allied (AL-ide): groups joining together to battle a common enemy
deployment (de-PLOY-muhnt): to send a military force or weapon into position for action
environments (en-VYE-ruhn-muhntss): the places and surroundings in which a person works
guerrilla (guh-RIL-uh): a small group of hidden fighters using surprise tactics against an army
hijacking (HYE-jak-ing): the forceful takeover of an airplane to change its destination
mandatory (MAN-dih-TOR-ee): required, not optional
poised (POIZD): composed, in control of one’s own thinking and actions
precision (pre-SIH-zhuhn): exact, without error or shortcoming
resources (RE-sor-sez): things of value to a place or nation, such as land, materials, and fossil fuels
terrorism (TER-uhr-izm): to frighten with violent acts in order to affect change