

There’re a lot of people who I would like to thank, whether they have directly been a part of writing, editing, or publishing this book. Their friendship, expertise, support, and guidance have made a difference to me. Whether named or not, their time, patience, and warmth feel much like a big cwtch!

To you, the reader, whether a returning friend of Aeron’s hoping to see how she’s getting on, or a new one taking a chance on her, thank you. I hope that you love her new adventure, welcome in, put your feet up, and grab a slice of cake!

Fellow Writers’ Workshop people: Katherine Hetzel, John Taylor, Brenda, Julie, all the wonderful people at the festival and online, so numerous that I would need a novel. I love being a part of an amazing community of writers. The Writers’ Workshop team, Laura, Nikki, and Co. Thank you for nurturing, supporting, and running such great festivals.

The GCLS mentoring programs and the writing academy. A big wave to my fellow alumni from the program and a massive thank you to the staff who work so hard to run a great organization.

To Liz McMullen, for your continued support, cheering me on and your fantastic show. You’re as cool as pie.

Thank you to Ann and Salem for your encouragement and support. Ferb sends Lucy a kiss.

Thank you to Lynn for your patience and hard work on the cover. Welcome aboard!

To Ian and Pat Griffiths. You really do brighten up my week and keep things moving, improving and your laughter and joy are a blessing.

To Team Truth: Dani Dixon, Gena Ratcliff and Karen Kormelink. You’re such wonderful ladies to know. I love that you are willing to share your experiences and your knowledge about that big ol’ beauty of a country. You bring me smiles, a lot of smiles. 

Claudia (Bedazzled and Gus Gus!) Thanks yet again, boss, for taking a chance on me, for the patience with my attempt at describing America . . . and Frei says thanks for the Bluetooth headset, it’s working great.

 To Casey (and Meka). We’ve had road trips, snow on warm mountains, deserts in scrub land, and . . . ketchup . . . (mustard, not ketchup . . . right?) Thank you for undangling participles, unraveling what British slang I’ve thrown at you and for your understanding, your patience, and getting it to make sense. I hope you are enjoying it all as much as me. If not, there’s always cat relaxation music . . . 

To Brie Burkeman. You believed in my storytelling and my writing and guided me. (I hope that you still do.) You will always be that person who helped me believe I could and for that, thank you, thank you, thank you.

To Debi Alper. You are as cool as you look. I’ve learned so much from you, from your workshops and your guidance. You always inspire me and it’s such a pleasure learning from you. Thank you.

To Revd. Sue and Mr B, Fr. Mike, Revd. Jayne and all those in the CNB parish, you are very much in my heart. A special thank you to Tanneke Berwick for loving Aeron and for listening to me chat about her.   

To Moira Spence, it was incredible being able to journey through the meditations with you. Thank you for the energy and light you give and the patience and guidance. Thank you also for your input and your help with Father James.

To Sandra Moran (Sunny), your light, your friendship, mentorship, laughter, smiles, expertise, passion for writing . . . I could go on. I am blessed to have known you. Thank you for being so kind, so patient, so caring. You unequivocally rock.

My family, those here and those in the next room. Your lives and hearts touch mine. Your stories inspire me and your laughter echoes in my own.

Em, for laughing with me not at me (most of the time . . .) for listening to my ideas, picking up the bits I miss, for keeping vigil through the late night edits and all the little things that make such a difference.

Mum, for reading at Frei-speed, explaining why my sentence doesn’t make sense, for loving my books, for loving Aeron and company, and all the cool things Mums do without even stopping to think about it. 


To THS, my solid foundation, I hope that this book shines with your light and your love. Thank you for loving me, for blessing me with Aeron and her stories. Love never fails.


Jody Klaire

December 2015