Chapter Fourteen

Devlin woke up gasping, his heart pounding, his vision blurred.

Grace was beside him immediately, helping him to a sitting position, rubbing her hand in soothing circles up and down his back.

“Devlin, what is it? Did you have that dream again?”

He shook his head. He couldn’t speak yet. Every time he had the nightmare, he relived the process of dying and coming back to life. Becoming a vampire.

But it wasn’t the Change or the physical torture during the weeks he’d been imprisoned that made him dread this particular dream. It was the story his captor told.

And when he’d drank his fill of the band of drunken mercenaries’ blood, when his vampire senses had sharpened to a razor point, he’d gone back to his cell and read the two letters the Greek had left behind. The marriage announcement in the papers as well.

Next to them had littered a pile of unassuming black ashes, so contradictory to the larger-than-life presence of the kaloskagathos Greek.

There had been no escape from the truth of it: the murderous designs on his life by the two people he cared for the most in the world.

“Devlin, are you all right? Would it help if you talked to me? Dr. Weisman says talking helps to ‘unburden and demystify.’”

He still couldn’t speak, simply doing all he could to breathe in and out.

“Would you rather write it down? I know I don’t respond the right way in these situations.”

“Grace,” he rasped, putting a hand on her arm, stilling her.

She didn’t show it in her tone, which was without inflection as usual. But a little furrow appeared between her bushy brows and her eyes were dark and intent.

Devlin recognized this as her way of worrying. She was distressed for him, perhaps even frightened.

The need to comfort her outweighed the pain of his own memories for the moment. He pulled her into his embrace and laid them both back on the bed, her much smaller body curled into his side, her head nestled on his chest, tucked beneath his chin.

“Who is this Dr. Weisman you keep talking about?” he asked irrelevantly to distract them both. “Is it a man or a woman?”

“A man,” she answered dutifully, going with the flow of his conversation.

She would probably never be one of those women who spoke with an agenda. Only if she fixated on something would she pursue a topic like a homing beacon, without artifice or dissemblance. For the most part, she was easily distracted and because of that, unthreatening to talk to. There was never any judgment or presumption in the way she viewed the world.

“Good looking?”


Devlin gave a short huff of laughter. “That was an instant and adamant assertion,” he noted. “Should I be worried?”

“About what?”

He looked down at the crown of her head as she snuggled warmly against him.

“A male often has cause to worry when his female is regularly in the company of a ‘very good looking’ man who is not himself,” he explained, because her question was genuine, not an attempt at coyness.

She gave a small shrug. “Why should you worry? I’m not attracted to him. I’m only attracted to you.”

Ah, music to his ears. Devlin was feeling better already.

Emboldened, he decided to needle her further, “What about all of your previous… partners? I have a feeling I wasn’t the first you recruited for that…” he flipped his hand idly in the air, looking for the least offensive phrase—offensive to his own ears that was, “…two week engagement.”

“Oh, I wasn’t attracted to any of them,” she quickly replied. “They were bodies that fulfilled a purpose for me.”

Devlin’s breath stalled.

Her words hurt more than he could have imagined. Even though she was speaking of other men, he’d been “recruited” for her purpose in much the same way. Was he deluding himself that he meant more to her? And if so, that the attachment would last?

Perhaps he was a masochist, perhaps he was still too vulnerable from the dream and had forgotten to guard his raw, stumbling heart, but he couldn’t help whispering the question:

“What about me? What am I to you?”

Grace took his question very seriously. She propped herself up on her arms to look down into his face, holding his gaze.

For the longest time she stared at him, in the same intense, unblinking way she did from time to time over the duration of their acquaintance. He wasn’t sure what she saw, or what she was searching for in his eyes. It was as if she’d locked herself in a trance while probing into him with her clear, dark gaze.

Finally, she said, low and wondering, “I don’t know what you are to me. You make me feel things I’ve never felt before. Feelings I can’t describe. Sometimes I’m afraid of them. Sometimes they make me full to bursting. I think…”

She cupped his face with one palm and rubbed her thumb across his mouth. Back and forth she caressed him, as if mesmerized by the feel of his lips and the perfect fullness of their shape.

He waited with baited breath, not wanting to rush her, hanging on her every word. Hoping she’d finish her thought and dreading the rest of her sentence at the same time.

“I think you’re my drug, Devlin Sinclair,” she murmured reflectively, as if talking more to herself than to him. “You’re my obsession and addiction. A habit I don’t want to form but one I can’t seem to break.”


He wasn’t thrilled with the “don’t want” part of it, but for now he’d settle for the rest of her confession.

“I want to make love with you, Grace,” he said solemnly, his words carefully chosen.

She’d never referred to the joining of their bodies as anything remotely resembling love, but for him, it could never be anything else. He wanted her to know what this meant to him, what she meant to him.

He was putting a stake in the ground.

A line of concentration appeared between her brows, as if she were trying to puzzle out what he meant.

“How do we make love?” she asked, “love is a concept, not a product. How do you make it when it’s not real?”

“We’ll find a way together,” he whispered, drawing her down to him, taking her lips in a slow, soft kiss.

“I’ve never made love before you,” he breathed into her mouth, “Never truly loved before you.”

She draped herself, still dressed in one of his long-sleeved shirts, over his naked body, and angled her head to deepen their kiss.

She was wet from wanting him already and wanted to race toward the climax, but when she tried to push his passion higher, he deftly retreated and came back at her with a simmering warmth, playful and teasing.

She tried to take control by holding his head in her hands, thrusting her fingers into his thick, wavy hair, thrusting her tongue deeply into his mouth, making him groan with the carnality of it. But even as he let her take the lead, his hands smoothed up and down her sides in a calming motion, gentling her urgency.

She wanted him now, she wanted him hard and fast. So she tried to capture his erection between her thighs and take it into her naked core.

At this, he flipped them smoothly so that she was trapped beneath his much heavier frame. He captured her wrists and held them beside her head, leaving her mouth to trail kisses down her throat, her chest, plumping her small breasts wetly through the fabric of the shirt with gentle sucks.

Frustrated noises gurgled from Grace’s throat. She didn’t like not being in control. She wanted to be the one to play his body like a harp, to find all his secrets and take him to the edge, hold him prisoner there. She’d never had the same done to herself, because that meant relinquishing command, submitting herself to another’s will.

“Let me,” he entreated huskily, nuzzling his face against her belly, moving steadily lower to her bare hips, upper thighs and the nest of curls between them.

Grace writhed helplessly against him, but he held her firm, holding her hands at her sides now, his muscular torso between her spread legs.

She dug her heels into the mattress trying to gain purchase, trying to take back control of this runaway train, but he was already upon her, his mouth hot and heavenly against her sex, his tongue sweeping along her labia, then paying exquisite homage to her clitoris, swirling and teasing, lapping and gliding.

“Devlin…” she groaned, frustrated and unbearably aroused. “I want you now, inside…”

But he ignored her, taking his time with his sweet torture of her, and some distant part of her recognized what he was doing and the difference between what she’d done to him the first night they’d been together.

He wasn’t analytically and detachedly trying to draw out calculated reactions from her body. His every touch, every kiss, every breath was instinctual, as if his body was an extension of hers and he made it come alive in ways she’d never thought possible.

She felt her orgasm build relentlessly, but whereas she would have rode it consciously and eagerly started another right on its heels, giving her body the release it craved, she purposely held back this time. She wanted to wait for him to join her. Because, somehow, it mattered.

Whatever they had, it was more than physical pleasure.

“Devlin,” she moaned softly, “come inside of me. I want to see your eyes when you come apart.”

He heeded her this time, levering himself up on his elbows, releasing her wrists. She opened her thighs and wrapped her legs around his hips, bringing his pulsing erection to her weeping core.

Eyes locked with his, she stared into those amazing sapphire orbs as he slowly entered her, thick and long and hard and satiny. He pushed deeply to the hilt and held there as she quivered with sparks of incandescent pleasure around him, comprehending with crystal clarity that no one could ever make her feel this way.

Only him. Only Devlin.

“I love you, Grace,” he said in that low, smoky baritone, husky with emotion, staring deeply into her eyes.

She gasped, caught unawares as her body came apart at the seams, as her heart pounded its way out of her chest, and her spirit soared to dizzying heights.

And only then did he begin to move, stroking her higher, deeper, harder. Keeping her suspended at that glorious peak, crashing wave after wave of ecstasy upon her.

“Devlin,” she breathed, holding his face in her hands, lost in the glistening pools of his eyes. “Come with me.”

His body obeyed, and she saw with vivid fascination the crimson flush of his pleasure that traveled up his chest, his throat, his cheeks, the beauty of his crisis blooming on his face, contorting his features in something like anguish, a breathtaking pain, as if he were dying, as if she had slain him.

She felt the hot gush of his seed wash over her womb, the shaking of his body as he lost himself to passion, the voracious pulls of her sex for more of him.

All of him.

She pulled him down to her finally and sealed his mouth with hers, breaking their gaze.

But it was too late.

She would never forget the way he looked as he released his seed, along with his heart and soul, into her.

The devastating way he loved her.

*** *** *** ***

The Creature had a simple plan to drive a veritable chasm between the New England Dark Queen and her Pure allies.

But it was in no hurry to execute the scheme. Preparation and planning were key. It enjoyed games that required cunning and strategy. And it absolutely delighted in building the anticipation for a glorious climax.

No, the Dark Queen could wait while it set wheels in motion.

Meanwhile, it had a few tricks up its sleeve to accelerate the expansion of the fight clubs.

Recreating the Genesis serum, on the other hand, presented a larger challenge. Fortunately, it was one that its Mistress seemed less concerned about. Perhaps she had some tricks of her own that she didn’t share.

Shrugging the responsibility of engendering mass chaos, violence and destruction aside for a moment, the Creature decided to take a stroll down its favorite street in Brooklyn, to visit its favorite shop.

As it passed by the gleaming, newly washed window of a flower shop, it looked to make sure it was in the right skin, like an insecure teenager checking her makeup.

Just to be sure. It wouldn’t do to reveal its real face to the lovely old Mama Bear, Estelle Martin. She’d never call it Binu again.

The sun had just set as it arrived at Dark Dreams. It loved the sound of the little wreath of bells jingling as it opened the door.

Estelle was facing it as it entered, sitting at her oval tea table.

She was not alone.

“Welcome, Binu,” she smiled, though her smile seemed dimmed at half its usual wattage. “Come join us for some biscuits and tea. It will only take me a few minutes to prepare your favorite coffee.”

She hustled away without waiting for its reply, leaving it to awkwardly face two individuals it had never met and one who made its stomach tie itself in knots.

“Hello,” Sophia said warmly, smiling shyly in greeting. “There’s plenty of space for one more. Come sit by me.”

She pulled over a nearby chair and patted its cushion as if to advertise its comforts.

“Is that your name—Binu?” the blonde woman it had never met in person, but knew about from reports, asked curiously. “What a coincidence. The word has a special meaning where I come from.”

She smiled and stood up, gesturing for it to take the seat that Sophia offered. “Please do join us. We don’t bite. My name is Nana Chastain and this is my son Benjamin.”

Its eyes finally riveted on the little boy with golden curls, who at first sight appeared to be a miniature version of his mother, but when it looked closely, the shape of the boy’s face, its angles and planes, curves and valleys looked nothing like his mother’s.

“Hi,” Benjamin chirped happily, unaware that a real life monster was not two feet in front of him.

The boy’s face was so familiar it couldn’t look away, even as it was aware that it had been staring for an uncomfortable length of time.

What was it about the boy? Where had it seen that nose before? That chin and those cheeks?

“Are you all right?” it heard Sophia’s voice like a distant echo through a fog. She had stood up too and was coming closer to it.

“Have we met before?” she asked, almost close enough to touch. “There’s something familiar about you.”

“Here we are,” Estelle called out as she reemerged from the kitchen. “Black and smooth with a dollop of cream. Just the way you like it, Binu.”

It didn’t realize it was backing away until its back met the front door. The three women and child stared after it with similarly puzzled and worried expressions.

“I—” it couldn’t finish the thought as it turned and all but fled the shop.

Its long strides ate up the sidewalk as it headed away from Dark Dreams, heedless of the direction and distance.

The only image in its mind was the little boy’s face, Olivia’s face.

Olivia, the human woman who had been obsessed with it, whom it had toyed with and destroyed.

The woman who’d claimed it had a son.

*** *** *** ***

“We have to go to London.”

Devlin finished buttoning his shirt and watched Grace gather her belongings by the door of his chamber, now texting someone on her phone.

“Why London?” he asked casually, down-playing the bomb she’d just set off at his feet.

He hadn’t been back on English soil since his ill-fated confrontation with Lavinia after he’d returned from the Peninsula. If he never set foot on Britain again it would be too soon.

“Zenn’s HQ is there. And so is its mainframe. I can’t break the encryption of the two files you flagged from afar, but if I hardwire directly into the mainframe, I can get through.”

She looked up at him. “Can someone transport my things back to my apartment? Aunt Maria has agreed to come by daily to take care of Miu-Miu, Antony and Cleopatra. I want to take them with me on the trip, but I don’t think it would be practical.”

A corner of Devlin’s lips quirked.

No, hefting a fish bowl and a chinchilla cage around while they broke into Zenn’s fortified HQ in the middle of London’s financial district right across the street from St. Paul’s Cathedral would definitely not be practical.

“I’ll have their safe transport arranged,” he assured her. “But do you think it absolutely necessary to go to London?”

She came to stand before him, trapping him with her intense, dark eyes.

“Don’t you want to solve the puzzle?” she asked, her voice filled with a strange sort of urgency, one he’d never heard in her tone before.

“Don’t you want to find what you’re looking for?” she continued relentlessly. “You sought me out to help you crack Zenn. Cracking Zenn would lead you closer to your target. Isn’t that right? So let’s do this together. I want to know why they encrypted my parents’ files.”

“Did you know that they worked for Zenn’s parent company before Zenn was spun off and rebuilt as a start-up? I need to unlock those files, Devlin. I need your help. I’ve never traveled so far by myself. I’ve only ever been in two cities my whole life.”

She was growing agitated, and her nervousness made Devlin forget his own troubles for the time being. He smoothed his hands comfortingly up and down her arms, then kissed her quickly on the forehead.

“Of course we’ll go together. We can leave within the hour.” He flashed one of his signature disarming grins. “How does First Class on Virgin Atlantic Airways sound, darling?”

She frowned at him. “I wouldn’t know.”

And then her brow cleared and she even smiled tentatively back at him.

“But I like the way you call me ‘darling.’”

His eyes crinkled at the corners as his grin grew wider.

“Are you better now?” she asked, solemn again. “Have you healed completely?”

Devlin puffed up his chest and put her hands on his abdomen, putting pressure on his ribs. “Doesn’t hurt at all. Good as new.”

“Devlin,” she said, looking at her hands on his fine white shirt, covering those chiseled abs and steely ribs, “how big is the plane?”

“Airbus 350. It can hold over four hundred passengers, why?”

“Maybe we should sit at opposite ends of the plane,” she said seriously. “I don’t think I can keep my hands off you otherwise.”

She said the damnedest things, Devlin mused, a bubble of happiness floating through his heart. Perhaps London wouldn’t be so bad after all if Grace was by his side.

*** *** *** ***

“It was very strange,” Inanna murmured while snuggled into her Mate’s side after a slow, wondrous session of love-making.

She was flushed with the strength of his blood and seed within her, radiant with the sometimes unbelievable happiness she felt since they’d reunited after millennia of being lost to one another. But this evening’s encounter inserted a shadow of apprehension into her resplendent bliss.

“I feel like I know him somehow, the young man who came to Mama Bear’s shop, even though I’ve never met him before. And he must have felt something too, because he ran right back out as if demons were on his heels. Sophia said the same thing when he was gone. It’s as if she knew him too but couldn’t place him. Just a feeling, an awareness.”

“I wish I’d been with you,” Gabriel said, tightening his arms around her, willing his body heat to soothe her.

“My body would hurt a lot less if I could have skipped training with Tal.” He deliberately put a teasing note in his voice to help ease her tension.

“How is Papa?” Inanna asked, her worry shifting focus instead of lessening. “He hasn’t been the same since…”

She turned her face toward Gabriel as she realized something important.

“He hasn’t been the same since we visited Dark Dreams together,” she finished her thought. “A lot seems to coincide with that shop, I wonder why.”

Gabriel knew it was better to help her sort her thoughts out rather than try to distract her. This topic was important for reasons they didn’t yet know.

“What do you know about the shop and its owner? How long has it been there?”

Inanna thought back briefly to the first time she’d noticed the place, the first time she’d met Mama Bear.

“It must have been a couple of years ago,” she mused. “I used to walk often down those streets at night because there are many Lost Souls to be found in the area.”

Inanna was once the Angle of Death among her Kind. Her role had been to release Lost Souls back into the Universal Balance so that they could be reborn with hopefully a better life.

Now that she’d found her one true Mate and no longer needed to feed off the blood and souls of others, sustained completely by Gabriel’s body, she’d tentatively taken on the new moniker of Light-Bringer, as the fabled, destined hero from the Zodiac Prophesies.

Though she hadn’t the first idea what it was she was supposed to do to save the races from imminent destruction. Right now, she just focused on living and enjoying life to the fullest with her small family nucleus of Gabriel, Benji and Tal.

As well as finding her mother. Inanna believed in her heart of hearts that her mother was still alive.

“One night I passed by this shop, brand new and sparkling like the gingerbread house from the fairytales Benji likes to read, and something about it just beckoned to me. I had to go inside. And that was when I met Mama Bear.”

Inanna smiled fondly in memory. “If I were to envision the most wonderful mother, kind and sassy, full of wisdom but knowing when to let me make my own decisions and mistakes, I couldn’t have picked a more perfect person to fill the role than Mama Bear.”

She gazed into her Mate’s eyes and nuzzled his nose briefly with hers. “She helped me to fight for you, you know. She never gave me any direct advice, and I never asked for it, but she helped me understand my own heart better. She helped to embolden me to go after what I want. You.”

She kissed him slowly and lingeringly. “My love. My Mate. My everything.”

With one smooth motion, Gabriel rolled her on top of his body and entered her hot, slick passage, joining them intimately, knowing that she needed the connection.

They took not a moment of their time together for granted, having been separated for so long. She still feared losing him like she did once before. He did everything he could to reassure her, but he knew that only time would lessen her doubt.

In moments like these, he just needed to remind her that he was here. They were one. He simply held there, buried to the hilt, the full head of his sex exerting the perfect pressure on her G spot deep inside.

“Does Mama Bear have a name?” he asked, helping her continue her train of thought as she sighed with pleasure and wrapped herself more tightly around him, holding him as close as she could.

“Estelle Martin, I believe,” Inanna said, her eyes drifting closed as a warm, tingling orgasm began to build within her.

Just having him inside of her did that. Made her senses come alive, her spirit soar.

“What do you know about her?”

Inanna took some time to reflect.

Finally, she said, “Not much, really. I’ve never asked about her past or even her present, and she’s never volunteered. I know that she bakes mostly to supply the orphanage a few blocks down with treats for the children. She doesn’t sell anything in her shop, but I’ve seen her give items away to strangers. It seems to make her happy to do so. And sad at the same time too, as if she were letting go of something precious to her, some part of herself.”

“She seems like a kind lady,” Gabriel recalled.

He’d met Mama Bear a couple of times now, but Inanna was right. Although they would spend an hour or two partaking of tea and baked delights at the shop, usually chatting much of the time with its owner, he didn’t know anything pertinent about her. Where she was from, why she was here, whether she had any family or a significant other.

It was only a feeling they had of her, that she was a sweet, generous lady, for the most part joyful and ready to smile.

But there was also a darker side, Gabriel could tell. A pervasive sadness and…anger…that sometimes rose to the surface.

“Perhaps it’s just a coincidence,” Inanna said, not knowing what to make of what happened and her own feelings about it.

“Perhaps it was nothing. The young man might have remembered an appointment he was late for. And Papa…maybe something in the shop triggered a hurtful memory. He’d been through so much. Rain won’t tell me the details of her medical assessment, but she revealed enough. He is in constant, unending pain.”

Tears welled in her eyes as she held Gabriel’s gaze.

“I’ve barely just gotten him back and I already feel like I’m losing him again.”

Gabriel enfolded her snugly in his embrace and kissed her tears away, whispering words of comfort and reassurance in the old language.

She deepened their kiss and infused it with a desperate passion and carnality, devouring his mouth and tongue, nipping at his lips.

She needed him to come for her again, deep inside where she held him tightly, wash away her fears and doubts. And so he would.
