
No book is a single person’s product. I am privileged that The Peace Killers has benefited from the input of several great people.

Mandy Walkden-Brown, Paula Artlip, Sheldon Levy, Molly Birch, David T. Blake, Tracy Boulet, Patricia Burke, Mark Campbell, Tricia Cullerton, Claire Forgacs, Dave Davis, Sylvia Foster, Cary Lory Becker, Charlie Carrick, Pat Ellis, Dori Barrett, Simon Alphonso, Dave Davis, V. Elizabeth Perry, Ann Finn, Pete Bennett, Eric Blackburn, Margaret Harvey, David Hay, Jim Lambert, Suzanne Jackson Mickelson, Tricia Terry Pellman, Jimmy Smith, Maria Stine, Theresa and Brad Werths, who are my beta readers and who helped shape my book, my launch team for supporting me, Donna Rich for her proof reading and Doreen Martens for her editing.