
Date Region Event
1450 C.E. Europe Renaissance continues; Fall of Constantinople
1453 C.E.
Mid East Ottomans capture Constantinople
1464 C.E. Africa Kingdom of Songhai is established
1492 C.E. Americas European explorers reach the New World
1517 C.E. Europe Protestant Reformation begins 
1521 C.E. Americas Cortez defeats the Aztecs
1533 C.E. Americas
Pizarro conquers the Inca
1588 C.E. Europe England defeats the Spanish Armada
1600 C.E. East Asia Beginning of Tokugawa shogunate
1618-1648 C.E. Europe Thirty Years' War between Protestants and Catholics
1652 C.E. Africa Cape Town Colony is established
1650–1800 C.E. Europe Enlightenment