Chapter 4

The Chakras: The Body’s Energy System

What Are the Chakras?

Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning ‘wheel’, ‘circle’, or ‘revolving disc’. Some people are able to see the chakras, by observing the aura (a rainbow of light surrounding the body) or luminous energy field within the ‘subtle’ or astral spine. They are seen in cross-section as fast-moving whirlpools or vortices of energy containing colours, each taking the form of a luminous funnel-shaped structure, somewhat like a convolvulus flower. Each chakra has its own specific plane and direction of rotation. The first and third chakras rotate in a clockwise direction; all the other chakras rotate counterclockwise. Kualinī Yoga, Laya Yoga, Tantric Yoga, and Kriyā Yoga are the main branches of yoga that specifically concentrate on the chakras.

The yoga traditions recognize seven major chakras, confluences of consciousness and energy, distributed along the midline of the body, located above the crown of the head, at the forehead, the throat, the chest, the navel, the genital area, and at the base of the spine. In the texts of Hātha Yoga and Kualinī Yoga the chakras are represented and visualized as luminous lotus flowers or pādmas with various numbers of petals, bīja (seed-syllable) mantras inscribed in each petal, and symbols within the centres of the lotuses. These representations of the chakras are images of energetic experiences in symbolic form. The petals, radiating light, are small rotating vortices whirling at very high speeds. Each vortex metabolizes an energy vibration that resonates at its particular whirling frequency. The colours in each chakra are related to the frequency of energy being metabolized at its particular rate.

The lotus, a beautiful and captivating symbol of the chakras, represents to us the nature of the chakra as a living force. The lotus (Latin – Nelumbo nucifera; Sanskrit – pādma or kokanada rakta-kāmāla – reddish lotus; pundarika – white lotus) which can be seen growing in lakes and ponds throughout Asia in such countries as India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, China and Japan, is very beautiful to observe. The lotus flower grows from the bottoms of streams, muddy ponds and lakes to rise above the water and bloom. Its roots are deeply buried in the mud far below the surface, but its petals are not soiled by mud, which just rolls off them. The leaves are coated with a film, upon which water forms magnificent, glittering droplets. The flower stalk rises above the leaves, ending in large, sweet-perfumed, white or pink blooms, which appear one at a time. Symbolically the lotus flower can be related to the human condition, being fully grounded in earth, with its density and heaviness, yet reflecting the upward aspiration of human consciousness toward the light and the divine. And just like the lotus, the chakra can be closed, in bud, opening or blossoming.


Do not go to the garden of flowers!
O friend! go not there;

In your body is the garden of flowers.
Take your seat on the thousand petals of the lotus, and there gaze on the infinite beauty.

Kabir (15th-century Indian mystic and poet)


The petals of the lotus symbolize subtle nerves (īs) which resonate to a specific sound vibration. If the hue of the petal is muddy or dull, the sensitivity to sound is decreased. Improving the purity of the sounds through spiritual practice energizes the petals so that they turn and point upwards. This increases the smoothness with which the chakra rotates. The rhythm of the rotation is perfect when the lotus petals are pointing upward and in full bloom.

Essentially, chakras are energy centres situated within the astral body – the subtle body that mirrors the physical body’s informational and energy content. The chakras energetically connect the five sheaths (kośas) that embody the soul, to the functions of the physical body, primarily through the endocrine glands and the nerve plexuses in the spine. They also access all emotional, mental and spiritual states of our being.

The chakras act as dynamos of cosmic energy, which allow our energy bodies to plug in to the universal power source. They serve as transformers and act as regulators to receive, assimilate and distribute energy (prāic life-force) to the subtle body, which then distribute the energy to the spinal nerve plexuses where it is in turn transferred to the blood circulation and organs of the physical body.

Chakras and Energy


The human body is surrounded by a halo of conscious Cosmic Energy. Through vibrations of Cosmic Energy, God’s intelligence supplies our bodies with Life Force. The medulla oblongata, the ‘mouth of God’, is the antenna that receives energy from Cosmic Consciousness.

Paramhansa Yogananda


Ultimately even our bodies are nothing but energy. The body is composed of cells, which are composed of atoms, which in turn are made up of particles (including leptons, quarks and mesons) that spin around at incredible speeds in largely empty spaces. It is all a ceaselessly changing pattern of energy. Think of the body as a pattern of intelligence in a field of pure consciousness.

The subtle prāic life-force enters the body at the base of the brain (medulla oblongata) and flows to the higher brain centres. Then it filters downward through the six major chakras or energy centres. As this energy and light force filters and spirals down through each chakra, it becomes increasingly dense. At the lowest chakra at the base of the spine (mūlādhāra chakra), the vibrational frequency is slower than in those above it. The higher the chakra, the more subtle and finer the vibrational frequency. These higher chakras are closely related to the innermost sheaths and higher levels of consciousness.

The energy that filters down through the chakras ultimately spirals down from cosmic energy, produced from cosmic light, which is created by the will and energy of God – the Ultimate Reality.

Consciousness moving becomes energy. As consciousness descends in a spiralling movement of energy, it subdivides and stretches out, and when the movement is slowed down, it becomes matter. As it condenses into matter it forms the five elements: ether, air, fire, water and earth – first the subtle elements, then the gross elements. The difference between one element and the other is a difference in their vibratory wavelengths and frequencies.

As consciousness descends and moves in space, it becomes air. When air moves there is friction and therefore fire, and when the gases collide and fire is generated, water is also generated; and then water condenses into solid substances (earth). These elemental stages describe the stages of the descent of soul-consciousness into matter.

The process of yoga is a reversal of this descent into matter. Through definite stages of spiritual awakening in our awareness of our true identity as the Self, the soul-consciousness can return from matter to the freedom and oneness in Spirit.

Chakras and the Elements

The elements associated with the chakras should not be confused with the chemical elements known to modern science. In their pure states the elements are not visible and are known as mahābhūtas (generic gross elements) which evolve in this specific order: ākāśa (ether), vāyu (air), tejas or agni (fire), apās (water) and pithvī (earth), which have evolved out of the five tanmātrās, which evolve in this specific order: śabda (sound), sparśa (touch), rūpa (colour/form), rasa (taste), and gandha (smell). Each of the mahābhūtas is a compound of all the five tanmātrās, one of them dominating in each. Sound dominates in ether, touch in air, form in fire, taste in water, and smell in earth.

The earth centre (mūlādhāra chakra) is that part of your anatomy which comes into contact with the earth. A little above there is the water element (svādhi hāna chakra), the next subtle element, located where water collects. At the navel centre (maipūra chakra) is the fire region – when we talk about digestion, we think of the gastric fire there. Above the navel is the heart region (anāhata chakra), which represents air – the region in which the lungs and oxygenation operate. Above the heart is the throat region (viśuddha chakra) – a little space (ether) in the throat. Higher still is the Spiritual Eye (ājñā chakra), at the midpoint between the eyebrows, which represents the mind.

Characteristics of the Chakras

The chakras vibrate at different frequencies as they transmit energy. Each is associated with a vibrational frequency, a characteristic colour, a petal sound, a seed-syllable (bīja) mantra, an element, a planet, a spiritual quality, a presiding deity, a symbolic animal, a sense organ, and an endocrine gland.

Besides the chakras manifesting the specific sounds of the bīja mantras, they also manifest the following inner astral sounds, which can be heard by meditating deeply on the chakras:

ājñā chakra – O

viśuddha chakra – roar of the ocean

anāhata chakra – long drawn out deep bell sound; deep gong

maipūra chakra – harp

svādhiṣ ṭhāna chakra – flute

mūlādhāra chakra – humming sound, like a bumble bee

All of these subtle sounds are manifestations of the Cosmic Vibration of O. These six subtle sounds can be heard in meditation by listening with deep concentration in the right ear. The inner O sound is heard in meditation with the inward gaze at the Spiritual Eye mentally chanting O , while simultaneously listening with deep concentration.


As the various vital centres [chakras] begin to open up, different sounds are perceived inwardly and the devotee comes to feel the sounds of conches, bells, flutes, etc. all merging in the cosmic rhythm of one great voice of infinite silence. At that stage no thought or object of the outside world can distract his attention. As he advances, his being gets dissolved in the bottomless depth of that blissful music that pervades the whole universe, and he finds eternal repose.’

Śrī Ānandamayī Mā, Life and Teaching of Śrī Ānandamāyī Mā


Functions of the Chakras

Every chakra governs a specific kind of energy related to various human attributes. For example the heart chakra is the centre of consciousness, of the mind, feeling and emotions. If the heart chakra is functioning in a balanced way, the person will be able to relate to others in a caring, understanding and unselfish manner. Love and the ability to forgive are attributes of a balanced heart chakra. Conversely, those persons who tend to close themselves off from others or who are dominated by emotions may have energy blockages in the heart chakra.

Essentially, the chakras relate to our individual growth and development. The first three chakras, the lower centres of consciousness, are primarily concerned with the primal issues of survival and self-preservation, sexuality and power, while the upper chakras are concerned with issues of personal expression, spiritual insight and spiritual realization. We begin individual growth and development at the first chakra or ‘root’ chakra (mūlādhāra) in infancy and develop our upper chakras as we mature into adulthood.

The lower chakras give us firmness and stability in life. This foundation becomes unreliable when we hold fears and misconceptions in our consciousness, creating blockages in the flow of energy to and from the chakra. We need to understand that the chakras are conduits that conduct and transform subtle energy (prāa) into matter. If the channels are blocked then imbalances will occur.

Although the higher chakras reflect the aspiration of human consciousness towards Self-realization, all the chakras remain important to a person’s overall state of health and wellbeing. One should not think, for example, that development of the sixth chakra (ājñā chakra), the centre of insight and intuition, is more important than development of the second or sacral chakra (svādhi hāna chakra), the centre of procreation, creative instincts, and self-fulfilment. In fact, the balanced development of the second chakra is an important step for the development of the sixth chakra. For instance, in some cases, there are persons who have taken vows of celibacy on entering a spiritual community, an ashram, a convent or a monastery, who have an unbalanced second chakra through suppressing their sexual energy rather than naturally transforming and redirecting it into other areas of creativity. This causes a blockage in the second chakra, causing the person to become unbalanced in their energy and attitude toward sexuality. A person’s sexual energy is connected to their life-force; it is a source of vitality. If the energy in that chakra is blocked it will have the unhealthy effect of lowering physical and natural sexual vitality.

In the traditions of Kualinī Yoga, Tantric Yoga, Hāha Yoga, and Kriyā Yoga, there are spiritual practices that involve āsana, prāāyāma, mantra and meditation to transform and redirect the sexual energy through different energy channels. The energy is directed upwards through the central channel and power current of the inner spine to the higher chakras and brain centres, to be transformed into higher vibratory energy.

Chakras and the Endocrine System

On the physical level each chakra is related to and has a significant effect on a ductless gland. The chakras function as transmitters of energy, distributing prāic energy to the physical body. The chakras absorb the universal or cosmic energy, break it up into component parts, and distribute it via a network of channels (īs) to the nervous system, the endocrine glands, and then the blood circulatory system to nourish the body. The endocrine system, which regulates different mechanisms in the body, plays a vital role in health and wellbeing.

When there is a balance between the astral and the physical systems, the life-current energy becomes harmoniously connected and synchronized. However, if the flow of energy is blocked and unbalanced in the chakras, the corresponding endocrine gland will be affected, causing malfunction in the physical body, with mental and emotional changes.

The endocrine system is a collection of glands and cells that secrete hormones directly into the circulation. Hormones are complex chemical substances that regulate body functions such as the metabolism, growth and sexual reproduction. The control centre of hormone secretion is in a part of the brain called the hypothalamus, which secretes ‘releasing factors’, which in turn, control the secretion of hormones from the pituitary gland.

The Endocrine Glands

The pineal gland or epiphysis is a small pine-cone-shaped structure about 1 cm long, and weighing little more than 0.1 g. It is located on the midline, attached to the posterior end of the roof of the third ventricle in the brain. The pineal gland contains a complete map of the visual field of the eyes. There is a pathway from the retinas in the eyes to the hypothalamus, called the retinohypothalamic tract. This transmits information about light and dark cycles to a region of the hypothalamus called the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). From the SCN, nerve impulses travel via the pineal nerve (sympathetic nervous system) to the pineal gland. These impulses control the production of melatonin. When these impulses stop, when light at night is no longer stimulating the hypothalamus, pineal inhibition ceases and melatonin is released. The pineal gland’s production of melatonin is dramatically increased during the night hours and decreases during the day. Also, melatonin levels are much higher in children under the age of seven than in adolescents and are lower still in adults. The reason for the higher level of melatonin in children is because it acts to keep a child’s body from reaching sexual maturity, since sex hormones such as luteotropin, which play a role in the development of sexual organs, emerge only after melatonin levels have declined.

The pineal gland is a photosensitive organ and an important timekeeper. The melatonin it produces governs circadian rhythms and sleep–wake cycles, and is implicated in seasonal affective disorder. The light-transducing ability of the pineal gland has inspired mystics to call the pineal the ‘third eye’, the organ of spiritual vision. The pineal gland is the sense organ of the sixth chakra and the organ of action for the seventh chakra. When the pineal gland is awakened by connecting to a higher frequency in deep meditation, the meditator feels a pressure at the base of the brain.

The pituitary gland (hypophysis) is sometimes called the ‘master gland’, because it controls the activities of many other endocrine glands and cells in the body. The pituitary gland is situated inside the brain. It is a very small structure with a stalk; it looks like a tiny fig, and weighs about 0.5 g. It is made up of two parts – an anterior (front) lobe and a posterior lobe. The anterior lobe, in Latin called the pars distalis, contains cells that produce six major hormones for secretion into the bloodstream. The posterior lobe, called the pars nervosa, stores two of the hormones produced in the hypothalamus, which are also secreted into the bloodstream.

The thyroid gland is located in the front of the neck, partially surrounding the trachea, and is composed of two lobes joined by a segment called the isthmus. It plays an important role in regulating the body’s metabolism. Behind the thyroid are four smaller glands called the parathyroid glands, which regulate calcium levels in the blood. The thyroid is the only endocrine gland in the body that contains a stored supply of its hormone, usually sufficient for the body’s needs for three months. Thyroid hormone is important for the development of the brain and the bones in the foetus and infant. At the cellular level, thyroid hormone increases oxygen consumption and protein synthesis within the cells.

The adrenals are small triangular-shaped structures attached to the upper poles of the kidneys. Within the gland are two layers: an outer layer – the adrenal cortex, which secretes steroid hormones – and an inner layer called the adrenal medulla, which secretes the hormone adrenaline. The adrenals play a role in regulating the body’s response to stress, and balancing the metabolism and the immune system.

The pancreas has a dual function. It is both an exocrine and an endocrine gland. The exocrine gland secretes digestive enzymes into the pancreatic duct, which drains into the duodenum. The endocrine gland mainly secretes two hormones – insulin and glucagon – directly into the bloodstream. These hormones are secreted from the endocrine cells in structures called the islets of Langerhans. These are groups of cells scattered throughout the exocrine tissue of the pancreas. These hormones are needed for regulating bloodsugar levels and the metabolism.

The gonads (testes and ovaries) secrete the sex hormones testosterone in men and women, and oestrogen and progesterone in women, which are essential to sexual development and fertility.

Relationship between the chakras and the endocrine glands

Chakra      Endocrine gland
Sahasrāra crown centre pituitary
Ājñā brow centre pineal
Viśuddha throat centre thyroid/parathyroids
Anāhata heart centre thymus
Maipūra navel centre adrenals
Svādhiṣ ṭhāna sacral centre testes/ovaries
Mūlādhāra root centre perineal body

Chakras and the Nerve Plexuses

Where branches of one spinal nerve interconnect in an area with other nerves to form a network of nerves, this is called a plexus. These are located along the physical spinal cord. The chakras are related to the nerve plexuses and appear to be attached by their ‘stems’ very close to the major nerve plexuses. Each nerve plexus is like a computer. It receives information from the senses and the internal organs (input), processes the information within the brain (data processing), and transmits nervous impulses and energy to the various body parts (output). This in turn causes the activation of the various organs in the body, such as muscles and glands, by the nerves leading to them.

Nerve Cells

The basic unit of the nervous system is a nerve cell called a neuron. Neurons form connections with each other and with various body organs. Neurons have long fibre-like extensions, known as axons and dendrites, which have short, branch-like processes attached to the cell body. Axons carry nerve impulses away from the cell and dendrites receive impulses from other neurons. Throughout human life, the number of neurons progressively decreases. Neurons are unable to divide or replicate, so when a neuron dies it is not replaced. However, under certain circumstances, when neurons are damaged the nervous system can create new connections between the remaining neurons to restore at least some of the impaired function.

Billions of electrical and chemical signals are constantly active in the brain and body. One neuron can establish connections with thousands of other neurons. The way this is achieved is by a chemical transmitter substance. This passes across from the end of the axon of one neuron to stimulate the dendrite or cell body of another neuron, which alters the electrical charge in its axon. The electrical charge on the inside of the cell membrane changes from negative to positive, and a nerve impulse travels down the fibre to a synaptic knob at its end, triggering the release of neurotransmitter chemicals that cross the gap between the neuron and the target cell, stimulating a response in the target.

Nervous System

The nervous system is divided into two main systems:

1.   The Central Nervous System (CNS), which is made up of the brain and spinal cord.

2.   The Autonomic Nervous System (ANS), which is that part of the peripheral nervous system that controls the functions of the internal organs of the body.

The autonomic nervous system has sensory input pathways that transmit information from the internal organs to the brain, and outgoing pathways from the brain back to the body, which transmit signals that control and regulate the function of internal organs, including non-somatic structures such as blood vessels, throughout the body, and sweat glands in the skin.

The outgoing pathways are divided into sympathetic and parasympathetic pathways. In general, the sympathetic nerves activate the body’s organs and blood vessels during periods of stress. The sympathetic nerves arise mainly in the thoracic (chest) segments of the spinal cord.

The parasympathetic nerves are activated mainly during quiet, restful states, and their activity predominates during sleep. Nerve cells in the brain do not rest during sleep; they are still active but in a different way from that of the waking hours. The parasympathetic nerves arise in the brain stem, and the lower spinal cord in the region of the sacrum.

Spinal Nerves

There are 31 pairs of peripheral spinal nerves that emerge from the spinal cord and pass through apertures in the sides of the spinal column, between the vertebrae, to various parts and organs of the body. Each nerve attached to the spinal cord divides into two branches: anterior (front), containing axons of motor nerves that serve the front of the body; and posterior (back) containing axons from sensory nerves that serve the back of the body.

Relationship between the chakras and the nerve plexuses

Chakra Nerve plexus
Sahasrāra crown centre None
Ājñā brow centre Medullary plexus
Viśuddha throat centre Cervical plexus
Anāhata heart centre Cardiac plexus
Maipūra navel centre Solar plexus
Svādhiṣ ṭhāna sacral centre Sacral plexus
Mūlādhāra root centre Coccygeal plexus

The sahasrāra chakra is associated with the cerebral cortex and the pineal gland.