
Date Region Event
1904-1905 Europe & East Asia Russo-Japanese War
1908-1918 Mid East Young Turk Era
Americas Mexican Revolution
1911–1912 East Asia Chinese Revolution
Europe World War I
Europe Bolshevik Revolution
1918-1920 Europe Russian Civil War
Europe Treaty of Versailles
1921-1928 Europe Lenin’s New Economic Policy
Mid East Republic of Turkey is established; end of the Ottoman Empire
Europe First of Stalin’s Five-Year Plans
1929 Americas Great Depression begins
1931 East Asia Japanese invade Manchuria
1933 Europe Hitler’s rise to power
1935 South Asia Government of India Act
1937 East Asia Japanese invasion of China
1939 Europe German invasion of Poland
1945 Europe
End of World War II
1947 South Asia Partition of India
1948 Europe Marshall Plan
1948 Mid East Creation of Israel
1948 Africa Apartheid established in South Africa
1949 Europe Division of Germany
1949 East Asia People’s Republic of China established
1950-1953 East Asia
Korean War
1958-1961 East Asia China’s Great Leap Forward
1959 Americas Cuban Revolution
1962 Americas
Cuban Missile Crisis
1973 Mid East Arab-Israeli War
1975 East Asia Fall of Vietnam
1979 Mid East Iranian Revolution
1980-1988 Mid East Iran-Iraq War
1989 Europe Fall of Berlin Wall
1990-1991 Mid East Gulf War
1991 Europe Fall of Soviet Union; end of the Cold War
2003 Mid East Iraq War
2008-2010 Global Economic crisis