AA Antiaircraft
AIRSOLS Allied air command for the Solomons (also used for commander, AIRSOLS)
Belconnen Station name for U.S. Navy codebreakers in Australia, 1942–1945 (aka FRUMEL)
CAG Carrier Air Group
Cast Station name for U.S. Navy codebreakers in the Philippines, 1941–1942
C-in-C Commander in chief (Japanese)
CINCPAC Commander in chief, Pacific Ocean areas
COMINCH Commander in chief (U.S.—also the chief of naval operations)
CUB Navy Base Unit
FRUMEL Fleet Radio Unit Melbourne
FRUPAC Fleet Radio Unit Pacific
GC&CS Government Code & Communications School (British)
GI Government-issue (common usage for a U.S. soldier)
G-2 U.S. Army Intelligence (also Southwest Pacific Theater Intelligence)
HMS His Majesty’s Ship (in a ship name)
Hypo Station name for U.S. Navy codebreakers at Pearl Harbor, 1941–1943 (became FRUPAC)
ICPOA Intelligence Center, Pacific Ocean area
IGHQ Imperial General Headquarters
JNAF Japanese Naval Air Force
MAG Marine Air Group
NEGAT Station name for OP-20-G codebreaking activities
NGS Navy General Staff
ONI Office of Naval Intelligence
OP-20-G Codebreaking organization of the Office of Naval Communications (aka Station Negat)
SBD Douglas Dauntless dive-bomber
SEFIC Seventh Fleet Intelligence Center
SNLF Special Naval Landing Force
SOPAC South Pacific Command (also used for commander, South Pacific)
SOWESPAC Southwest Pacific Theater command
TBF Grumman Avenger torpedo plane
TBS Talk Between Ships (low-frequency intership radio net)
USS United States Ship (in a ship name)
VB Navy carrier-based dive-bomber squadron
VF Navy carrier-based fighter squadron
VMF Marine fighter squadron
VMSB Marine scout bomber squadron
VSB Navy carrier-based scout bomber squadron