After years of working with cats, their owners, veterinarians, and so many people in the animal care field, I’ve been lucky to learn so much from everyone (two-legged and, most especially, four-legged). Being able to witness, on a daily basis, the love and commitment that owners and cats have for each other has been such a privilege. I’m even grateful to all of the owners who initially viewed me with skepticism (and believe me, there were many) and to the cats who did their very best to run me off. In the beginning, some of them almost did. Challenges became opportunities to grow. Boy, have I had plenty of opportunities. When I started in this business many years ago, it was not the popular field that it is becoming today, and so I was met with many raised eyebrows when I began talking about being able to train a cat. Actually, just a raised eyebrow was one of the more polite responses I received.
When I started out, no one was really focusing on cat behavior, yet alone doing in-home consultations to visit cats and owners on a one-on-one basis to address behavior problems. Dogs were trained—cats were tolerated . . . barely.
Today, though, I am so happy to see that people are receptive to the idea of behavior modification for their cats and how it can truly save a cat’s life. Behavior specialists are easier to find these days. I will forever be grateful to the first clients I had because of their trust and willingness to think like a cat.
The veterinarians I’ve had the privilege of working with over the years have been exceptionally generous with their time and knowledge. Veterinarians are truly the unsung heroes for our companion animals. They deal with patients who are less than cooperative and who often prefer to take a bite out of the very doctor saving their lives. I’m impressed at the lightning-fast reflexes some doctors have developed and the patience they show toward even the most fractious cat.
Thanks to my editor, Rebecca Hunt, and my family at Penguin Books.
Thank you to the veterinarians with whom I’ve had the personal honor of working with. Thank you for your support, guidance, and friendship.
A special thanks to Dr. Mark Waldrop for being an inspiration when it comes to cat care.
Special thanks to my agent and longtime friend, Linda Roghaar, for going above and beyond. Your wisdom has saved me many times.
Thank you Chris Chichuk . . . I’m honored to call you my friend.
Thank you to Marilyn Krieger for a friendship I truly cherish.
Thank you to my incredible family, most especially my husband, Scott.
Thank you to the ever-present spirit of my greatest feline teacher, Ethel. She is the reason I dedicate my life to improving the relationships between humans and cats. Ethel taught me so many of the most valuable lessons in life: love unconditionally, express your true feelings, respect others’ territory, protect the family, get enough sleep, and always keep an eye open for mice!