Understanding the structure of a Ruby program
Creating comments and declaring variables
Using operators and data structures
Branching and looping statements
Creating functions and objects
The Ruby programming language was created by Yukihiro “Matz” Matsumoto, a Japanese programmer who named the language after a gemstone in reference to the Perl (pearl) programming language. Although most languages focus on wringing out extra performance from computer hardware, Ruby focuses on a clean language syntax that’s easy for programmers to understand and use. Instead of trying to increase machine efficiency, Ruby tries to increase programmer efficiency. The overriding principle of Ruby is to create a language of least surprise, meaning that after you’re familiar with Ruby, you aren’t suddenly surprised that its features can be used in an entirely different way, which often occurs with languages such as C++.
Ruby is an interpreted, object-oriented language for creating interactive Web pages. Although Ruby is similar to Perl and Python, Ruby abandons the C-syntax of Perl and more closely resembles the syntax of programming languages like Smalltalk or Ada. Instead of enclosing blocks of commands in curly brackets like C or Perl, Ruby encloses blocks of commands with keywords like Ada or more modern versions of BASIC.
A programming framework, dubbed Ruby on Rails, makes it easy to manipulate databases through Web pages and has attracted the attention of many former Java programmers. Like Ruby itself, Ruby on Rails is free, which has further fueled its growth. Although still a relatively young language (created in 1995), Ruby has attracted a worldwide following and will likely play a major role in future applications developed for the Web.
A Ruby program can consist of one or more commands:
print(‘What is your name? ‘ )
myname = gets()
puts( “Welcome to Ruby, #{myname}” )
Unlike other programming languages, Ruby programs don’t need to define a main program, don’t enclose blocks of commands with curly brackets, and don’t end statements with a semicolon. Type a command, and Ruby obeys without its syntax interfering with your thinking.
The preceding Ruby program simply asks the user to type in a name. Whatever name the user types gets stored in the myname variable. Then the last line prints the string “Welcome to Ruby,” followed by the contents of the myname variable.
To write a comment in Ruby, use the # symbol. Anything that appears to the right of the # symbol is considered a comment, which the computer ignores.
# This is a comment
print(‘What is your name? ‘ )
myname = gets() # This is also a comment
puts( “Welcome to Ruby, #{myname}” )
If you want to write a comment over multiple lines, define the start and end of a comment block with =begin and =end, such as
=begin This is a block of comments
that make it easy to comment
out multiple lines. However,
Ruby’s block commenting is kind
of ugly so it’s rarely used.
print(‘What is your name? ‘ )
myname = gets()
puts( “Welcome to Ruby, #{myname}” )
Defining comments with the =begin and =end lines is often cumbersome, so it’s more common for programmers to use multiple # symbols in front of each line instead like this:
# This program was written by John Doe
# on January 24, 2009. It took him a
# long time to write so maybe he deserves
# a big fat raise or at least some extra
# sick days so he can look for a better job.
print(‘What is your name? ‘ )
myname = gets()
puts( “Welcome to Ruby, #{myname}” )
Ruby uses symbols to identify different types of variables:
Local: Begins with a lowercase letter, such as myage
Instance: Begins with an @ symbol, such as @house
Class: Begins with two @ symbols, such as @@mathclass
Global: Begins with a $ symbol, such as $mymoney
In Ruby, constants are identified with an initial uppercase letter like Pi or Taxrate. To avoid confusing constants with local variables, it’s best to use all uppercase letters to name constants like PI or TAXRATE.
To store data into a variable, define the variable name and set it equal to a value:
variableName = value
The name of your variables can be anything, but Ruby is a case-sensitive language so myAge is considered a completely different variable than myage.
The three types of operators used in Ruby are mathematical, relational, and logical operators. Mathematical operators calculate numeric results such as adding, multiplying, or dividing numbers, as shown in Table 5-1.
Mathematical Operator | Purpose | Example |
+ | Addition | 5 + 3.4 |
- | Subtraction | 203.9 – 9.12 |
* | Multiplication | 39 * 146.7 |
/ | Division | 45 / 8.41 |
% | Modula division | 35 % 9 = 8 |
(returns the remainder) | ||
** | Exponentiation | 2**3 = 8 |
Relational operators compare two values and return a True or a False value. The seven comparison operators available are shown in Table 5-2.
Relational Operator | Purpose |
== | Equal |
=== | Identical |
!= | Not equal |
< | Less than |
<= | Less than or equal to |
> | Greater than |
>= | Greater than or equal to |
Logical operators compare two Boolean values (True or False) and return a single True or False value, as shown in Table 5-3.
Logical Operator | Truth Table |
&& (AND) | True && True = True |
True && False = False | |
False && True = False | |
False && False = False | |
|| (OR) | True || True = True |
True || False = True | |
False || True = True | |
False || False = False | |
^ (XOR) | True ^ True = False |
True ^ False = True | |
False ^ True = True | |
False ^ False = False | |
! (NOT) | !True = False |
!False = True |
Most programming languages use the equal sign to assign values to variables, such as
i = 59
However, Ruby also includes combination assignment and mathematical operators, as shown in Table 5-4.
Assignment Operator | Purpose | Example |
+= | Addition assignment | i += 7 (equivalent to i = i + 7) |
-= | Subtraction assignment | i -= 4 (equivalent to i = i - 4) |
*= | Multiplication assignment | i *= y (equivalent to i = i * y) |
/= | Division assignment | i /= 3.5 (equivalent to i = i / 35) |
%= | Modulo assignment | i %= 2.8 (equivalent to i = i % 2.8) |
The equivalent increment operator in Ruby might look like this:
i += 1
The simplest branching statement is an IF statement that runs only one or more commands if a Boolean condition is True, such as
if condition
if condition then Command end
Ruby also includes a negated form of the IF statement called the UNLESS statement that looks like this:
unless condition
The UNLESS statement runs only if the condition is False.
a = 5
unless a < 1
puts “This will print out.”
Because the condition a < 1 is False, the preceding UNLESS statement runs the command sandwiched between the UNLESS keyword and the END keyword.
Both the IF and UNLESS statements can make the computer choose between two mutually exclusive sets of commands by including an ELSE keyword, such as
if condition
Although the IF-ELSE statement can only give the computer a choice of two groups of commands to run, the IF-ELSIF statement can offer the computer multiple groups of commands to run, such as
if condition1
elseif condition2
elseif condition3
As an alternative to the IF-ELSIF statement, you can also use the CASE statement to offer two or more choices, such as
case variable
when value1
when value2
Rather than check if a variable equals a specific value, the CASE statement can also check if a variable falls within a range of values by using the .. characters, such as
case variable
when value1..value4
when value5
A looping statement repeats one or more commands for a fixed number of times or until a certain Boolean condition becomes True. To create a loop that repeats for a fixed number of times, use the FOR loop, which looks like this:
for variable in startvalue..endvalue
If you wanted the FOR loop to run four times, you could set the Start value to 1 and the End value to 4, such as
for i = 1..4
If you don’t know how many times you need to repeat commands, use a WHILE loop, which looks like this
while condition
If the condition is True, the loop runs at least once. If this condition is False, then the loop doesn’t run.
Ruby also offers a negated form of the WHILE loop called an UNTIL loop, which looks like this:
until condition
The UNTIL loop keeps running until a condition becomes True.
To break up programming problems, you can create subprograms that solve a specific task. Such subprograms are functions or methods. The format of a typical function looks like this:
def functionname (Parameter list)
return value
The two parts of a Ruby function are
Parameter list: Defines any data that the function needs to work. If the function doesn’t need to accept any values, omit the parentheses altogether.
Return: Defines a value to return.
If a function doesn’t return a value or accept any parameters, it might look like this:
def myfunction
Ruby offers two built-in data structures: collections and hashes (also known as an associative array).
A collection can hold any number of items of different data types, such as strings and numbers. In a collection, each item is identified by an index number, starting with 0.
A hash is like a collection, but stores a unique key value with every item. To retrieve a value from a hash, you need to know its key.
To create a collection, define a collection name and list the items to store in the collection inside square brackets like this:
collectionname = [data1, data2, data3]
So if you wanted to store the string “Ruby is cool” and the number 84.3 in the first and second elements of a collection, you could do the following:
mystuff = [“Ruby is cool”, 84.3]
To retrieve data from a collection, specify the collection name and index number. So if you wanted to retrieve the first item in a collection, you could do this:
puts mystuff [0]
One problem with collections is that to retrieve specific data, you need to know its exact location in the collection. For greater flexibility, Ruby offers hashes so you can assign a unique value (a key) to each item. To create a hash and store data along with a key, do this:
hashname = {key => value, key => value}
If you wanted to assign the number 3.14 to the “pi” key, you could do this:
myhash = {“pi” => 3.14}
If you need to store multiple keys and values in a hash, you might prefer this alternate way of storing keys and data in a hash:
hashname = Hash.new
hashname[key] = value
hashname[key] = value
To retrieve data from a hash, identify the hash name and a key value, such as
puts hashname[“key”]
So if you wanted to retrieve data stored under the key “pi”, you could do the following:
hashname = Hash.new
hashname[“pi”] = 3.14
puts hashname[“pi”]
The first line creates a hash data structure. The second line stores the value 3.14 into the hash using the key “pi”. The third line prints out the value identified by the “pi” key in the hash data structure.
Ruby supports object-oriented programming. To create an object, you must define a class, which specifies the properties and methods, such as
class Classname
def propertyname
def propertyname=(propertyname)
@propertyname = propertyname
def methodname(parameter list)
To create an object, you must use the following syntax:
objectname = Classname.new
To assign a value to an object’s property, you need to specify the object name and the property you want to use, such as
objectname.propertyname = value
To tell an object to run a method, you need to specify the object name followed by the method name, such as
Ruby allows single inheritance, where an object can inherit from one class (in contrast to multiple inheritance, which allows an object to inherit from two or more classes). To inherit from a class, use the < symbol followed by the class name you want to inherit from, such as
class Classname
def propertyname
def propertyname=(propertyname)
@propertyname = propertyname
def methodname(parameter list)
class Classname2 < Classname1
# property and method definitions go here