THIS BOOK WOULD not be possible without the support of so many people.

I want to start by thanking my family. I’m so lucky to have been raised by two amazing parents who encouraged me to follow my heart and to not be afraid to work hard doing what I love. I’m also grateful to have a great sister on this adventure with me.

Another big thank you to Jacob Tschetter, for your loving kindness. I’m not sure how I would have gotten through this process without your pep talks, reality checks, and homemade green juice and cocktails.

Thank you to my wonderful agent, Leigh Eisenman, for your guidance and support.

I am so grateful to the wonderful team at Viva Editions, especially to my editor, Hannah Bennett, and to Allyson Fields, for believing in the book and helping me see the project through. Thank you to my publicist, Kathleen Carter for helping us take that vision further.

Thank you to the experts quoted in this book who were so generous with their time and insight: Megan Jones Bell, Dr. Taz Bhatia, Lauren Chiarello, Parijat Deshpande, Annbeth Eschbach, Ashley Feinstein Gerstley, Lisa Skye Hain, Leanne Jacobs, Dr. Sujay Kinsagra, Johari Mayfield, Emily Merrell, Mandi Nyambi, Karen Noé, and Ryan Smith. I’m so grateful to have learned from you. Additionally, I want to express my gratitude to the outlets I have written for and organizations I have worked with through which I met some many of these experts.

Special thanks to my earliest test readers, Arissa Paschalidis, Mike Smith, and Cory Bradburn. Additional thank you to Armin Brott for helping me tighten up the manuscript.

I want to acknowledge my friends for their support, encouragement, and advice. Lemor Balter, Amanda Dugan, Alex Dickinson, Jess Garofano, Elana Lyn Gross, Brian Hodges, Anders and Carrie Nelson, Jill Ozovek, Dan Schawbel, and Devany Tiedman.

I also want to give a shout out to my friends in the yoga, barre, and Pilates communities for saving my posture (and my sanity) while I worked on this book—and for brightening my days with their warmth and energy.