Chapter 49


“What do you think you’re doing?” Johanne asked.

Mhlongo grunted and went around to the back of the park vehicle they were driving, opening the hatch. “I’m taking care of it, like Pieter said.”

“He didn’t say go make another bloody mess. He didn’t say go make another body turn up in the bush.”

“Pieter said make certain the certificates were delivered and safe. The deliveryman opened the package and took a certificate. What was I supposed to do? Pieter will leave the country before this body is discovered. You and I will become rich. Lift.” The two men struggled under their burden, shuffling their feet through the loose earth into the bush. The man in the tarp groaned.

“This is far enough,” Johanne gasped between breaths.

Mhlongo indicated a little further along with his head.

“I can’t believe you.”

“This man never respected me anyway. He deserves what he gets.”

They dumped their burden to the ground. Mhlongo shrugged and pulled the Velcro on a side pants pocket. He extracted a small caliber pistol. Johanne grabbed at it. They tussled for a moment.

As they wrestled Johanne said, “Stupid idiot. I’m trying to stop you because we passed some rangers not a half a kilometer ago. Do you want them to find us before we get to the main road?”

The struggle ended with Mhlongo’s harsh laughter. “There may be a brain inside your head after all. You are right. We won’t use the gun here.” He tucked it away and pulled a hunting knife from his belt.

“Hurry, you kafir. I hear a car coming.”