Many thanks to Susanne Kappeler for initiating this project. I would also like to thank Lester Barber, Stephen Buick, Thomas F. Daughton, Jamil Khadir, Anthony Lake, Hasna Lebbady and Sita Schutt for reading and discussing part or all of various versions of this text, and for their support and encouragement. Thanks to Mohammed Dahbi and Michael Toler for copies of articles and to Francesca Cauchi for reading the proofs and help with the index. I would also like to thank Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey, for some financial support for this project.
I would like to express my most grateful thanks to Edward W. Said for his gracious permission to reproduce material from the following works:
Culture and Imperialism (World English language rights, excluding the USA).
‘Opponents, audiences, constituencies, and community’; ‘Interview’, in Diacritics, 1976; ‘Shattered myths’, ‘From silence to sound and back again’, ‘Figures, configurations, transfigurations’; ‘Interview’ in boundary 2, 1993; ‘Homage to a belly-dancer’; ‘Interview’ in Edward Said: A Critical Reader, ed. Michael Sprinker; ‘Interview’ in A Critical Sense, ed. Peter Osborne; ‘The Arab Right Wing’; ‘The Arab-American war’, ‘Identity, negation, and violence’; ‘The Other Arab Muslims’; ‘Orientalism reconsidered’; ‘The politics of knowledge’.
I would also like to thank the following for their kind permission to reproduce material from the following works:
Random House UK and Chatto and Windus for Culture and Imperialism by Edward Said; Faber and Faber Ltd. for ‘Tradition and the individual talent’, in The Sacred Wood (new edition, 1997) by T. S. Eliot; Harcourt Inc. for ‘Tradition and the individual talent’ in Selected Essays by T. S. Eliot.
I would also like to thank Random House USA for permission to reproduce material as follows:
From Orientalism by Edward W. Said. Copyright © 1978 by Edward W. Said. Reprinted by permission of Pantheon Books, a Division of Random House Inc.; From Culture and Imperialism by Edward W. Said. Copyright © 1993 by Edward W. Said. Reprinted by permission of Alfred A. Knopf Inc.