Two Poems for Vladimir Yakovlev

Windows on Trubnaya Square in Spring

With swaying squares

of the flowering and ringing

of all my childhoods, familiar

to transparent deserted cities,

I touch them, and the maidenly weddings

will continue the same

without either music or doors,

the depths are glimmering

greenish – somber

and beyond them weep for them

butchers smeared in rain

fallen on heaps of fish,

and again a stamping and a stepping – I am here, I am here,

a stamping and a stepping – once and for ever – like a bell in mist –

and like – titles – of akathists –

I dream – of a red – separation – and meeting


Good Mornings:

On Vladimir Yakovlev’s Painting “Black Flower”

to a. i. pevzner

let it long remain

turned toward you

black mysterious Guardian

severe and elegant

flower –

accompanying from morning

to your little table

the different shadows –

wreaths of quietist

patriarchal ponds –

trembling in air

april 9, 1963