Photo Credits

Note: All appropriate lengths were taken to secure proper photo credits and permissions. Any omissions or errors are deeply regretted and will be rectified upon reprint.

Ellen Berman Archives: 186

William L. Bird Postcard Collection: 10–11, 23 (top), 39 (top), 123 (top right), 127 (top), 170 (top)

From the Mott/Merge collection, courtesy of the California History Room, California State Library, Sacramento, California: 81, 83, 84, 85 (top)

Courtesy of Cock’n Bull / C-B Beverage: 142, 143, 144 (top, middle left and right), 147 (all)

Courtesy of Dan Tana’s: 223 (top), 224

From the ephemera collection of Heather David: 225

Magda Diaz Collection: 45, 65 (top), 108 (left), 201 (bottom), 251 (top)

Courtesy of Gerard Ferry: 247, 248 (right), 249

Courtesy of the Jay Fiondella Trust: 218, 220, 221

From the collection of David and Sharon Franklin ( 176

Historic postcard images from the collection of Elizabeth Fuller: 5 (middle), 20, 59, 96, 159 (top)

From the collection of George Geary: 3, 22 (bottom)

From the private collection of Linda Guillemette: 235 (all), 236

Courtesy of The Hamburger Hamlet: 185 (top), 187 (left), 190 (bottom)

Thomas Hawk ( 54 (top)

Amy Inouye: 128 (top), 133 (bottom)

Frank Kelsey Collection: 30, 43 (bottom left and right), 104 (middle), 205 (all)

Courtesy of Lawry’s Restaurants, Inc.: 13, 17, 21, 23 (bottom), 44, 46 (all), 47 (top), 49 (top), 196, 197 (all), 198 (left), 199

Alan Light: 265

Collection of Los Angeles Public Library: 4 (top), 24, 33, 48 (top), 50, 51, 57, 64, 67 (all), 72 (right), 73 (left), 74, 76 (bottom), 88, 89, 97 (top), 100 (all), 101, 108 (middle), 109, 116, 120, 122 (middle), 124, 138, 153, 169 (bottom), 172, 174 (top), 178, 179, 181 (top), 185 (top right), 193 (bottom), 200, 201 (top), 204, 208, 209 (all), 210, 211 (bottom), 215, 222, 228 (top), 232 (top), 237, 238, 239 (top), 240, 241, 242, 248 (left), 250, 254, 260, 264 (left), 266, 267 (bottom), 268, 269, 272

J. Eric Lynxwiler: 5 (bottom), 35 (bottom), 36 (top), 42, 43 (top), 87, 129, 133 (top), 202 (top)

Courtesy and copyright of Ma Maison: 226, 227 (all), 228 (bottom), 229, 230, 231 (all), 232 (bottom), 233

Courtesy of Michael McCarty: 256, 257, 258 (all), 259

Denise McKinney: 15 (top), 22 (top), 23 (middle), 27 (top), 49 (bottom), 53 (all), 54 (bottom), 62, 69 (bottom), 72 (top and bottom left), 92 (top), 95 (all), 97 (bottom), 98 (top), 103 (bottom), 108 (right), 117 (top), 123 (top left and middle), 130, 131 (top), 141 (bottom), 149 (all), 154 (top), 162 (bottom left and right), 163 (top right), 165, 166 (middle left and right), 170 (middle and bottom), 171 (middle left and right), 173 (bottom), 183 (top), 198 (right), 207 (top)

Courtesy of Miceli’s: 6, 180, 181 (bottom), 183 (bottom)

From the collection of J. Michael Newlight ( 263, 267 (top)

Edward Padgett: 78 (right)

Chuck Pegot of Captured Souls Photography (San Diego): 26

Fabien Petitcolas: 246

Wolfgang Puck: 262 (all), 264 (right)

Courtesy of Southwestern Law School: 80, 82 (top), 85 (bottom)

Courtesy of the Taix family: 75 (all), 76 (top), 77 (all), 78 (left)

Clifford Clinton Papers, Library Special Collections, Charles E. Young Research Library, UCLA: 127 (bottom)

Los Angeles Times Photographic Archive, Library Special Collections, Charles E. Young Research Library, UCLA: 82 (bottom)

Peter Christiansen Valli: 223 (bottom)

Marc Wanamaker—Bison Archives: cover, back cover, 4 (middle and bottom), 5 (top), 12, 14, 15 (bottom), 16 (all), 25, 27 (bottom), 28, 29, 31 (all), 34, 35 (top), 36 (bottom), 37 (all), 38 (all), 39 (bottom), 40, 41 (all), 47 (bottom), 48 (bottom), 52, 55, 56, 58, 60 (all), 61 (all), 63, 65 (bottom), 66 (all), 68, 69 (top), 70 (all), 71, 73 (right), 90, 91, 82 (bottom), 93 (all), 94, 98 (bottom), 99, 102, 103 (top), 104 (top and bottom), 105 (all), 106, 107, 110, 111, 112 (all), 113 (all), 115, 117 (bottom), 118–119, 121, 122 (top right and bottom), 123 (bottom), 125 (top), 126, 128 (bottom), 131 (bottom), 132, 134, 135, 136, 137, 139, 140, 141 (top), 144 (bottom), 145, 146, 148, 150, 151, 152, 154 (bottom), 155, 156, 157 (all), 158, 159 (bottom left and right), 160 (all), 161 (all), 162 (top left and right, bottom center), 163 (left, middle and bottom right), 164, 166 (bottom), 167 (all), 168, 169 (top), 171 (top left and right, bottom), 173 (top), 174 (bottom), 182, 184, 185 (bottom), 187 (right), 189, 190 (all), 191, 192, 193 (top), 194, 202 (bottom), 203, 206, 207 (bottom), 211 (top), 212, 213, 214, 216–217, 219, 234, 251 (bottom), 252 (all), 253, 261

Photos copyright © Gary J. Wayne ( 243 (bottom), 245

C. Weiss: 195


PAGE 1 • COLUMN 1 (TOP TO BOTTOM): Courtesy of the Taix family; Marc Wanamaker—Bison Archives; Peter Christiansen Valli; Marc Wanamaker—Bison Archives • COLUMN 2 (TOP TO BOTTOM): Marc Wanamaker—Bison Archives (top three); Denise McKinney • COLUMN 3 (TOP TO BOTTOM): Marc Wanamaker—Bison Archives (top three); Courtesy of the Taix family; Courtesy and copyright of Ma Maison

PAGE 2 • COLUMN 1 (TOP TO BOTTOM): Marc Wanamaker—Bison Archives (top two); Courtesy of Lawry’s Restaurants Inc.; Marc Wanamaker—Bison Archives; Denise McKinney • COLUMN 2 (TOP TO BOTTOM): Marc Wanamaker—Bison Archives (top two); Collection of Los Angeles Public Library; Marc Wanamaker—Bison Archives • COLUMN 3 (ALL): Marc Wanamaker—Bison Archives

PAGE 3 • COLUMN 1 (TOP TO BOTTOM): Marc Wanamaker—Bison Archives (top two); William L. Bird Postcard Collection; Marc Wanamaker—Bison Archives (bottom two) • COLUMN 2 (TOP TO BOTTOM): Marc Wanamaker—Bison Archives; Chris Roth; Marc Wanamaker—Bison Archives (bottom two) • COLUMN 3 (TOP TO BOTTOM): Marc Wanamaker—Bison Archives; Courtesy of Dan Tana’s; Marc Wanamaker—Bison Archives (bottom two)

PAGE 4 • COLUMN 1 (ALL): Marc Wanamaker—Bison Archives • COLUMN 2 (TOP TO BOTTOM): Marc Wanamaker—Bison Archives; William L. Bird Postcard Collection; Marc Wanamaker—Bison Archives; Denise McKinney • COLUMN 3 (TOP TO BOTTOM): Marc Wanamaker—Bison Archives (top two); Peter Christiansen Valli; Marc Wanamaker—Bison Archives (bottom two)

PAGE 5 • COLUMN 1 (ALL): Marc Wanamaker—Bison Archives • COLUMN 2 (TOP TO BOTTOM): Marc Wanamaker—Bison Archives; Jim Pauley; Collection of Los Angeles Public Library; Marc Wanamaker—Bison Archives • COLUMN 3 (TOP TO BOTTOM): Marc Wanamaker—Bison Archives (top three); Courtesy of Cock’n Bull / C-B Beverage

PAGE 6 • COLUMN 1 (TOP TO BOTTOM): Marc Wanamaker—Bison Archives; Denise McKinney; Marc Wanamaker—Bison Archives (bottom three) • COLUMN 2 (TOP TO BOTTOM): Marc Wanamaker—Bison Archives (top two); Collection of Los Angeles Public Library • COLUMN 3 (ALL): Marc Wanamaker—Bison Archives