
Works by Said


ALS      After the Last Sky (1986)

B      Beginnings (1975)

BV      Blaming the Victims (1988)

CI      Culture and Imperialism (1993)

CIs      Covering Islam (1981)

JC      Joseph Conrad and the Fiction of Autobiography (1966)

ME      Musical Elaborations (1991)

O      Orientalism (1978)

PandS      The Pen and the Sword (1994)

PD      Peace and Its Discontents (1995)

PolD      The Politics of Dispossession (1995)

QP      The Question of Palestine (1979)

RI      Representations of the Intellectual (1994)

WTC      The World, the Text, and the Critic (1983)


D      Diacritics interview (1976)

I      Interview with Jennifer Wicke and Michael Sprinker (1992)


F      ‘Figures, configurations, transfigurations’ (1990)

FW      Foreword to Little Mountain by Elias Khoury (1989)

Int      Introduction to Days of Dust by Halim Barakat (1983)

OR      ‘Orientalism reconsidered’ (1985)

O      ‘Opponents, audiences, constituencies, and community’ (1982)

RC      ‘Representing the colonized’ (1989)

SM      ‘Shattered myths’ (1975)

Works by other authors

Homi Bhabha

LC      The Location of Culture (1994)

Free      ‘Freedom’s basis in the indeterminate’ (1995)

Benyamin Netanyahu

APN      A Place Among the Nations: Israel and the World (1993)

Gayatri Spivak

CSS      ‘Can the subaltern speak?’ (1993)

HTR      ‘How to read a “culturally different” book’ (1994)

IM      Imaginary Maps: Three Stories by Mahasweta Devi (1995)

IOW      In Other Worlds: Essays in Cultural Politics (1987)

OTM      Outside in the Teaching Machine (1993)

PCC      The Post-Colonial Critic: Interviews, Strategies, Dialogue (1990)

RS      ‘The Rani of Sirmur’ (1984)

TWT      ‘Three women’s texts and a critique of imperialism’ (1985)