Test What You Already Know

Part A: Quiz

    1. Questions 1–2 refer to the passage below.

    2. “The fanatical sermon delivered by Gapon, who had entirely forgotten his priestly dignity, and the criminal propaganda of his assistants belonging to the local revolutionary groups, excited the working population to such an extent that on January 9th enormous masses of people began to direct their course from all the suburbs of the city toward its center. And at the time that Gapon, continuing to influence the religious sentiment and loyalty of the people to their sovereign, previous to the beginning of the procession held religious service in the chapel of the Putilov Works for the welfare of their Majesties and distributed to the leaders icons, holy banners, and portraits of the sovereigns so as to give the demonstration the character of a religious procession, at the other end of the city a small group of workmen, led by true revolutionists, was erecting a barricade of telegraph-posts and wire and hoisted a red flag over it. Such a spectacle was so foreign to the general sentiment of the workmen that from the enormous crowd going toward the center of the city were heard the words: ‘These are not our people, this does not concern us. These are students who are rioting.’

      Notwithstanding this the crowds, electrified by the agitation, did not give way to the general police measures and even at the attacks of the cavalry. Excited by the opposition they met with, they began to attack the military forces, endeavoring to break through to the Winter Palace square, so that it was found necessary for the purpose of dispersing the crowds to use firearms, avoiding, as far as possible, making useless victims. This latter measure explains the comparatively small losses experienced by the enormous mass of people marching to the Winter Palace square. The military forces were obliged to shoot on the Schlusselburg Road, at the Narva Gate, near the Tritzky Bridge, on Fourth Street and the Little Perspective of the St. Basil Island, near the Alexander Garden, at the corner of the Nevsky Perspective and the Gogol Street, near the Police Bridge and on the Kasan Square.”

      Excerpt from Arthur Cassini's “Revolution in Russia: Bloody Sunday and the Constitution,” 1914

    3. The protesters described in this passage likely contributed to which of the following social movements?

      1. Tanzimât
      2. Socialism
      3. Anti-nationalism
      4. Self-Strengthening
    4. Which of the following was a long-term consequence of the events depicted in the passage?

      1. The Duma was permanently established.
      2. Tsarist rule was ended.
      3. Socialism was largely replaced by nationalism among the working class.
      4. Russian revolutionary efforts further developed.
      1. Questions 3–4 refer to the image below.

      2. A drawing of Chinese children, 2 boys and 1 girl, all dressed the same, holding weapons and communist Chinese literature.

        A Chinese elementary-school textbook shows a group of Red Guards, 1971

      3. The image above best demonstrates Chinese efforts to

        1. counter anti-communist propaganda in Taiwan
        2. eliminate distinctions between rural and urban youth
        3. imitate Lenin’s vision for the education of Soviet youth
        4. promote gender equality resulting from the Chinese Cultural Revolution
      4. Which of the following best describes the impact of the Cultural Revolution?

        1. Literature, historical monuments, and cultural and religious sites were destroyed.
        2. China was transformed from an agrarian to an industrial economy.
        3. It created a climate more tolerant to diverse political ideology.
        4. It resulted in a return to traditional values, culture, and customs.
        1. Questions 5–7 refer to the passage below.

        2. “The Purposes of the United Nations are:

          1. To maintain international peace and security, and to that end: to take effective collective measures for the prevention and removal of threats to the peace, and for the suppression of acts of aggression or other breaches of the peace, and to bring about by peaceful means, and in conformity with the principles of justice and international law, adjustment or settlement of international disputes or situations which might lead to a breach of the peace;
          2. To develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples, and to take other appropriate measures to strengthen universal peace;
          3. To achieve international co-operation in solving international problems of an economic, social, cultural, or humanitarian character, and in promoting and encouraging respect for human rights and for fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language, or religion; and
          4. To be a centre for harmonizing the actions of nations in the attainment of these common ends.”

          Charter of the United Nations, 1945

        3. Which of the following conflicts motivated the international community to form the United Nations?

          1. The Korean War
          2. The Cold War
          3. World War I
          4. World War II
        4. Which of the following was a primary reason for the failure of the League of Nations? 

          1. The refusal of the United States and Soviet Union to join as members
          2. Global economic fallout from the Great Depression
          3. Multiple conflicts which overtaxed the League's joint military forces 
          4. The rising global threat of communism
        5. The United Nations is committed to all of the following except

          1. personal freedoms
          2. diplomacy
          3. international trade
          4. self-governance
          1. Questions 8–10 refer to the passage below.

          2. “Over the following years much of Latin America saw an upsurge of rural guerrilla conflict and urban terrorism, in response to the persistence of stark social inequality and political repression. But this upsurge drew additional inspiration from the Cuban example, and in many cases Cuba provided training and material support to guerrillas.”

            “History of Latin America,” Encyclopaedia Britannica

          3. Over the last four decades of the twentieth century, the political structure of most Latin American countries changed

            1. from democracy to communism
            2. from communism to military dictatorship
            3. from European colonial rule to independence
            4. from dictatorship to democracy
          4. The Sandinista National Liberation Front successfully overthrew Anastasio Somoza DeBayle in which country?

            1. Cuba
            2. Honduras
            3. Nicaragua
            4. Guatemala
          5. While Cuba provided support to various guerrilla rebellions in Latin America after the Cuban Revolution, which country provided the most economic and military support to Cuba?

            1. Soviet Union
            2. Brazil
            3. United States
            4. Spain
          6. Part B: Key Topics

            The following is a list of the major people, places, and events for Period 6: 1900 C.E. to the Present. You will very likely see many of these on the AP World History exam.

            For each key topic, ask yourself the following questions:

            1. Can I describe this key topic?
            2. Can I discuss this key topic in the context of other events?
            3. Could I correctly answer a multiple-choice question about this key topic?
            4. Could I correctly answer a free-response question about this key topic?

            Check off the key topics if you can answer "yes" to at least three of these questions.

            World War I

            1. World War I
            2. Total war
            3. League of Nations
            4. Mohandas Gandhi

            Global Depression

            1. World War II
            2. Great Depression

            Rise of Fascist and Totalitarian States

            1. Benito Mussolini
            2. Adolf Hitler
            3. Fascism
            4. Joseph Stalin

            World War II

            1. Firebombing
            2. Nuclear bomb
            3. United Nations
            4. Cold War

            The Cold War

            1. Proxy wars
            2. Vietnam
            3. Warsaw Pact
            4. Non-Aligned Movement
            5. European Union


            1. Vladimir Lenin
            2. Mao Zedong
            3. Great Leap Forward
            4. Fidel Castro

            Independence and Nationalist Movements

            1. Indian National Congress
            2. Muhammad Ali Jinnah
            3. Indian/Pakistan Partition
            4. Algeria
            5. Ho Chi Minh

            Political Reform and Economic Changes

            1. Deng Xiaoping
            2. Tiananmen Square
            3. NATO

            Technology, Populations, and the Environment

            1. Green Revolution
            2. Cholera
            3. HIV/AIDS

            Social and Cultural Changes

            1. Pan-Africanism
            2. Liberation theology in Latin America

            Part B: Count the number of Key Topics you checked off.

                  out of 36 Key Topics

            Your Results
            Next Steps
            Quiz   Key Topics
            You answered 8+ questions correctly AND You checked off 29+ (80%+) key topics
            1. Review the quiz explanations at the back of the book.
            2. Read the Rapid Review in this chapter.
            3. Complete the Test What You Learned section in this chapter and review the quiz explanations.
            You answered 5–7 questions correctly OR You checked off 18–28 (50–79%) key topics
            1. Review the quiz explanations at the back of the book.
            2. Read the Rapid Review in this chapter.
            3. Go to the Complete Time Period Review for this period in Part 3. Read each High-Yield section about the key topics you did not check off. If you are short on time, read as many of these High-Yield sections as you are able.
            4. Complete the Test What You Learned section in this chapter and review the quiz explanations.
            You answered <5 questions correctly AND You checked off <18 (<50%) key topics
            1. Review the quiz explanations at the back of the book.
            2. Read the Rapid Review in this chapter.
            3. Go to the Complete Time Period Review for this period in Part 3 and:
              1. If you have time in your study schedule, study the full chapter.
              2. If you are short on time, focus on High-Yield sections and the key topics with which you are least familiar.
            4. Complete the Test What You Learned section in this chapter and review the quiz explanations.