer to point at something, such as NIL or another node:
New (MyNode); (* Creates a new node *)
With MyNode^ do (* Stores data in the node *)
Data := “Joe Hall”;
Next := NIL;
To create a linked list in a language like Pascal, you must
1. Define a node structure.
2. Declare a pointer to that node (structure).
3. Declare a variable to represent that pointer.
Now you can use your node to store data and link with other nodes.
If you mess up on any one of those steps, your linked list won’t work, and because linked lists use pointers, your pointers could point anywhere in memory, causing all sorts of random problems. The moral is that linked lists are a powerful and flexible data structure, but they come at a price of added complexity for the programmer. Accidentally create one dangling pointer, and you can bring your entire program crashing to a halt.