Questions 1–2 refer to the passage below.
“The Status of Jews and Christians in Muslim Lands
What do you say, O scholars of Islam, shining luminaries who dispel the darkness (may God lengthen your days!)? What do you say of the innovations introduced by the cursed unbelievers [Jewish and Christian] into Cairo, into the city of al-Muizz [founder of Cairo, 969] which by its splendor in legal and philosophic studies sparkles in the first rank of Muslim cities?
Ought one to allow these things to the unbelievers, to the enemies of the faith? Ought one to allow them to dwell among believers under such conditions? Or, indeed, is it not the duty of every Muslim prince and of every magistrate to ask the scholars of the holy law to express their legal opinion, and to call for the advice of wise and enlightened men in order to put an end to these revolting innovations and to these reprehensible acts? Ought one not compel the unbelievers to stick to their pact [of Umar]; ought one not keep them in servitude and prevent them from going beyond the bounds and the limits of their tolerated status in order that there may result from this the greatest glory of God, of His Prophet, and of all Muslims, and likewise of that which is said in the Qu'ran?”
Jacob Marcus, The Jew in the Medieval World: A Sourcebook, 315-1791, 1938
The Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal empires had all of the following in common except
Which of the following is a difference between the early Islamic empires (1450–1750 C.E.)?
Questions 3–4 refer to the passage below.
“Yesterday your ambassador petitioned my ministers to memorialize me regarding your trade with China, but his proposal is not consistent with our dynastic usage and cannot be entertained. Hitherto, all European nations, including your own country’s barbarian merchants, have carried on their trade with our Celestial Empire at Guangzhou. Such has been the procedure for many years, although our Celestial Empire possesses all things in prolific abundance and lacks no product within its own borders. There was therefore no need to import the manufactures of outside barbarians in exchange for our own produce.”
Excerpt from a letter Chinese emperor Qianlong wrote to King George III of England, 1793
Which of the following regions was least affected by maritime reconnaissance voyages in the period 1450–1750 C.E.?
All of the following are reasons why China stopped its global exploration during the fifteenth century except for
Questions 5–6 refer to the passage below.
“With the successive losses of two Ming capitals [to the invading Qing], locally prominent families and minor officials in Kiangnan had been sorely pressed to contain a rash of uprisings by various discontented and lawless elements—mainly tenants, indentured persons, and underground groups—and they now welcomed any authority that could restore the social order to which they were accustomed. Consequently, the first appearance of Han Chinese Qing officials in most locales was relatively uneventful, as social leaders adopted a cooperative, wait-and-see attitude. However, . . . it became clearer that ‘barbarians’ were really in charge, a common cause to oppose the Qing was forged among social elements that otherwise would have been at odds.”
Excerpt from L. A. Struve's The Southern Ming, 1644-1662, 1984
Which of the following policies of the Manchus was most effective in unifying southern Ming resistance to the new foreign dynasty?
A historical analogy to the Manchu treatment of Han Chinese is
Questions 7–8 refer to the passage below.
“Those that arriv'd at these Islands from the remotest parts of Spain, and who pride themselves in the Name of Christians, steer'd Two courses principally, in order to the Extirpation, and Exterminating of this [Native] People from the face of the Earth. The first whereof was raising an unjust, sanguinolent, cruel War. The other, by putting them to death, who hitherto, thirsted after their Liberty…: For they being taken off in War, none but Women and Children were permitted to enjoy the benefit of that Country-Air, on whom they did in succeeding times lay such a heavy Yoak, that the very Brutes were more happy than they:
Finally, in one word, their Ambition and Avarice, than which the heart of Man never entertained greater, and the vast Wealth of those Regions; the Humility and Patience of the Inhabitants (which made their approach to these Lands more facil and easie) did much promote the business: Whom they so despicably contemned, that they treated them (I speak of things which I was an Eye Witness of, without the least fallacy) not as Beasts, which I cordially wished they would, but as the most abject dung and filth of the Earth . . . ”
Excerpt from Bartolome de las Casas's A Brief Account of the Destruction of the Indies, 1552
The purpose of the encomienda system was to
Which of the following best describes the historical effect of de las Casas’s report?
Questions 9–10 refer to the image below.
The picture above and the three statements below refer to which of the following?
Art and literature created during the Italian Renaissance
This key topics list is the same as the list in the Test What You Already Know section earlier in this chapter. Based on what you have now learned, ask yourself the following questions:
Check off the key topics if you can answer ”yes” to at least three of these questions.
Part B: Count the number of Key Topics you checked off.
out of 25 Key Topics
Next Step: Compare your Test What You Already Know results to these Test What You Learned results to see how exam-ready you are for AP World History Period 4: 1450 to 1750 C.E.