Zack, Jonny and Sophie silently weighed up their options. On the one hand they could attempt the escape without Alex, putting their lives at risk …
Or … they could refuse and not go ahead. President Pickle couldn’t force them into the safe in front of all these people. But then how would they warn the Queen about the thieves? There were much bigger things at stake here.
All of a sudden, like a fairy godmother, Ernest appeared onstage too. ‘I must say,’ he said coolly, ‘I do find myself in agreement with President Pickle for once.’
Sophie, Jonny and Zack looked at each other, confused, while President Pickle and Ernest eyeballed each other over the safe.
Really, Granddad? thought Jonny, hoping Ernest hadn’t finally lost it. You really think this is a good idea?
‘Well, you certainly took your time,’ said President Pickle respectfully, ‘but I’m glad to see you’ve come round to my way of thinking.’
Zack and Sophie looked up at Jonny’s granddad, not quite knowing what to do. It was clear that Ernest was on their side, but what he was suggesting this time was – frankly – too dangerous! But then, wasn’t this Ernest all over, always keen to inject a bit of theatre into proceedings, never giving away the full story all at once – a master of deception.
‘OK, let’s do it,’ said Zack, half to his two friends (where, where, where was Alex?!) and half to the audience, prompting Ernest to give him an infinitesimally brief nod.
‘Excellent news!’ shouted President Pickle, bringing his hands together and grinning out at the crowd. ‘In you pop, then!’
Ernest turned and shook his grandson’s hand firmly. ‘Good luck! Stay safe!’
Jonny felt something hard being pressed into his palm as his granddad gave him a long, meaningful look before ushering them all into the safe with the words: ‘Jonny, perhaps you should squeeze in first so you’re at the back.’
Obediently Jonny hunched over so that he could squeeze inside, scrunching up against the smooth metal walls.
‘The screen …’ said Sophie suddenly, turning to Zack with one foot on the lip of the safe.
‘The what? What was that?’ hollered President Pickle over the mic, determined not to miss anything important this time.
‘Erm … We need a screen to shield us from view, so the audience can’t see how we do it,’ said Zack innocently.
‘Poppycock!’ baulked President Pickle. ‘Where’s the fun in that? We’re all magicians here, young lad!’
‘It’s what Houdini used to do,’ offered Sophie tentatively.
But the president was getting impatient. ‘No. Sorry – all of you in please. And I think you’ll find these weren’t around in Houdini’s day either,’ he added, plucking the torch from Zack’s back pocket and dangling it from his fingers as if he’d just caught a rat by the tail.
Ernest gave them a final confidence-boosting smile before clambering back down into the stalls.
Leaning out of the safe to watch him go, Jonny suddenly realized that the old man had managed this brief spell on stage without the help of his walking stick. There was life in him yet!
Zack and Sophie squeezed into the safe. Even if they did manage to escape, what was the point if they were in plain sight? thought Zack with renewed frustration. This was almost the exact opposite of what they had planned! And where on earth was Alex?
‘Right then!’ announced President Pickle. ‘We’ll see you in a few hours, I expect!’
And with that he shut the door with a loud, deafening thunk that rang in their ears like they were inside a massive bell. The last thing they saw was President Pickle grinning like the Cheshire Cat as they were plunged into deep, stifling darkness.