- BD British Documents on the Origins of the War, 1898-1914 (see under Great Britain in Bibliography)
- DDF Documents Diplomatiques Français (see under France)
- d'Anethan Dispatches Albert d'Anethan, The d'Anethan Dispatches from Japan, 1894-1910
- 'Eve of War' 'On the Eve of the Russo-Japanese War' in Chinese Social and Political Science Review, a translation of 'Nakanune Russko-Iaponskoi Voiny' in Krasnyi Arkhiv, 63 (1934) (see under Krasnyi Arkhiv)
- FO Foreign Office: General correspondence, deposited in the Public Record Office, London
- ltō Hiroku ltō Hirobumi Hiroku (see under Hiratsuka Atsushi)
- NGB Nihon Gaikō Bunsho (see under Japan)
- NGNB Nihon Gaikō) Nempyō narabi ni Shūyō Bunsho (see under Japan)
- Forty Years Rosen, Forty Years of Diplomacy