It’s humbling to think of the people who have propped me up during the timeframe of this book. Foremost of these are Marcel and Toby, who have made me laugh, indulged my foibles, believed in my (invisible-until-published) work, shared a very small space with a writer and developed their own extra-sensory awareness of my deadlines.
Edye Geleynse is the wilderness dweller who inspired me to live on a floathouse. She made everything about floating seem easy, possible, normal and desirable. Mike Woods, Cathie Lebredt and April Robson also made me long to live afloat, as did Norma Baillie—a legendary west coaster, whose floating store in an isolated bay sold remarkable books and potato chips, both. Cindi Cowie never saw barriers to our shared wilderness adventures and put up with me during long hours in small storm-bound tents.
Joe Cousineau, Carl Martin, Ike Campbell, Shorty Hofman, Rod Palm and Marcel Theriault helped make this floathouse (or stop it from sinking). Many others have given their advice and time, all of which I am grateful for.
Janice Lore, Caroline Woodward and Cori Howard went above and beyond in sharing their time, friendship and invaluable literary wisdom, while Kathy Shaw, Nora Martin, Darryn Brown and Erin McMullan generously read and reacted to individual stories. Those dear friends on whose broad shoulders I have wept with writerly angst are Janice Lore, Darryn Brown, Jan Brubacher, Cori Howard and Marcel Theriault. Others who have been generous with their time and support are Dorothy Baert, Marion Syme and the many fine members of the Clayoquot Writers’ Group.
Kathy Page, Caroline Woodward, Cori Howard and Adrienne Mason helped to demystify the workings of the publishing world, while John Barton, Danielle Metcalfe-Chenail and Shanna Baker were helpful in shaping previous iterations of these stories.
And then there is the terrific gang at Caitlin Press. Vici Johnstone is the fire juggler who took a chance on this collection. She’s been a warm voice on the phone, guiding and overseeing all aspects of the whole. She placed extraordinary trust in my abilities and projected an unwavering belief in this book.
Working with an editor as wise and intuitive as Jane Silcott has been liberating. I’ve valued her sense of subtlety and rhythm, and her magpie eye for the glittering stuff of errors. The student in me hopes I’ll be lucky enough to work with Jane again one day.
Lastly, the rest of the team at Caitlin have been professional, encouraging, efficient and a pleasure to connect with. I thank them for their attention to detail and genuine interest. They include Michael Despotovic, Ruth Daniell, Christine Savage and Patricia Wolf.
Thank you!