
Date Region Event
8000 B.C.E. Mid East Neolithic Revolution
5000 B.C.E. Mid East Sumer civilization in the Fertile Crescent
5000 B.C.E.
Africa Agriculture begins in Nile River Valley
3500 B.C.E. Mid East Bronze Age
3000 B.C.E. Africa Pharaohs rule Egypt
3000 B.C.E.
Mid East Indus River Valley civilization
1600 B.C.E. East Asia Huang He (Yellow River) civilization
550 B.C.E. Mid East Persian empire
600–501 B.C.E. East Asia & South Asia Buddhism, Confucianism, Daoism begin
500–401 B.C.E.
Europe Greek Golden Age
403–221 B.C.E. East Asia Era of Warring States in China
321–185 B.C.E. South Asia
Mauryan empire
221 B.C.E. East Asia Qin dynasty unifies China
32 C.E. Mid East Christianity begins
206–220 C.E. East Asia Han dynasty
320–550 C.E.
South Asia
Gupta Golden Age
476 C.E.  Europe Fall of Rome
518–527 C.E.
Europe & Mid East Justinian rules the Byzantine Empire